Act 25

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Told y'all chapters will be inconsistent with the current situation, along with it forcing me to work shift. But alas, A new chapter is here! Please enjoy :D
Third p.o.v.

While Yang was inside the Gas station getting some water and asking the cashier about the Branwen Tribe, Y/n got a report from Varix that Him, RNJR and Qrow are now in Haven. Qrow got treated for the poison the scorpion Faunus caused him as well right after they set foot in Haven. The Horde leader smiled to himself that Atleast part of the people he cares for are in a safe place now.
However, he was still worried about the tense situation on menagerie. He hopes Siviks and Ryuk have the situation under control with the white fang there.

As he was in his thoughts, the gas station door flung open, and a man bounced on it's porch around, rather cartoonish while Yang walked back over to Y/n and Redrix.

Y/n: "Did he harass you or something?"

Yang: "Something like that. As for the bandits, they are within the Area, but he doesn't know where."

A disappointed sigh left Y/n lips.

Y/n: "Well at least we know they are in the general proximity. That's a start. Hop on, maybe we find them from above."

???: "Wait!"

As Yang was about to hop onto the Reaver, from the side of the gas station the guy who harassed her approached.

Yang: "Seriously?! This isn't over?!"

???: "I heard your....looking for someone."

He gave them a grin which showed one of his teeth got knocked out by Yang. The both of them looked at each other before back a the guy.

Y/n: "The Branwen Tribe. You know where they are?"

???: "Sure do. And a member of it after all. I can bring you there."

The two of them looked at each other again, sceptical, but they nodded. Y/n released Yangs motorcycle from Redrix abdomen since a Reaver only has two seats.
Yang drove in the front, with Y/n tailing behind them on his Reaver.

After a bit of a drive/flight y/n saw from above that Yang stopped her bike and the apparent bandit ran off into the woods. Y/n came down with Redrix and landed next to Yang, who took off her glove helmet and shades.

Y/n: "So, where did that guy just ran off t-"

Before he finished his sentence, Yang blocked an incoming explosive with her mechanical Arm.

Y/n: "Nevermind."

From behind various Bushes and Trees came multiple other bandits into view, along with the one the two of them found at the gas station.

???: " I can believe you two were dumb enough to let me lead you here."

Yang looked at them with a bored yet serious look, while y/n had a dumbfounded face, considering the giant Reaver behind him.

Y/n: "Would that be... everyone?"

???: " Yes, that's everyone. Well unless you count the rest of the camp over there."

He proceeded to point over his shoulder, making y/n facepalm at his stupidity.

Yang: "That way?"

???: "Yes, that way."

Yang: "Good to know, thanks."

???: "now, to pay me back for this tooth. We are going to take your bike."

Y/n: "Alright, I had enough of this stupidity of yours. You want her bike by force? Right?"

???: "Yes how e-"

Y/n: "And in your ingenious plan, have you not considered that the leader of a race, who also is heavily armed, along with his pet Reaver, who'd gladly eat you all for breakfast mind you, is standing right beside the girl you try to rob?"

From the bandits came no response, apart from an attack declaration. Y/n sighed.

Y/n: "Redrix, have fun with them just don't kill them for their stupid alright? Meet us at the camp once you're done okay?"

The Reaver hissed, nodded and proceeded to throw the bandits around like they were balls of yarn, while Y/n and Yang hopped into bumblebee and drove where the bandits pointed.

Once the two reached the gates, they Yang parked the bike, and the two quickly.... Asked the guards to please let them inside, which they happily did.... After getting a beating from Yang.

The two made there way towards the largest and central tent, and waited in front of it, all while reserving questioning looks from all bandits.

Not long after, a woman with similar hair to Yangs, only black, with a Grimm like mask and a large blade sheathed to her hip walked out of the tent. Where she watched the two Intruders.

Yang: "Mom..."

She to took of her mask, revealing two blood red eyes.

Raven: "Yang. After all this time you finally decided to visit me.

Yangs arm suddenly started to spasm, which was noticed by the locust king. He put a reassuring hand on Yangs shoulder, which calmed her down just enough.

Yang: "You know, that I searched for you. I spent years looking for you."

Raven: "And you found me. You were patient, determine and strong enough to make your dream a reality. Well done Yang."

Y/n: "You sure have an interesting view of how the world works."

Ravens eyes shifted to the in purple armor dressed king.

Raven: "I've heard of you...and your people. But what makes my view so, interesting?"

Y/n: "According to you, the strong prevail, while the Weak perish right? The strong rule, and the weak obey isn't it?"

Her eyes narrowed.

Raven: "That's how the world works. So, who are you to question it?"

Yang: "Y/n what are y-"

Y/n: "I'm Y/n, the king of the Locust Horde.  And acording to your believe..."

After a quick whistle, Kryll started to swarm around the king, while simultaneously Redrix landed next to him, with an unconscious bandit in his mouth.

Y/n: "... I'm your superior."


Alright alright alright, that's it for this one! I hope you enjoyed it ! And see you later for the next one! Any and all feedback is appreciated

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