A little talking session

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It's been 3 days since the small incident. When you got to the agency again (2 days before this day you were working in the restaurant) Saku was already there since you had to do a couple things before you left.

When I came in I saw Saku on the couch taking a nap. I giggled at the sight. And sat next to her putting her head on my lap and she smiled a bit and nuzzled her head against my leg.

"Y/n" Hawks called. "Hm?" I said. "We found out what happened to you three days ago" he said. "What happened?" I asked a bit scared of what the answer was. "Your food was drugged but your body wasnt accepting the drug. It was refusing it so it got you very sick and as your body was fighting the drug it hurt itself here and there hence you coughing out blood." He explained and I nodded. "Any clue who did it?" I asked playing with Saku's long beautiful golden brown hair. "No not yet.." he said with some sound of guilt.

"Hey dont sweat it. It isnt your fault but you're still trying to figure it out, I'm grateful for that" I said with a reassuring smile. He gave me a smile back. "Have you seen Drew?" I asked. "Hes on a business trip. Hes making sure endeavor doesnt get to beat up." He explained. "Eeshhh poor guy" I said. Hawks was laughing.

"Wanna go on a small lunch date?" He asked out of nowhere which caught me off gaurd. "Wha?" I was confused as hell. "I dont know I just wanna go on a small lunch date with the two of us" he explained. I then remembered the times he was a huge ass flirt with other girls and that one night stand girl.

"Sorry no thanks.." I said. "If it's not much could i ask why..." he said sounding a bit hurt. "I dont wanna be someone's play toy that they can throw to the side when they're done." I said a bit annoyed. "I dont think of you like that! Plus I'd just want a small lunch date... please..?" He begged. I sighed. "I'll talk to Saku and get back to you on that before lunch.." I said looking at Saku.

He gave me his normal smile but this time it was different..

He was showing me pain and loneliness in his eyes. He was showing me the true side of him but then shut it out. I looked at the stacks of paper he had and I got up gently and put her head on a couch pillow. I walked over to his stacks of paper and did it for him. He was shocked.

"H-hey whatre you-" then he saw I was doing a good ass job and was shocked. "Do you perhaps would like to take the chance in being my secretary?" He asked. "Ummm sure but only when I feel like it" I said "that's not how it-" I cut him off "then it's a no I guess." I said "ok ok fine.." he said, and I giggled.

After i was done with most of the papers he did the rest but seemed stiff. I walked over to him and massaged his shoulders. "Mmm that feels nice" he said in pleasure (not in a dirty way). When I was done he whined a bit but then continued his work.

"You guys look like a married couple" Saku said in a tired voice. I giggled and walked over to her and got her comfo enough to sleep. Lately Saku has had nightmares so she couldnt sleep at all.

Mostly my fault since I leave her alone till 3 am since I started working a convenient store for some extra money. So she'd be up at 3 am and wouldnt sleep for a while. My body could take it since I was used to it a bit. Her body on the other hand was drained.

"Why's she so tired lately..?" Hawks asked in some worry. "Shes been having nightmares so shes scared to sleep, so she waits for me to get back from-" I stopped mid sentence realizing he'd be a bit protective if I told him.

"Dont lie kid.. my feathers are around your apartment and could hear and sense their surroundings" he explained. I sighed. "She waits for me to get back from my late night job at a convenient store since we need some money. My body can handle the sleepless night but hers cant so shes been drained when I leave her alone." I said with pain filled eyes.

He sighed. "Kid you should've told me sooner. I wouldve given you a job here sooner, and you wouldnt have sleepless nights. That goes for both of you." He said looking at me with caring eyes. I sighed again "I know I know but I wanted to be independent.. or as much as I can be in this situation.." I said looking away from both people in the room and I just looked at the window.

"Kid.." he said with sadness. "I know everything is hard right now but try and consid the fact you basically have a kid to look after. You treat her as if shes your whole world no? It's like you're her parent or something which is cute and all but if you're going to act like that and make her depend on you, you have to have your shit together" he explained.

"I know.. you're right.." I said. "Kid if you need help with money you now have the job of an assistant and that's a good paying job. So now. Quit that late night job alright?" He asked. "*sigh* alright.. " I said. "Tired?" He asked. "Yeah.." I said with a tired voice. "Take some rest. I'll wake you guys up when I'm going home so we can leave together and you get some extra rest. Alright?" He said. I nodded and drifted to sleep.

Hawks x reader "kid?"Where stories live. Discover now