Act 59

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Alright, which of you is guilty of it?!

With Y/n and Kridis on their way back to the outpost via Redrix, he tried contacting the prisoner transport of Tyrian.

Y/n: "Qrow, Robyn. Please lead the Transport to the outpost entrance."

Over the radio however, the was it static. A low growl escaped the locust royalty's mouth.

Y/n: "Guess the rat somehow destroyed the radio, if not the damn ship and is on the loose again..."

With that kept in mind, y/n looked ahead to see a Bullhead with Ruby, Weiss, jaune and Maria on board, heading back up to Atlas. Y/n didn't question why, but he knew if they made their way up again it was going to be important.

Finally landing near the Emergene Hole, Redrix later down and the two leaders made their way into the outpost itself to see a unusual sight. Neo was having a little fight with a certain Blond Brawler.

Y/n: "What... exactly is going on here?"

Yang and Neo looked to the side to see y/n standing there, taking off his helmet. Neo with a happy expression ran up to him and jumped to hug her arms around his neck.

Neo: "I missed you!"

Petting the Ice Cream themed girls head, he smiled and looked at her hanging from his neck with the Lamp dangling from her hips.

Y/n: "I missed you too dear."

Yang made her way over to the reunited pair. A rather disappointed expression on her face.

Yang: "Why didn't you tell us SHE was your adoptive daughter?!"

Y/n: "Because i know of your history with her. So that you and her don't have to think about each other or the reasons behind it."

Yang: "What makes you think she's on our side?!"

Y/n: "Because of Revenge."

Y/n took Neo and set her onto the ground. Walking over to yang while holding Neo's hand, she averted her gaze from Yang who looked curious while Blake as well as Ren and Nora closed in to hear.

Y/n: "Long story short, whe found her in the wreckage of the Atlas ship she and roman were on. Roman was eaten by a Grimm in the process so she had no place to go. So we....I took her in, promising her revenge on the one who got her and Roman into this mess. Cinder."

Neo's grip on Y/n hand tightened. She looked at yang with tears in her eyes, and yang could somewhat relate to neo due to her mother Raven. Not completely, but partially what it feels like to have someone just leave your life.

Yang: " hard feelings... it'll be difficult to get used to working with you at first...but it'll work..."

Neo smiled a bit and let go of y/n hand to walk up to yang. She held out her hand which yang took after a brief hesitation.

Y/n: "And now kiss to make up------"

A/n: "Cut!!!!!"

Y/n: "Sorry hehe....well-"

With yang and Neoshaking hands, a bullhead landed back at the entrance with the 4 that left earlier plus one. Penny was with them this time.

Y/n: "You look like something major happened while you were up there again."

Ruby: "Well..."

Weiss: "In short, Penny is now the winter Maiden."

Y/n: "Well...that is something m-"

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