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~couple days later~

"y/nnn" Saku whined. She's been off lately and I was worried she was pregnant or something. We told Levi and he panicked a bit. I ran over and I tripped but before I fell Levi grabbed the collar of my hoodie. "Careful." He said with a heavy sigh. "It doesn't make sense.." I said. "What do you mean?" Levi asked looking at me with confusion. "When I told her I found out about all your little passionate nights, she told me when and where it happened so I could be on top of it and figure out patterns and shit but.." I said. "But..?" Levi asked getting anxious. "The timing... It's wrong.." I said looking at the ground. I clenched. "She's not pregnant she's-" Before I finished I realized she was probably poisoned or someone used their quirk on her to make her sick. "Shit." I said and I ran to Saku. 

"Good news hun!" I said trying to hide my worry. "mmm?" She said sounding uncomfortable. "You aren't pregnant, love" I said with a smile and she smiled back. "Hey um is your magic still good?" I asked worried. She shook her head. "So you're defenseless..?" I asked, she nodded. "Did... did someone touch you inappropriately..?" I asked, scared of the answer. She was in serious thought and shook her head afterwards. "Did you run into one of our parents' enemies..?" I asked worried and that when it looked like a light bulb went off in her head and she nodded vigorously.

"Dammit..." I cursed under my breath. Our mom's came in since they were staying for a bit.  "Mom, Auntie" I said with a frown and they got worried. "She got hit by some sickness quirk of an enemy you guys have.." I said looking at the ground in sadness. They were shocked and then got pissed. "How could you girls be so irresponsible.." They sighed and facepalmed. "How was it-" before I could say anything else, Levi gripped my shoulder a bit to let me know to calm down and be quiet. I got up and walked to a medicine cabinet. I grabbed some medicine and some water then walked to Saku.

I pet her head with a warm smile. "Oh so you're ignoring us now? Really y/n? After all these years you're still a disappointment" They said and both Saku's and Levi's eyes went wide. I summoned a gun and Saku yelled and cried for me to calm down. I didn't care. I just shot. "NOOOO!!" Saku screamed with tears. "WHY?? HOW COULD YOU??" She screamed and sobbed into her hands but Levi and the other boys in the room saw I wasn't phased and knew that the people I shot were frauds. "Saku.. hunny look at me.." I said with sad eyes, she could never really resist me and I made her face the unconscious not dead bodies. She saw them start going back to their normal forms they were twin girls and they seemed around mine and Saku's age.

I walked over and tied them up. Hawks came in. "I HEARD GUNSHOTS IS EVERYONE OK??" He yelled worried until he saw me over the bodies with a gun attached to my waist and the unconscious bodies. "I-I can explain!!" I said worried he'd think I was trying to fully kill them. "I told you if you keep up with the same mindset you had when the first perv broke in that you'd be classified as a villain and I'd have to turn you in.." He said with a serious look but a sad tone. I started to have tears in my eyes and I started shaking and I ran to Richie and Jared. They held me but Hawks' feathers flew over and grabbed me. "Kid let me finish.." He said softening his expression and I looked at him with a sad expression and he wiped away my tears. 

"But I know how you and there's always two sides to a story so explain.." He said with a small smile. I let out a shaky breath and laid my head on his chest and explained. He had his arms me to let me know it was fine. "I-I'm sorry I just tried to do what was right and I couldn't call out a plan in time because I saw they had switchblades in their pockets and were about to take them out s-so I panicked a bit.." I said with tears again. He used his thumb and pointer finger to lift my chin up to look at him.

"It's alright kid.. you didn't kill them and they're still breathing so ya did good kid.." He said with a warm smile. I sniffed and he wiped away my tears. We started looking for our actual mothers, we eventually found them knocked out and tied up Levi then teleported us back to see Saku under the twins I immediately grabbed a pan and smacked both the girls over the head. 

"Mine." I said annoyed. Saku was relieved and smiled. I put Saku on my back and brought her to her room and got Richie to look after her. When they woke up we questioned them and they were annoyed but knew if they tried some funny shit that I wouldn't hesitate to go off on them. After we were done we got enough information and even knew some knew shit about Nakano and where she's held and we confirmed she's alive which put me at ease.

The police arrested the twins and when they took off I slid down the door of the entrance of the apartment. "You ok kid?" Hawks asked. I nodded and faked a smile. (Your mom and Saku's mom were watching in the corner of the room). "Kid I know that smile.." He said with a frown. "Sorry.." I said looking at the ground. "Hawks.." I asked. "Hm..?" he asked. 

"If I decided to infiltrate their base and get my friend out of there.." Before I could finish he knew what I was going to ask. "Yes I'd let you do it and yes I'd help you and yes I'd go with you to keep you guys safe as well" He said then looked back at me with a smile. I giggled and then jumped on him and hugged him. He put his arms around me. "You got a date with Drew soon no?" He asked with a somewhat disgustful tone at the words Drew and date. "Yeah I do" I said getting off him. "I'm gonna meet him in an hour or so" I said helping him up and then looking at a wall somewhat in thought. "You've been on at least three dates with him in the past two weeks" He said somewhat annoyed.

"What ya jealous or something?" I asked with a small flirtatious tone and grin but then giggled a bit to move on. He wrapped his hands around my waist and pulled me closer. "And if I am?" He asked with a serious face at first but then a grin. I grew up being somewhat of a flirt and a top because of my parents, they were huge flirts and fucked around with people like I do. "Mmm.. then you should've had me on a leash and made me beg for more when you had the chance" I said with a smirk and a wink. He was shocked I said that. He did catch me off guard when he said what he said but I can gain my composure easily. 

"y/n.." Hawks said somewhat mesmerized in my eyes. I gave him a gentle smile. I manage to lead us to a counter and put my knee in between his leg. "Now birdy.. Ya feeling needy or can I walk away without even trying to want you to ask for more.." I cooed in his ear with a smirk


'Yup she's really her daughter, my 'wife's' daughter indeed UwU' She thought with a smirk (Yes your mothers had a very similar relationship to you and Saku which was one of the reason they weren't too fazed when you and Saku started acting like how you did, they were just proud mothers at the sight😂😂) 

"you cheeky little girl.." He said with a smirk I giggled a bit and started walking away swaying my hips on purpose so I torture him a bit. I smirked knowing I got to him a bit. "Use your feathers or anything and I'll be sure to spend the night at Drew's" I said with a smirk walking to Saku's room and I waved. "YESSS QUEEN YESSSS" Our mothers yelled me and Hawks were shocked an I went bright red as well as Hawks. I immediately ran towards Saku's room.

Hawks x reader "kid?"Where stories live. Discover now