Act 37

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Third p.o.v.

As Y/n and some of his Crimson Brigade specialists were making their way through the tunnel towards Argus, Varix needed some answers.

Varix: "My Lord."

Y/n: "What is it Varix?"

Varix: "Once we.are at the breach site, we wait? Or we breach?"

As Y/n was riding on Shibboleth's back he began to think about it. Given the fact that Team RWBY was going to be delayed seeing as their cart got derailed and they stranded in some forest Oum knows where. But he quickly came to a conclusion.

Y/n: " Ryuk, do you have the Scroll One of the Civilians gave you?"

The Reaver rider fiddled around on his armor untill he pulled the Item in question out and held it into the air.

Y/n: "Good...Seeing as Siviks and Team RWBY will be delayed due to a Grimm incident, I think the best course of action would be to tell Jaune's group to that a small earthquake will happen as we breach to the surface in Argus to establish ground in said Area. The ground troups will secure the E-Hole and the rest will await orders as we see what we are working with."

The Specialists accompanying him nodded their heads in agreement to their King's plan. However, as y/n went over the plan something Grax mentioned came to mind.

Y/n: "Grax mentioned that Argus is near open Waters.... And given that we started Operation king of the seas was set in motion quite a while ago, we should have Leviathan Support if needed..."

Varix: " I set up The Sniper squads C1 and C2 Yeeeees?"

Y/n: "yes, even if I didn't ask you to bring one of your better squads, it will help secure the sky and E-Hole.

Varix nodded as the group continued their way. Other than Varix and Ryuk, the Warden also accompanied the group seeing as he wanted to give the upgrades Dr. Maxis gave him a test run.

As they were in sight of the E-Hole location and seeing the locus and Reavers in position waiting for the breach, y/n was called.

Siviks: "My Lord ... Siviks reporting in...."

The tone of Siviks voice already revealed to Y/n that whatever he had to report would not be to his liking.

Y/n: " Glad to hear from you Siviks, What is it you want to report?"

Siviks: "Well...the truth, or what I believe to be most of the truth about Ozpin."

Y/n ordered Shibboleth to stop dead in his tracks, and the rest of the group quickly halted as well.

Y/n: " I'm aaaaall ears Siviks."

~~ small timeskip brought to you by Siviks telling y/n what he saw thanks to Jinn ~~

Y/n rubbed his chin as he processed the information that Siviks just dropped on him.

Y/n: "So.... To see if I got that right... Salem is apparently immortal, Ozpin is tasked to bring the relics together to basically bring judgement day onto this planet, and my theory about this war being the result of a damn break-up is true?"

Siviks: " that's as basic as it gets my Lord, yes."

Y/n: "Siviks, I want you to disregard all advise and orders from Ozpin. You're one of the smartest in the Brigade, so I trust your judgement as to what is the best way to go about to bring these kids safely to Argus...understood."

Siviks: "Yes my Lord, but what about the Relic?"

Y/n: " if all goes to plan, Atlas is the next stop. Once there Neo will secure the Lamp from Ruby's group and bring it to the hollows Nexus. While in Atlas, we'll Also secure the Relic present there and bring that to the Nexus seeing as The Hollow is our fortress, Salem will have a hard time, even with the Grimm at her disposal. That's the plan for now. Once in Argus, I'll take the Commando."

Siviks: "Roger that King Y/n. I'll be reporting in I'd something if importance comes up again. Until then, we are back on the move."

Y/n: "Stay safe Siviks."

Siviks: "You to your Highness."

With Siviks report finished, Y/n and his group continued their way. Soon another thought hit
Y/n though.

Y/n: "I wonder how Neo's search is going..."


Neo p.o.v.

There was no point for me to search for her in Mistral town seeing as every billboard had her face on it, meaning she'd stay hidden. I can rule out that this bitch is staying in the Haven Vault where y/n said She battles the Blondie's mom. So the oh place where she would hide would be the Mistral ground area. The place where mostly middle-class civilians and criminal people would hang around. Thanks to Me being with Ronan for so long, I know my way around this place. And if there's one person who can find would be Miss Malachite... Luckily she knows me thanks to Roman.

Finding her was easy thanks to her being the boss in the spiders web. After entering the bar, some of the people that knew me from the times we've been here before waved. I gave them a quick wave back before walking over the The Lil' miss table.

Lil Miss: "Neo dear. It nice seeing you around again. Where is Roman? You're rarely apart from each other."

I sighed and pulled out the hat that I kept with me after one of Y/n Soldiers found it in the Ship wreak. Lil Miss Malachites eyes widened as she realized what me having his hat meant.

Lil Miss: "My deepest apologies, I didn't know... If there's anything I can do for ya let me know dear alright?"

I nodded my head and pulled out my scroll and started typing away.

Neo: "I need to find somebody."

Lil Miss: "And who are you looking for hm?"

I swiped on my scroll to the side to reveal a picture of Cinder with the Scar on her Eye that Y/n gave her. As soon as she saw the picture however, her eyes widened.

Lil Miss: "Sweetheart your in luck. She was here just a few days ago looking for a group of girls."

I silently gasped. She's looking for Red and her friends. I was about to get up and search for her. A few days ago, meaning she can't be far. Before I could leave however, Lil Miss Malachites called me.

Lil Miss: "I told her to return by the end of the week for her answers. Meaning you'll have the opportunity to do whatever you had planned."

A small smile formed on my face hearing the news.

Lil Miss: "Till then make yourself at home here. Since you're not from here I think you've got nowhere to go really right?"

After a small nod I thanked her and went upstairs to freshen up. With the money Y/n gave me I think it's time to get some new clothes. Food is covered thanks to lil Miss... Ohhh y/n is gonna be so proud when I tell him I found her!



And that's about it folks. Hope you enjoyed the chapter!! Let me know what you thought about me adding first person back in after ages.

Also, should I make a small biography chapter for The specialists in Y/n brigade? If yes, who should go first??
The biographies will be added to the top of the Book to not interfer with the chapters to much.

Other than that have a good day/night

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