unknown sickness

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That's what you looked like since your jean shorts were covered by the hoodie

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That's what you looked like since your jean shorts were covered by the hoodie.

That's what you looked like since your jean shorts were covered by the hoodie

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That's what Saku is wearing. Along with  a black beanie.

We walked to Hawks Agency and we got some stares I rolled my eyes I had my hands in my pockets. "Y/n!" Saku called me over and I saw her next to the vending machines, I giggled and walked over. She looked at me with pleading eyes and I knew what she wanted.

I gave her five bucks to spend on the vending machine. She had a bag of spicy chips, a soda, and some candy. Five bucks well spent if I do say so myself. She shared her snacks with me and I gladly ate along side with her.

We walked to a girl name Lucy. "Hi, hello!" The girl said. I was infront of Saku since it looked like I just came before her but in reality I tried to keep Saku behind me for her safety at all times. She knew this and was ok with it since she was usually always very uneasy but never showed it. She just covered it with her cheerful happy self.

"Sooo what brings you here" Lucy said a bit too happy as if she was hiding something I could tell Saku knew from the grip she had on the back of my hoodie. "Protection" I said hiding my suspicion with a smile. "Ahh I see.." she said.

"Who brought you here for protection?" She asked. I stayed quiet for a sec which got her suspicious. "Or are you lying.." she said backing away from us a bit. "No no" Saku said worried that she'd call someone on us.

"No one of the workers told us we had to be under surveillance since we could be a potential target for many villains or people who are power hungry and stuff like that" I explained. Lucy seemed like she was hoping to get us in trouble but she saw it in my eyes that I wasnt lying and if she could see it so could everyone else. She sighed and went back to her happy self which got me a bit pissed off.

"Ok! Names?" She asked typing into computer. "Saku hayami" Saku said. "F/n l/n.." I said. Lucy's eyes went wide when she found out something then got ANNOYED AS HELL. She gritted her teeth and forced a smile.

Take the elevator to the top floor to meet up with Hawks and he'll give you your instructions. I grabbed Saku's hand and walked off putting her infront of me. I was like a gaurd dog and Saku didnt mind. She actually liked it since she felt safer.

As we walked to the elevator, we were still on edge about Lucy.

We finally reached Hawks and let out a breath of relief. We walked in to see Hawks hiding his annoyed expression with a girl flirting with him. He turned to see me and Saku walked in and we could see he was basically telling us 'THANK FUCKING GOD' it made us a giggle a bit. "Ah! girls you're here" Hawks said standing up clasping his hands together.

Hawks looked back at the woman infront of us and nodded his head towards the door signaling her to leave politely. She smiled and skipped over to the door and bumped my shoulder hard, I stumbled back a bit. Saku helped me steady.

"I already hate it here..." I mumbled. Hawks side "I know and I'm sorry to force you here but we need to keep an eye on you both so for today just chill in my office. We did a nod and me and Saku sat on the couches he had.

He was doing paper work and he looked stressed. "I'm going to the food places downstairs. Saku you want anything?" I asked. "Oooo sushi!!" She perked up. I giggled and did a nod. I went down to the food area and grabbed some steak with rice and haricots for me and sushi for Saku and some chicken for Hawks. I went up to Hawks and Saku. When I gave each of them their food, Hawks gave me a look of confusion and shock, which then turned to a look of gratitude.

"Thanks!" He said cheerfully. "No prob" I said. "Ank ooo(thank you)" Saku managed to get out with a face stuffed of food. I giggled "no problem" I said.

"Hawkss!!" Lucy said. Me and Saku immediately hid. She bursted through the door. "Heya Luce" he said with a genuine smile. "Sorry for barging in I just wanted to give you your daily hug!!" She said happily. He chuckled and held his arms out. She ran into his arms and they hugged for a good minute.

"Man I love my daily hugs" he said with a breath of relief. "Well I'll be going now!" She said as she was walking. "Wait Luce" he said. She stopped and turned around. "Hm?" She said with a close eyed smile. "Fake ass bitch.." I mumbled. Saku was holding in a laugh and punched my arm playfully and I had a grin on me.

"Could you give me another hug in two hours..? I love your hugs" he said with a smile she nodded and skipped off. He sat in his chair relaxed. I hopped over the back of the couch back onto the couch. "Soo y'all dating or something" I said looking at the door she left out of. "Every girl you see me with you think I'm dating them, but no shes just a really good friend who comforts me with great hugs" he explained. "Well sorry for assuming, you're a huge playboy" I said looking back at him.

"I am?" He asked. I nodded. "Y/n..." Saku said with somewhat a glare. "Sorry let's forget I said anything.." i said bringing my knees up to my chest as i hugged my legs a bit pulling em closer to me. I buried my face in my legs. I suddenly felt sick. I immediately ran to the bathroom attached to Hawks's office. Saku got up in a second out of worry then her and Hawks started hearing me puke.

They looked at eachother then at the bathroom. They sprinted over to me and Saku held my hair back. While Hawks was rubbing my back. When I was done I flushed the toilet and sat there. "The hell..." I said worried a bit. "I could say the same thing.." Saku said looking at me with worried eyes. "Food poisoning?" Hawks suggested. "Or maybe you ate something that didnt sit right with you.." he said they were both looking at me with worried eyes.

I sighed and got up. Before I could reach the couch I lost consciousness.

Hawks x reader "kid?"Where stories live. Discover now