The start of an investigation. Wait- when's court??

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"What's going on" Hawks said worriedly. "Her ex.." Richie said looking at the ground. "So he's the jackass..." Hawks said looking blankly at the table but you could tell he was mad. When I calmed down I asked them if we could have a normal meal and they agreed. Soon enough I forgot. We were in the car and they started singing like idiots to some songs but they weren't really trying to sing, they were just being goofy and I giggled. "When are you and Saku gonna visit your parents?" Jared asked. "Next month since when we checked up on them they said they'd be really happy if we visited but this month was really hectic so they're not sure if this month is the best time to visit so we agreed to go next month" I explained. "Ohhh alright" He said. 

"It gives me a month to see if Saku is pregnant and if she is then shit.." I mumbled jokingly. Levi and Saku heard me and went wide eyed. They turned bright red and started yelling at me and I just laughed. "I'M KIDDING I'M KIDDING" I yelled trying to get them to stop meanwhile I was laughing. 

I saw a truck coming at us at a quick pace and I grabbed the wheel and all of a sudden my eyes started going to that angelic white form and a barrier surrounded the whole car after it passed I felt extremely weak and dizzy. "Y/N!?" Saku called out with tears as I passed out. All of a sudden I was in the black space again and I sighed. "Hey n/n.." The familiar you heard in your dreams before appeared again. This time you could actually see who the person was. You SWORE you could cry so hard right now. "Nakano.." I said with tears. "Hey there buddy" She said with a smile and tears. I ran to her with tears falling down my face. "Na-" Before I could finish she said something. "Save me.. Help me... Please.." She begged and my eyes widened as my face turned serious. I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion and somewhat anger. I pulled away to see her in tears. She fell to the ground and kept repeating the words, each sob and beg louder and louder until it was a scream. I put my hand on her shoulder and I gave her a warm smile, a smile I only gave Saku but back then..

Back then I used to give this smile to the both of them...

She cried in my arms. "I'll save you bub.." I said with a warm smile she sobbed in my arms. "Give me clues.. as much as you can.." I said and she nodded. "You have to go back to where it all started for you and her.." She said as she faded away. I woke up and I looked around to see my gang there and Saku holding my hand.

You have to go back to where it all started for you and her..

Did she mean..

before my thought could wander I felt Saku's grip on me tighter. I looked out to see it was late. I looked back at my sleeping friend. "Y/n... she's all I have left...she's... she's my home... you can't take her from me... I can't lose another..." Saku said in her sleep I knew what she meant. I looked at her with sad eyes. I shook her a bit and she started to adjust to the light and saw me. She cried a bit and then hugged me. "You're awake.." She said relieved. "How long was I out.." I asked worried. "Two days.." She said somewhat pained. "C'mon I'll make you something as an apology" I said with a smile. She did a small giggle and we went into the kitchen to see Hawks standing against a wall and he looked sleep deprived. 

I ran to him and FINALLY got him to sleep. I made Saku something to eat and we as we ate I explained to her what happened in my 'dream' she was shocked and looked at the empty plate. "Do you think.." She started. "Do you think she meant where all our bullshit started..?" Saku asked. I stayed quiet as I looked at the table as if I was spaced out. "Yeah.." I said. Saku started to cry a bit. I noticed and sat next to her. "Don't worry.. We'll find her.. I'll keep you safe no matter what.. I'll keep the both of you safe.. I won't let anything happen to either of you.." I reassured her. "WHAT ABOUT YOU THOUGH! YOU WORRY SO MUCH ABOUT THE ONES CLOSE TO YOU BUT NEVER YOU!!" She yelled looking at me with so much pain and sorrow. I gave her a warm smile. "Saku.. Nothing is going to be too bad.." I said trying to calm her down but to be honest not even I knew how this would end up.

Over the week of our suspension I was stuck in the study, trying to make up a strategy to get Nakano out of that hell hole. Over the nights I slept she'd reach me in my dreams and drop more hints. Eventually Hawks and the boys caught on and decided to ask Saku. She was hesitant at first but then explained what had happened. "You know it could be a trap.." Hawks said with a frown. "I'd believe that if I didn't know what Nakano's quirk was. Plus we never really found her body, so we can't confirm if she's dead or not." Saku said trying to have faith. "What if they're using it against you or something.." Hawks said with a frown. "I'd rather have hope and take the risk then never find out and make it all clear.." Saku said with tears forming in her eyes.

They then heard me groaning in frustration and Hawks chuckled a bit. He flew over to the study and managed to drag me out. "If you're gonna investigate this then you'll need to be healthy and running smoothly so you can keep your head straight and so you can concentrate and think better." Hawks said. I was shocked he knew but then realized what could've happened which was that they simply just asked Saku.

As I was eating I changed the subject. "When's the court..?" I asked and Saku was now paying attention to us. Hawks smirked. "I lied there's no court, it was just to scare them" Hawks said, mine and Saku's expressions went to sad. "Hey hey I was playing around don't worry.." He said trying to reassure us. "The court is in two weeks to one month away." He said. "So soon??" we all said in unison. He chuckled. "I'm a pro hero remember?" He said with a small smirk.

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