another fucked up day

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Me and Saku had to stop working five days a week. Instead we worked atleast two days and we explained it to our boss that we had another place to work but we wanted to keep working here for a bit.

He was surprisingly grateful that we decided to stay. Me and Saku were also moving since Hawks wanted to keep a closer eye on us. Saku forced me to agree so I did. As we were packing Hawks sent some people to help us out but I was hesitant.

I eventually gave in and let em help. After atleast three days of packing we finally moved to the new place and started unpacking. Again like before Hawks sent people to help us out.

We were FINALLY done with settling in me and Saku shared a huge apartment that hawks also lived in we were next door to each other. It was fancy and huge which made me and Saku a bit uneasy. We had our own rooms but me and Saku would most likely be in each other's room with the other person half the time.

Me and Saku woke up to noise in the kitchen. "Hawkssss" we whined. "Go homeeee" we whined. All of a sudden we had no response which got us worried. I summoned a gun and Saku made a bat. We started slowly sneaking up on the person and knocked them out I shot their legs so they couldnt run when they woke up. We laid him against the wall.

He woke up and as we suspected he was about to run but then he saw his bandaged legs that were seeping with blood a bit. "YOU PSYCHO YOU SHOT ME?? TWICE??" He yelled. We rolled our eyes and went back to sleep.

"You think its safe..?" Saku asked tiredly as we cuddled (NOT IN A WRONG WAY YK WHEN YOU CUDDLE AGAINST CLOSE FRIENDS OR SOMETHING?) "He can't walk or crawl and if he tries to drag his body with his arms you put a tracker on him so we could easily track him and if he tries coming in the room to do god knows what we shoot his arms aswell.." i said tiredly. "Hm..ok..." she said tiredly barely able to say those simple words.

As we drifted off to sleep I tried to make sure Saku felt safe since we have a pretty rough past and during those times we'd usually have to have each other or our parents or we never felt safe and we never did anything with people if we didnt feel safe.

I waited till she slept first. Then I fell asleep after her.

When I woke up I saw Saku still asleep I had a soft smile tug at my lips. I got out of bed and walked to the kitchen to see the guy from last night past out. Not from loss of blood but I'm sure he was tired. I replaced his bandages and made some breakfast and tea for Saku and the guy on the ground. I made coffee for myself.

I sighed. I woke up both of the beings in my apartment, well mine and Saku's apartment. I gave breakfast to both people and they both looked at me shocked seeing that I gave the guy on the ground a meal. "I'm not a complete bitch.." I mumbled as I pouted. They both chuckled a bit. The guy ate and drank then thank me. I felt bad but I didnt want to heal him while he was awake or let him go since I didnt know what kind of person he was.

I walked out of the apartment and knocked on Hawks's door. "Coming" I heard a girl yell. I was shocked "shit shit shit" I thought. She opened the door and her smile slowly turned to a disgust face and rolled her eyes and she slammed the door. "Uhh who was it..?" Hawks asked through the door.

"No one! Just some teenagers doing some ding dong ditch crap." She said the last bit a bit annoyed. He chuckled. "Alright beautiful go home and I'll see you whenever~" he cooed "awee but last night was so fun I'd love to stayy" she begged a bit. "Beautiful I have work soon some other time" he explained she sighed got her shit and left while glaring at me.

I knocked three minutes after she left. He came and opened the door. "Your girlfriend hates me-" I said pointing my thumb behind me to where the girl left. He chuckled "she isnt my girlfriend. She was some girl who wanted to get in my pants so I let her have it and yeahhh" he said trailing off. "Okay..? Anyways! The reason I'm here is because there was some guy who broke in and-" before I could finish he interrupted me "some guy broke in?!?" He asked worriedly "mhm.." I said looking at the ground.

I then relayed him the events of last night and he grabbed me by my wrist and we bolted into mine and Saku's apartment. The guy had forced Saku on his lap and was kissing down her neck and she was crying I summoned a gun and aimed but Hawks immediately grabbed the gun and tossed it to the side. He ran over and punched him in the face. He grabbed Saku and she ran to me.

"If you just think with the mindset you had a second ago you could actually be a villain and I'd have to turn you in" he scolded a bit. I gritted my teeth "you act like you know flash ya dont.." I said annoyed. "Saku c'mon we have school.." I said in a softer tone. "I-I dont wanna go.." she said shaking a bit. I sighed. Alright go to bed I'll cover for you and let you copy down some of my notes. Dont let anyone in and if someone is in then- " I stopped not knowing what to do if someone got in. I sighed. "Then call Hawks.." I said, she nodded. Hawks on the other hand was confused and shocked

"Hawks.. can she have your number incase something happens.." I asked looking at him with soft eyes which shocked a bit more. "I.." he said still in shock. "Uh.. yeah.." he said still off in his world.

He gave Saku his number and after that she went back to bed. I gave her one of my hoodies that she loved stealing from me so she could fall asleep easier. I got ready for school and walked out of the apartment. Hawks said he'd stay in the apartment for a bit before work so he could keep an eye on Saku.

When I got to school I was immediately spotted by my bullies and since I couldnt use my quirk since it would draw to much attention and all that stuff I either used some self-defense skills or ran.

In this case I just booked it. My last period class Saku texted me.

Sistahh😝💖- y/n where are you..? Hawks is sending someone to pick you up.

Me- oh? I'm almost done with class. I'm going to wait for it at the back of the school:p ok?

Sistahh😝💖- oki I'll tell the driver to go to the side of the school!

Me- wait- are you in the car aswell?

Sistahh😝💖- yep! I'll see you in a few! Love yaaa😋

Me- love ya too, see you

Shit I gotta hurry..

I hurriedly packed my shit and ran to the side of the school. I saw the car and got in. Saku hugged me once I got in. "Bestieee" she squealed. I giggled "you got a good rest?" I asked. "Yeah! All thanks to Hawks." She said cheerfully. "Oh? What'd he do" I said with a warm smile. "He waited there for the half of the school day you had and when he took off he had a couple feathers around to keep watch and stuff!" She explained with a cheerful expression. I smiled in relief that she was happy.

"How was school?" She asked. "Hm.. normal." I said. "What about the- " she started and I took off my shirt she saw a couple bruises forming on me. She gasped. "I heal fast so dont worry" I said with a warm smile putting my shirt back on. That didnt take away her worried expression though.

When we got to the apartment I changed my clothes. "Y/nnnnn" Saku whined. "Hm? What's up?" I asked nonchalantly. "Hurry upppp" she whined again and I giggled. "We're going to be lateeee" she whined. I giggled again and finished putting on my jean shorts. We made our way to Hawks's agency.

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