Imma need you to fucking leaveeee

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When we got out of school Hawks was driving us home. Levi was in the passengers seat me, Richie, Saku, and Jared sat in the back seats. Me and Saku were enjoying our candy. "You guys wanna get lunch?" Hawks asked. Me and Saku's eyes lit up "I guess the girls are hungry" Jared said with a chuckle. "The principle gave complimentary snacks and food and stuff out but not to me and Saku, so only the bullies and their mom's got those things" I said looking at the car floor. Saku's stomach growled and I grabbed a small bagel from my bag and gave it to Saku. She wanted to refuse but I wasn't letting her. She smiled and thanked me. She ate it and I smiled then looked out the window. 

I sighed, "Saku don't feel bad alright?" I asked she leaned her head on my shoulder and I felt her do a nod. I giggled. "Lev," I said. "I GIVE UP! SHE'S YOURS ALREADY! DAMN BRO" He said raising his hands in defeat and did a fake cry and we all laughed while Levi was 'sulking' "I mean we both told you that when we started dating didn't we?" Saku said laughing. 


I was helping Levi ask out Saku. We were under a beautiful blooming tree which was making some flowers and flower petals fall from it's branches. 

I was directing Saku towards the tree and I took off her blindfold and she was shocked and happy to see the beautiful sight. She then saw Levi wearing a suit kneeling and holding flowers along with some chocolate and other treats. "S-Saku would you like to be my girlfriend..?" He asked a bit shy. "Of course I will!!!" She said with tears of joy. "But before anything" Me and Saku said in unison. "You may be my boyfriend but y/n is my WIFE" She said with her hands on her hips doing a face similar to 'UwU' . He chuckled and nodded. "I call her babe or whatever I want." I said doing a similar face as Saku. "You are the side meanwhile me and he been married I'm only doing this since you make her happy and I respect that" I said still doing that face. He chuckled again and nodded. He wrapped his arms around Saku and we ended up hanging out a lot more. Even on their dates they'd drag me with them which I didn't mind.

~End of Flashback~

"Yeahhh I guess you did" He said chuckling. Hawks drove us to a restaurant I was hesitant of going in so I stayed in the car and put my hood over my head and hid in the car. 

Saku's POV:
As we were walking towards the entrance I looked around to find where y/n was since I usually always talk to her or just hold onto her and I started panicking I fell to the ground gripped onto my hair panicking a bit. 

Hawks' POV:
I turn to see Saku on the ground and my eyes went wide. "Hey, hey are you ok??" I said running over to her. The boys saw and ran to her. "W-wait.. where's y/n she's usually near Saku and calms her down." Richie pointed out. I immediately walked over to the car and put y/n over my shoulder and then walked back to the others.

I placed y/n down and she was about to yell at me but then she saw Saku and held her.

Y/n's POV:
The next thing I know Hawks has me dangling over his shoulder and I kept hitting him like a child and when he put me down I was about to scold him but my eyes caught Saku having a small panic I hurriedly went down to her and hugged her. "Hey.. hey.. its ok I'm here.." I said softly and she started calming down. "Wh-where were you.." She said calming down. "I'm sorry.. I was in the car scared to go in.." I said she sniffed and we got up. I didn't go over and was walking away but then Saku noticed and tapped on Hawks' shoulder. He was confused until Saku pointed over to me and Hawks facepalmed. He quickly came over to me and dragged me into the restaurant I eventually gave up trying to run away from this.

The waiter escorted us to our table and we all were having a good time. "See it's not that bad! Plus we're here with you! Nothing bad is gonna happen to you!" Saku said hugging my arm with her cheerful self, I giggled and did a nod. "y/n? Saku?" I heard a familiar voice call out and I flinched a bit. I immediately sunk into my seat hoping they would go away. Saku followed along with me. The guys were confused but then Levi, Jared, and Richie saw who it was an immediately stood up and walked over. 

"Guys been awhile." The voice said and I was praying he'd go away. "y/n wanna go out to lunch tomorrow?" They asked. I had a hard time saying no to people I know or people I'm familiar with. I had a hard time rejecting them as well and Saku knew it so she was about to say something but Levi stepped in. "Sorry she's booked for a while bud. She has a job as well as school so her schedule is FULL" Levi said faking a smile. "Oh then can I catch up with you today?" He asked. "We kind of agreed this be an us day so sorry bud" Richie said acting apologetically meanwhile I was just hoping he'd leave soon. Saku gave me a hug trying to comfort me. 

Hawks was confused but he didn't ask anything. He stayed quiet till the guy left. When he did leave the boys sat down and let out a heavy sigh. "You'd think he would have the decency to just walk away when he saw you but he didn't.." Jared said annoyed. "How.." was all I said before I almost broke into tears before I broke Saku made me bury my face in her arms and I cried quietly. Saku just held me. 

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