The encounter

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Hello. My name is y/n l/n I'm a senior high school student (not in UA) my quirk is "holy magic" I could shape anything out of holy magic which was a beautiful shining white light and it could form from weapons to a barrier, it's like a shield but better since it forms a dome for protection. Since its holy magic, I can also heal people but it has some downsides. Which you'll see later on.

SO I'm in the fucking rain holding back tears while drunk and as hell. You might be wondering y/n HOW THE FUCK DID YOU END UP BEING SO STUPID AS TO CRY IN THE FUCKING RAIN. Well let me introduce you to my crazy day today.

~5 hours beforehand~

I was getting ready for a date with my boyfriend.

Bae🥰- alright head over to the café down town, see you there!

Me- ok! Cant wait to see you!!

As I finished getting ready I went to the café downtown and waited for him.

As time went by I was sitting there for atleast and hour. By then I realized I was stood up which I was denying since he was my boyfriend and we were doing fine. So I thought..

A group of his friends walked in with their phones recording me, laughing at me and pointing at me. I just sunk in my chair trying to hide my face. "HOW DOES IT FEEL TO BE STOOD UP, YOU WHORE" one of the boys yelled while laughing. Another girl who was dying of laughter spoke up "by the way he told us to tell you he wanted to break up, let's be honest we're all surprised you guys lasted this long" she said in between laughs. "I mean who would want your ugly ass" she said still laughing.

I grabbed my things and ran out. I ran to my best friend's door and she opened it shocked at the sight she saw.

It was me crying not even hiding it anymore. She brought me in and eventually I calmed down and explained it to her.

"I told you something was up.." she said with a sad tone. "I know I'm sorry I didnt believe you" I cried into her arms. "Its ok dont worry" she said with a warm smile. "You want to go for some drinks?" She asked. I just nodded. As she got ready and made a couple calls to invite a couple people I was just calming down and getting my shit together.

~an hour later~

We went to a bar and got wasted. We were all having a good time but my mind would trail off and think about him...

"Heyyyy hottie~ what'd I do to get a pretty lady like you to be standing before me" he asked and I pushed him away "fuck off creep" I managed to say. "Ahaha you're a hard to get *hiccup* girl arent you *hiccup*" he said "ugh" I groaned and walked away to my friends.

After a couple hours we were going home but I didnt want to go with my friends since i wanted to get some fresh air. "You sure you dont want to come along with us?" My bestfriend (saku) asked. "Yeah dont sweat it saku *hiccup*" I said, "ok *hiccup* if anything happens text or call meeee" she said as the cab took off.

I was stumbling around the streets and after a good five minutes it started getting cloudy and drizzled a bit.

"Great just my luck..." i groaned. I looked at my phone unlocked it and checked to see where I lived since I could barely remember my name.

Then all of the memories from today washed over me and I started to tear up a bit. It started pouring by now and I was barely walking let alone crawling.

After like twenty minutes of me trying to walk I just sat on the ground looking at it and then crying.

It was p o u r i n g I was just sitting there in the rain crying. I look up to see the man from the bar and I got scared he cornered me.

"Haaaaaaaaa I guess the lord sent you all for myself~ let's have some fun shall we~" he cooed. I started shaking and tried kicking him off but nothing. I tried to scream but he kissed me to muffle my scream. I managed to get him off and I ran.

Then a familiar looking person flew infront of me. Or that's what it looked like....

I couldnt see well, my vision was getting blurry but when i got my shit together i saw it was the number 2 hero. Hawks....

I stood there scared "you have to help me please!" I cried out. He was shocked but then on gaurd and did a nod. He started looking around for the danger following me.

His eyes then landed on the guy who was chasing me. "Fan bo-" he was about to say 'fanboy?' But when he took a closer look at the guy it was one of the top 30 pedophiles in Japan.

He immediately got into a fighting position. "Ugh I dont want youUuuUuu " the man groaned at hawks. "I want the pretty goddess behind you, you wing freak." He complained. He used his quirk and threw what seemed like atleast twenty knives at Hawks. In that second I immediately sobered up and my eyes glowed white and they immediately formed a holy barrier around us.

Hawks was dumbfounded. He then looked to see me and he was shocked. After the knives fell to the ground and seemed to disappear. I dropped the barrier and went to normal.

I started to stumble a bit. Hawks steadied me, he glared at the guy. What felt like seconds later, feathers? Were zooming towards the pedo and they were like knives that pierced through the pedo's clothes and pinned him to a wall behind him.

Hawks went over and immobilized the man and dragged him to the police station grabbing my hand as if I was a little kid, dragging me along with him.

When we turned in the pedo Hawks turned to me. "Hey there cutie, what was a beauty like you doing out in the rain alone?" He asked with a playful smile.

"I- I- was drinking with some friends after being stood up and made fun of by my boyfriend and his friends..." I explained. "Oh and also broken up with harshly..." I said with pain filled smile.

Hawks looked a bit mad. "Were you the girl in the video posted earlier..?" He asked with somewhat pity and sadness. "It got out huh.." I said with the same pain filled smiling expression.

"C'mon kid I'll walk you back to your place. Where is it?" He asked with his playful smile. "Oh it's a thirty minute walk from here.." I said sounding a bit stupid while rubbing the back of my neck.

"Wha- " he started but then stopped and sighed. "Just..give me the address and I'll get you there." He said sounding as if he was contemplating if I was actually serious or not.

I gave him my address and he gave me a piggy back ride. "Jesus you're wasted, you reek of alcohol.." he said. "I'm not drunk!!" I said pouting a bit. "Sureee you arent" he said with a chuckle that could melt anyone's heart.

"Hold on tight.." he said with a smirk. I was confused but then caught off gaurd by the sudden soar into the air. I made my grip a bit tighter and he chuckled.

Hawks x reader "kid?"Where stories live. Discover now