Start of a plan

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Saku was the first to turn around to see who was speaking and her eyes landed on you. "Missed me baby girl?" You asked with a soft smile and she ran to you laughing a bit with tears falling down her face.

Y/n's POV:
I swear I thought I was getting tackled when she jumped on me but I just giggled at her reaction. I looked back to the adults that stared at me in disbelief. "You look like you've seen a ghost" I said laughing a bit. "But if you must know what the yelling was about-" I started "It was about them yelling at me to get my ass back in the bed so I could heal better but I denied and decided it was fineeeeeee" I said rolling my eyes playfully. 

The sight of Saku made me a bit serious and I held her tightly while rocking a bit, luckily she was too happy to notice anything. "Saku.. go back to Levi alright..?" I asked pulling away a bit giving her a warm smile and she got worried for a bit.

"What're you planning.." She asked with worried and concerned eyes I chuckled slightly and patted her hair a bit. "Wanna see sis again?" I asked with a smirk and she looked up from the ground (Because of the petting) and looked at me with hope in her eyes.

"W-wait but that means.." She said realizing the whole thing. "NO!" She yelled with tears hugging me tighter. "NO NO PLEASE! I DON'T WANNA RISK THE BOTH OF YOU!!" She said now sobbing which broke me a bit. I let out a shaky breath and managed to pull away and looked into her eyes and smiled a bit. 

"Everything'll be alright don't worry" I said petting her head a bit and looked at the adults behind us and ran to them begging for them to stop me and I frowned a bit. "Y/n.. angel what's happening.." My dad said with worry as he came over and held me. 

"Rescue mission.. she's been away from home and her family for way too long.." I said embracing him back. "Who.." He asked squeezing me a bit. "Hanako dad.." I said with soft eyes and smile. He tensed up and pulled away with his hands now on my shoulders while looking at me as if he was trying to find some untruth to my words.

I gave him a warm smile. "We're not letting you do this alone then" He said with a smirk which shocked me and tears started falling down my face and I smiled "R-really?? You'll help me??" I asked in disbelief and he nodded with a soft smiling.

"Alright but we have to huddle up the boys you two hang out with and that little hero your mother reminded me about" Dad said with a smirk and I giggled. I wiped away my tears and we started discussing the plan. 

~2 days later~

"Alright after you're all at your posts you make your way through the passages we made up for you yesterday. I'll send my men with you and a healer to each little section so that would be four in total assuming they'll be cops as well then that means we won't need too much." Dad explained and I nodded. 

"Your mother and Marianne explained the plan to your friends back at your place. We're keeping you and Saku here just in case some villains come from no where and try to attack you girls" My dad said and I felt warm and happy at his concern for me and Saku. 

"We'll get her back y/n.. that's a promise- no, it's a swear.." He said and I smirked. "Alright we should be ready on the day after tomorrow so tomorrow we meet up in a hotel and we stay there for a bit until it's time to break in so this way we'll be together and talk about the plan and review it through everyone." My dad explained and I nodded. 

I was about to walk away till he grabbed my wrist and I looked back. "What's up?" I asked "Be safe and keep Saku and yourself protected and safe.. We can't risk losing either of you again or any more of you..." He said with sad eyes and a frown "It was already hell finding out Hanako was taken.." He said now looking at the ground. 

I smiled a bit and put my free hand on his head which caught him off guard (He's sitting btw). "We'll be fine don't worry" I said with a small giggle and he chuckled letting me go and did a nod. I jogged over to where I'm assuming Saku was. She was training with her dad and a couple others to see how much she could push herself and still be useful. She was also training to make small but useful things just in case we would need back up in case the big shit won't work.

"Sakkieee!!" I cheered and jumped on her. She giggled and turned to face me. She hugged me and she was taking a break. "Thanks for getting me out of that! They've been really pushing me" She pouted and I giggled. I passed her some water and some lunch our mom's packed us. 

My mom prepared half the meal and her mom prepared half since they were both insisting to make the meal but I just told them to share the meal prepping, I meant it as a joke but they took it seriously.

"Uncle Takie told you the plan?" She asked and I nodded. "well?" She asked motioning for me to keep going. "Oh! Right!" I said giggling. "Well tomorrow we go to a hotel and we discuss further more over there" I explained and she nodded. "Soooo" She started. "You and Hawks- how's that been going-" She asked sipping on her water and I turned to look at her.

"You're fucking with me right now and imma leave because of that" I said giving her a blank face that told her 'you'reeeeeeeeee bugging' and she giggled and grabbed my hands. "No wait I'm sorry!" She said laughing a bit and I playfully rolled my eyes and sat back down with a small smile.

We were just talking about anything and everything and were enjoying the time we were spending together.

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