Act 18

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My three favorite RWBY girls
1. Neo
2. Blake
3. Yang
So yeah, expect a lot of neo pics

3th p.o.v.

The time had come, Neo was about to leave the Hollow. Right now, she stood in front of Y/n and Myrrah, hugging her arm.

Y/n: "There's no need to feel guilty or regret. We know you'll be coming back Neo. Just make sure you make Cinder suffer. Can you do that Princess?"

Her face lightened up, as she looked up towards the leaders of the Horde. A cheerful Nod, and a group family hug later, the ice cream themed Locust Princess happily skipped towards the Hollows exit, however she didn't leave without giving Grax a bow who smiled and saluted her.
Myrrah on the other end, hugged her lovers side.

Myrrah: "You'll miss her right? I can see it in your Eyes dear."

Y/n: "She's basically our Daughter Myrrah. So yes, it hurts seeing her go, even though I know she'll come back."

With a smile, she pecked him on the Lips.

Myrrah: "So, what are you planing Now dear? I know to won't just sit and wait here till things have solved themselves."

Y/n: "Hmhm, you know me to well dear. I feel like Yang is thinking the same."

Timeskip of a couple of Days.

Y/n could be seen walking once again towards the House of the Xiao Long's, where he saw Yang, just finished painting her mechanical Arm Yellow.

Y/n: "I should have known you would have wanted Yellow."

Yang turned around with a surprised face after putting her arm back on.

Yang: "Oh hey Y/n, what brings you here?"

Y/n: "Firstly seeing how you were doing, secondly, I know you have some kind of plan to get out there. Something with your sister I reckon?"

The blond brawlers eyes widen as to Y/n basically hitting the Nail on the Head. She sighed and sat down near her bike.

Yang: "Im going out to find my mother. Dad told me she can create portals to people she bonded with. So if I find her..."

Y/n: "She can make a portal to qrow, who most definitely is with Ruby."

Yang blinked a couple of Times.

Yang: "You really are good at figuring people out. "

Y/n: "I'm not a leader and General for nothing sweetheart. When were you planning on leaving?"

Yang: "Actually.... tomorrow."

Y/n: "Wonderful. That gives me time to set things up during my absence."

Yang: "Wait? You're coming with me?!"

Y/n: "Of course. I may have eyes and ears outside the Hollow, but I'm not a fan of sitting around doing nothing. See you tomorrow Yang!"

He waved her goodbye while starting to head back to the Nexus.

Y/n: "Grax, during my absence, you are in charge of who enteres and who doesn't. If they are unfamiliar, don't let them pass. Understood?"

Grax: "Of course my lord. No one shall get past me without notice."

Y/n: "your a great leader Grax, I trust you, you know that my friend."

Grax: "that I do my Lord."

Timeskip brought to you by chibi Neo trying on her personal Locust armor.
(I feel like it would look awesome)

Y/n: "So Yang, ready to leave?"

Yang: "You bet I am. But you sure you want to ride with my bike for a extended time?"

Y/n: "Yes your bike will come with us, but who said we are gonna Ride it?"

Yang: "Huh?"

Y/n put two fingers in his mouth, and whistled loudly. Soon after, loud hissing could be heard, as Y/n mount and Pet Redrix landed next to the Pair. Y/n proceeded to scratch the Reavers chin, making Redrix wiggle with one of his legs.

Y/n: "You've seen Redrix right? We are gonna tie your bike to his back, and then we are gonna fly with this good boy. Ain't that right Redrix?"

The Reaver nodded it's head, and walked over to Yang, sniffing her. Yang, of course, was visibly scared.

Y/n: "Don't worry, he's friendly if your friends with me, if you want you can let him too."

And so Yang did, just like Y/n she scratched his chin.
The two of them quickly mounted Yang's Bike to the armor on Redrix abdomen, and Y/n jumped into the seat on the front of Redrix.

Y/n: "You have an idea where your mother will be located?"

Yang: "Sort of. She and her tribe move a bunch. So we might take a bit of time."

Y/n: "I'll just need you to point me in the Direction need you want us to fly. Now come, hop on."

Reluctant at first, eventually Yang Jumped onto The back seat of Redrix, and the Two made their way to the exit.

Y/n: "Like old times Boy, let's Go!"

Quickly, Redrix feet left the Ground while yangs mouth left a yelp, and the two were off into the sky. Yang was clutching her hands to the seat like her life depended on it. But after a few minutes, she relaxed, and even enjoyed it.






K know this chapter was a bit shorter, but here's the kicker now. I need you Guys to decide who to follow in the next Chapter

A.) Yang and Y/n on their mission to find Raven

B.) Ryuk while keeping an Eye on Blake on the boat heading to menagerie

C.) Varix and Qrow who are keeping an Eye on Team RNJR

Leve a comment as to whic of these options you want to see in the next chapter, and I'll check the Votes just before writing the next chapter. Now with that out the way, I hope you still enjoyed this rather short chapter!

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