Act 49

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Within the tunnels of the Locust, Siviks, Kridis and Y/n stood around the holo map from Siviks modified Scroll. They were watching in real time as a new tunnel got dug to a near by dust mine.

Y/n: "Wenn will we be able to breach into the Mine?"

Kridis: "Close to the evening hours my king. May I ask however, what do we need this dust for?"

Y/n: "Dr. Maxis requested more for his experiments to further enhance the weaponry of the Horde for this world.and so far I'm quite pleased with how far he's come. We will go and follow the Corpser to the breaching point. You me and Siviks will check out the area ourselves. Get two blood mounts ready."

Kridis: "Two?"

The brigades Lieutenants Siviks started laughing to himself.

Siviks: "Kridis Dear. You'd crush the blood mounts. Also your faster by foot anyway."

Y/n was trying his hardest not to chuckle as the two locust started arguing like a married couple. Shortly after their bickering, two blood mounts were brought to the freshly dug tunnel.

Siviks: "My Lord, why not fly with Redrix?"

Y/n: "Believe it or not Siviks, I wanna give Redrix a bit of a break. He may be my royal mount, but that doesn't mean I see him just as a meant of getting around."

Siviks started in awe at his king as the two took off into the tunnel.

Siviks: "You have changed a lot since we came here my Lord..."

Y/n: "I noticed Siviks. But believe me when I say this. It's all because I want for the Horde to have a place to live in peace. On Sera it wasn't possible given the COG and the Lambent. The only thing that stands in my way of peace for this world is-"

Siviks: "Ironwoods distrust and Salem."

Y/n: "I can live with the Tin Can's distrust as long as he doesn't attack us. Salem must be taken care of. When that's achieved, maybe there can be a day where the locust don't have to wear their great and leave their weapons at the base."

As the two made their way toward the digging Corpser, behind them started a rumble. As they turned to see, their suspicion was confirmed, and Kridis came charging down the tunnel as max Berserker Speed, catching up to the two easily.

Y/n: "See i knew riding ahead was a good idea. I knew you'd catch up Kridis. Took you a bit longer than I thought."

Kridis: "Well you see my king.... Doctor Maxis Arrived at the tunnel outpost."

A few seconds of silence passed when the king blinked a few times.

Y/n: "What's the mad man doing here???"

Kridis: "He said he'd prefere to do his research and his experiments near the almost endless supply of crystals here. Plus he wants to show you his newest military invention."

Y/n: "Interesting... But yes it's understandable-"

Before they could continue following the Corpser, the Ceiling above the Corpser caved in, and a large rock formation with what seemed to be a while face came crashing down.

Siviks: "did that thing just crush Kridis Corpser."

Y/n: "Oh oh..."

Kridis: "You'll pay for that!"

Kridis didn't care, She charged shoulder first at the Rocks "face" with all the speed she could get.
After making impact, the white face, along with the rock it was fused with were shattered into the smallest possible pieces.

Y/n: "uhh...Kridis Dear, i think your Corpser is fine, they live underground their whole life's..."

Perfectly timed, The caved in area bursted open, revealing the Corpser was doing just fine, the armor it wore was visible dented, but no wounds could be seen.

Y/n: "See..."

Kridis: "Thank the lord your fine."

Siviks: "Was she..."

Y/n: "She cares a lot for every soldier and creature in her battalion especially the Corpsers."

Siviks: "Why my Lord?"

Y/n: "Back on Sera, the Hammer of Dawn was the easiest methot to get trough the armor of a Berserker. So Kridis started to use the smaller Corpsers in her battalion to move under ground, attack quickly, and then vanish back into a tunnel. When she went to the front lines, all she brought with her to the field were 5 medium Corpsers, just large enough to dig tunnels she can fit trough."

After the explanation, The three Locust had the Corpser make a small slope so they can get out of the hole that caved in. Once in the mines, they saw their little group as well as Ironwoods Personal Dogs. First thing he noticed was everyone's new outfits.

Y/n: "Looking sharp everyone."

Ruby: "Y/n? What are you-"

Y/n: "Oh we are just here to gather some materials for our mad Scientist Maxis. Seeing as this mine is filled to the brim with it, no one will miss some of it."

Harriet: "Hold up, this mine belongs to the SDC, you can't just-"

Kridis: "From the looks of things this Mine has been abandoned for years, so I don't see the issue."

Harriet: "You can't just come in here and take whatever you want!"

Siviks: "Miss, you seem to forget, my King doesn't take orders from the ones beneath him. Especially if they aren't part of the Horde.

Harriet gridded her teeth and readied her gauntlet's. Before she could even attempt to attack, Kridis walked in front of her."

Kridis: "I dare you to take the first shot little Insect."

Towering before the Ace ops, Kridis made her stance clear, as well as the consequences that would follow an assault of the Royal leadership. Making the right decision, she disengage her gauntlet's.

Kridis: "Wise choice."

Y/n: "Now then, Kridis, Siviks, we'll gather as much as we can have the Corpser carry."

Both: "understood my Lord/King"

Y/n: " my friends, if you'll Excuse me."

Ruby: "Y/n wait!"

Before continuing on his way, he looked back at the lite Reaper.

Ruby: "That thing that fell down, is it-"

Y/n: " don't worry about that, it has been pulverized."

With her question answered, the locust started gathering as much dust as they could for Maxis.

After a few hours of gathering supplys for the crazy scientist, they loaded the dust up on the corpsers back and made it way back to base while riding its tail end.

Once they returned to the Outpost, the first person to greet them was Maxis

Maxis: "My Lord, it's good to see you. Are you satisfied with your glove thus far?"

Y/n: "Very much so Maxis, good work on it. Now then, Kridis mentioned you had some new military invention?"

Maxis: "Ohh yes yes yes, please, follow me your highness. I think you will find it quite to your liking. Maybe so much so you'd specialize one of your Crimson Brigade's squads with it."

Y/n: "Very interesting... May I ask what itll be?"

Maxis: "That would ruin the surprise! But I'll give you a hint. It'll scorch everything that stands before your goal my Lord..."


What could it be what could it be? If you know, you know.

Hopefully you enjoyed the chapter and leave me your comments on it, other than that, have a great Sunday!

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