Act 5

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I think you all notice I'm not following the Canon completely. I'm still trying to use it of sorts, but we see where it leads us.

"Normal talk"
"Telepathy to the queen/Locust"
"speakers for speeches"
"locust language"

3th p.o.v.

A relatively calm day in beacon academy. Preparations for the vytal Festival were still going on, students would study, or hang out with friends, while others Roam the Academy to search for a cure for there bordom. Such as team RWBY and JNPR.

Ruby: "We cooould go and play Remnant the game again."

Weiss: "we could, or we don't."

Yang: "Then why don't you suggest something we could do princess.

Before she could answer the brawler of the team however, they heard an unfamiliar Screeching coming closer towards the Academy from below.

Jayne: "Please tell me I wasn't the only one who heard that."

Ruby: "Nope, I heard it too."

Blake: "Yeah, but what was that?"

They soon got there answer after a Purple armored Reaver landed in the front entrance of Beacon. It screeched once more before kneeling on it's multiple legs, as two figures jumped of it.

Y/n: "Be a good boy Redrix and wait here for our return."

The Reaver nodded after the King pet it's head.

Myrrha: "No wonder he acts like a dog, you treat him like one dear."

Y/n: "Come on, Skorge was close with his Hydra, so why shouldn't I be with Redrix here?"

Back with the 8 students, they saw the Two locust leaders they met a few days ago in there school.

Weiss: "Oh it's those guys."

Ruby: "Come on! Let's say hi!"

Ren: "Ruby, I don't know if thats-- and she's gone."

The red huntress sped of towards the two visitors thanks to her semblance.

Ruby: "hey you two! Welcome to beacon academy!"

The two leaders turned around towards the little reaper, y/n actually smiled at her friendly behavior since they weren't used to that on Sera.

Y/n: "Greetings little one, I'm sorry, we never got your names."

Ruby: "It's completely fine, I'm Ruby Rose, the blond one is my sister Yang, the black one with the cat ears is Blake, and the site one Is Weiss."

From the other side, the other 4 that were there when they found out about the locust joined in.

Pyrrha: "hello again, I'm Pyrrha Nikos, these are Ren, Nora, and our leader Jaune."

Looking at those four, the queen noticed something.

Myrrah: "Why is your blond friend hiding?"

Looking to him, he was hiding himself behind Nora and Ren.

Pyrrha: " well, he might be a bit afraid of the two of you."

Ren: " after seeing the creatures your living with, the big spider thing or the one you rode here."

Y/n: "Oh don't worry, we only came to see how this planet differs from Sera. One being you having cat ears Blake."

Blake was slowly walking forward towards the King and Queen.

For my Queen (Gears of War Reader x RWBY)Where stories live. Discover now