Act 39

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Third p.o.v.

After Siviks came back to all his senses to 100%, he saw young Oscar leaning against a tree, holding his head, asking for it to stop.

Weiss: "He just left us?"

Blake: "What are we gonna do now?"

Suddenly, a gunshot rang through the Air, as all Eyes turned to Siviks holding one of his Gorgon Pistols into the Air.

Siviks: "That's enough! After contacting the King and reporting about these recent...revelations, he gave me the order to disregard Ozpins opinion, and take the lead for our current situation."

A few eyes widened, while a few others looked questioning at the field medic.

Weiss: "Wait, how did you report to him? We have no signal out here."

Siviks: "It tell you on the way. In the meantime, we should get a move on if we don't want to freeze to death."

Everyone looked at one another, till Maria sat down on Yangs bike as she pushed it through the snowy ground. After a good 15min of walking in one direction, Yang spoke up.

Yang: "Soooo about that report to Y/n."

Siviks: "The Locust share a Hive like mind, all linking up the King and Queen. Only high ranking Locust can communicate with lower Locust troups, while y/n and Myrrah can be heard by every locust everywhere if they so choose. It is why Emeralds illusions don't work on us. Its stressing her out to much against a Hive mind."

After Siviks revealed his connection to Y/n trough the Hive Mind, some questions came up.

Ruby: "So why can you Commune with?"

Siviks: "The King and Queen, Every Lieutenant in The Crimson Brigade, and all Locust Squads that serve under me."

Blake: "And that's why you or Y/n sometimes look so out of it."

Siviks: "Yes. If you wish to reach a specific individual, it takes more concentration than to reach a whole squad under yourself."

Yang being a little bit on edge already, narrowed her Eyes at the Armored Kantus.

Yang: "So why didn't you tell us that earlier than now?"

Siviks: "So far it wasn't needed. Its one of the things that makes The Locust horde so devestating. Communication without the need for things like Radios or your CCTs. it's something we don't usually reveal."

Even if Yang was a bit hurt in her trust currently, she smiled a little, and nodded understanding. However one more question remained.

Yang: "So why reveal it now?"

Siviks stopped in his tracks, as did the rest of the group. He soon turned around to face them.

Siviks: "Lord Y/n trusts you. All of you except for Ozpin. And seeing he gave me the order to take charge, you'd have likely questioned why or how. So that's why. Because if the King trusts you, so will I and every other locust. If that trust is broken however-"

Qrow: "We're as good as dead aren't we?"

Siviks snapped his fingers and pointed at Qrow

Siviks: "Precisely. Come, let's find shelter before it gets dark."

He quickly turned back around and followed the barely visible trail that leads through the woods that they were following.

After what felt like another hour or so walking, the group came across what looked like an abandoned Farm.

For my Queen (Gears of War Reader x RWBY)Where stories live. Discover now