Act 38

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Third p.o.v.

Not long after Siviks Report, Y/n and his Brigade's Elites reached the breach site. Multiple squads of foot Soldiers and hollow creatures waited.

Y/n: "Corpser, time to breach, but try not to destroy to much in the process."

The Corpser turned around and started digging out the thin layer that was keeping the tunnel hidden from plain sight.
In no time, the layer came crumbling down and the sun was shining through, as the foot soldiers and elites moved out, Y/n including.

At the E-Hole, multiple civilians looked horrified at the sight of soldiers armed to the teeth and creatures that are marking the Grimm look nice. After Y/n was finally emerged atop of shibboleth, he quickly spotted the commotion they caused.

Y/n: "Citizens of Argus, have no fear. For we, the Locust, have come in peace! We came as support from The hollows of Mountain Glenn, For we helped stop the attack at Haven and Beacon. We are no enemies, we are friends!"

After Y/n little speech, he jumped off of Shibboleth's back and soon saw a few familiar faces close in from the gathered crowd. One of the individuals tackled the king, he almost fell over, but he catched himself.

Y/n: "Glad to see you're well Nora."

Nora: "I'm so happy to finally see you again!"

Soon enough, Ren and Jaune joined the group.

Y/n: "Jaune, Ren, glad to see your okay."

Jaune: "I though you'd breach when Ruby and the others arrive?"

Y/n rubbed the back of his head as Nora finally let's go of the locust leader.

Y/n: "Acording to Siviks, the group is stranded somewhere in the forest. The Grimm derailed the train. It's unknown when they will rendezvous with us. That's why we decided to breach early.

Naturally, Jaune and the others had faces full of worry for their friends. Y/n decided to quickly change the subject while the locust started to build up a defensive Area around the E-Hole.

Y/n: "Anyways, has a ride toward Atlas been secured?"

The three shyly laughed as y/n raised an eyebrow.

Nora: "Weeeeeeell..."

Ren: "It'sss...."

Jaune: "Complicated... Since the Fall of Beacon Atlas closed all Air travel from and into the kingdom... And the commanding officer here is a bit...well."

Y/n: "Has a stick up their ass?"

The group nodded as Y/n sighed.

Y/n: "Well isn't this great... Ryuk, stay here with the Warden. Varix with me. Bring me to this...officer. oh shibboleth, get back to the Nexus and send Redrix over."

The mutated Corpser nodded as it went back into the Tunnel. Y/n and Varix quickly followed the group of Huntsmen in training. To a large gate at the entrance of a facility inside a mountain.

Y/n: "Huh. If we would be native to this world, I'd say they copied our style."

Guard 1: "Halt!"

Guard 2: "State your business!"

Y/n: "Uhhh. Well I gotta Talk to your commanding officer."

Both: "Approach!"

Y/n gave a weirded out look as he looked at Jaune and the rest who simply nodded. Y/n then approached the gate where the guards looked at him from head to toe.

Both: "Alright!"

Guard 1: "We will fetch her!"

Guard 2: "Wait here!"

With some stupid March, the two guards made their way into the facility and came after a short while back outside.

G1: "Introducing!"

G2: "Special operative!"

Both: " Caroline Cordovin!"

Between the two guards, a relatively small lady walked up the to king trough the now opened Gate.

Caroline: "You're one of them..."

Y/n: "Them?"

Caroline: "The beasts that General Ironwood had given order to eliminate as soon as they enter Atlas!"

Y/n's Eyes narrowed as he straightened his posture.

Y/n: "The General is a bit... paranoid about our race since he first entered the Hollow we call our Home. I assure you, we mean no harm. We even helped at both Haven and Beacon to defend civilians."

Caroline: "If the General doesn't trust you, I won't trust you either!"

After a sigh, and after running the bridge of his Nose, y/n looked at the small lady.

Y/n: "Listen Caroline... Even if you don't trust me, Let these kids and their friends get a flight to Atlas. They have important information for Ironwood."

Caroline: "I'm afraid I can't do that. If we let just anybody get to Atlas because some creepy humanoid monster that killed 3 Atlas Soldiers asks, everyone wants a pass."

Y/n leaned down to her level and stared her dead in the Eyes.

Y/n: "I let them be killed because your idiot of a General send them to assasinate me and my Queen. And I'm not letting a fool be made of myself. I simply have to resort to plan B..."

Caroline now grew suspicious of y/n and narrowed her Eyes.

Caroline: "And what is plan B?"

Y/n: "Haha, something you don't have to worried your head about."

Y/n and Varix turned on their heels and left the Base while getting weird looks from both Jaune's Group, and Caroline herself.

Y/n: " Corpser. Dig a tunnel towards was from Argus. But don't breach."

All Y/n heard was a roar from the E-Hole, and soon Stones breaking. Varix looked a bit confused.

Varix: "A new tunnel towards Atlas? Didn't we let one be dug already?"

Y/n: "We did, but that was from the Nexus. It's faster if we dig one from a spot that's naturally closer to Atlas than the Nexus."

Y/n soon turned to the group of Huntsmen in training that was following him.

Y/n: "Jaune, where are your currently staying? Surely you are sleeping in a hotel or something similar."

Jaune shyly looked down as Nora began to Laugh. Y/n looked a bit confused.

Y/n: "Am I missing something here?"

Ren: " We are staying at one of Jaune's sisters. She's living here with her Wife."

Y/n: "Ahh. Well I hope she doesn't mind if I stay with you for a while. If not I'll that with the Horde in the E-Hole."

Jaune: "She probably doesn't..."



Well this is it for this one. The next chapter will pick up at the end of Siviks report like this chapter, but From Siviks side. Other than that, I see you guys in the next chapter!

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