Come with me

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Over the next few weeks I never saw the bird brain which relieved me and Saku even though we admired him we weren't crazy fans and we also had trust issues. I met Saku when we were young around 3 or 4 my parents had good friends visit and I went with them.

I saw Saku and she was outgoing but I was shy, she approached me and since then we've been friends always looking out for each other. People often mistook us for sisters or some lesbian dating. Which at one point we actually considered but shook it off since we both realized we were fully straight.

Which you may be wondering how'd you know..? Welp the thought of kissing a girl would make us uneasy and any type of commitment with the same sex made us uneasy. Plus we never really liked each other like that. We only had the idea for curiosity.

"No sight of him right?" I asked looking at Saku. She had a smile and shook her head. As we were finishing up we were walking down to her place since my place was getting renovated a bit.

We started hearing police and a couple heroes go to a crime scene. Me and Saku ran towards the scene and I saw a couple villains get arrested and hawks was there. "Shit.." me and Saku said. We both booked it. Sadly his feather caught up with the both of us and we knew he saw us.

We still ran and I grabbed the feather and put it in it's own little dome with my quirk. My eyes only went white when it's a sudden action as if it was my quirk trying to protect me or someone I care about. Like it has a mind of it's own or if i lose control of my emotions. So my eyes were normal but a white light formed in my hands while I was forming the dome. When we were far enough away (Saku's house) I dropped the dome.

We were breathing heavily trying to catch our breath. "He can't track us down right?" I said still trying to catch my breath. "I dont think so" she said still breathing heavily.

Me and Saku decided to take off some time of work so we could make sure he wouldnt find us. If you're wondering why we're hiding it's because we didnt want to encounter him since we never knew his intentions.

Yes he was a hero but me and Saku had severe trust issues even if we let someone in we never really said much about ourselves. When we dated people it was the same concept. Heroes can sometimes be dangerous people. Our parents showed us that when running into a hero of five years doing drugs and killing a couple people even innocent people.

~~3 days later~~

"Saku do you have any good in the fridge?" I asked while in the bathroom while tying some of my hair from the sides and letting the rest out loose.

"No, we're having take out today!" She said back. "Oooo ok!" I said happily. When we ordered our take out we set up a movie.

We heard a knock on the door "foods here!!" I yelled to Saku. "Get the door I'll get the money!!" She yelled while in her room. "Kay!" I yelled back.

I went to open the door and my eyes were closed while looking at the ground. "Hey um give us a second we need to get the mone-" I was interrupted when I saw the person infront of me as I was opening my eyes looking up.

I slammed the door. "SAKU GET THE NECESSITIES AND LETS GO" I yelled. The door opened and hawks just glared at me a bit.

Shit shit shit

"SAKUU" I yelled. She came out worried and confused with a bag. She saw hawks and dropped the bag from shock. I immediately ran to her picked up the bag and ran or atleast tried to when a wall of feathers surrounded us. "Fuck." I said.

"Mind telling me why you're running?" He asked curiously. I sighed dropped the bag and put Saku behind me to make sure if anything she'd be safe.

"Look we admire you and all but we also have issues in trusting people. Whether it be hero's or villains or normal people on the street." I said. He sighed. "Ok? But mind telling me why you're running from me when I oppose no threat?" He said. I looked at him if he were stupid and looked at the wall of feathers. "That's not a threat just a-" I cut him off "a wall to keep us trapped here?" I asked him still looking at him as if he were stupid.

He sighed and put down the wall as the feathers flew back to his wings. I turned to Saku. "You ok?" I asked. "Relax he didnt hurt me so dont worry to much" she said with a smile which relaxed me. He let out a breath of relief and laid my head under her chin. She hugged me and giggled.

Hawks sat there with a warm smile. When I pulled away from Saku I looked at Hawks. "Why're you after us?" I asked him with somewhat an attitude. "I'm only after you.. well her to since shes involved with you." He said. "You have an amazing quirk and people would want to use you as a weapon so I was wondering if you would like to come to my agency so we can keep an eye on you and your friend since they might want to use her against you." He explained. "No thanks we already-" I was cut off by Saku elbowing me I knew she wanted me to take the offer since we couldnt say 'no thanks we have villain friends that protect us' or 'no thanks we have bad people on our side that can kill anyone who tries to hurt us' so I sighed "fine." I said a bit annoyed. "I'm doing this for Saku though" I said a bit annoyed.

"Understandable" the bird brain said. I rolled my eyes and grabbed the bag that was on the floor and placed it back where it was. I sighed and sat on the couch. "Come to this address tomorrow at 11 am sharp" he said handing me a piece of paper. I groaned "ughhhhh". "Y/n...." Saku said in somewhat a warning voice. I sighed and did a nod. "Sorry Sakkie" I said "it's ok but dont apologize to me. Its him you have to apologize to" she said.

I looked up at hawks and sighed. "Sorry hawks.." I said actually upset at myself for being so rude. I couldnt help it though, when I was young I put up a front so i wouldnt get hurt by people who would eventually leave me. I guess it became a habit so i was colder to a lot of people.

"Its fine dont worry!" He said with his perky and cheerful face.

Hawks x reader "kid?"Where stories live. Discover now