Act 12

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3th p.o.v.

As the Battle of Beacon continued, Students and civilians were escorted out to Bullheads and Gas Barges to the E-Hole in Vale's Center. The locust leader was circling the Stadium, and watched as more Bullheads dropped of Grimm into it. He had enough.

Y/n: "Tempest, when you see one of these Things drop more of these black creatures onto the stadium, shoot it down, got it?"

The giant bug like creature understood, as y/n took a great leap, and jumped off it, into the stadium. As he was looking around trying to get an idea of what was around him, Some of his Soldiers closed in on him as they fought off the horses of Beowulf's and an Major Ursa.

Kantus: "Almost the whole stadium is on the outside waiting to be evacuated my Lord."

Y/n: "Great work you guys, and casualtys to report?"

Drone: "A few Drones and a Boomer my Lord."

Y/n: "Make sure their death was not without purpose!"

Locust Squad: "For the Horde!"

As the Squad fought of the approaching Grimm, Another Major Ursa spotted the agitated King, roaring at him.

Y/n: "Do me a favor....and Die!"

With the point of his Finger, The Locust Leader send out his Kryll swarm to attack the Ursa. It tried swatting the carnivorous creatures away, but no avail. The beasts tore through the Grimm's body like a knife through Paper, leaving only the white skull plating behind while the Kryll reformed around the King.

Y/n: "mindless beasts..."

On the other side of the Colosseum, Ironwood stood with the last few Students of Beacon Academy ready to leave when another Bullhead was about to deliver it's Payload. The students got into fighting stance, which however was unnecessary due to the Bullhead being desintegrated by a blinding beam of light.

As the Students and Ironwood opened their Eyes again, They could see the flying Mount of the Royal pair, Tempest.

Ruby: "Wait...if Tempest is here that means-"

Y/n: "-im not far away."

The group turned around as Y/n walked  towards them with a beowolf struggling to get out of his grasp and his Locust Squads following. He then Crushed the beowolfs head with his hand and decided to join the group.

Y/n: " Ironwood, would you explain to me why your ships are destroying each other?"

Ironwood: "Somebody has taken control over one of my ships."

Y/n:" Then allow me to blow it up."

Ironwood: "Are you insane?! There are my men on this ship who-"

Y/n: "-Most likely are already dead. Seriously they are trying to kill civilians with grimm and blowing up your other ships, and you believe they are still alive? You fool. This, is war."

Ironwood tightened the grip on his revolver, but he knew the King was Most likely right.

Ironwood: "I'll be taking it back."

Y/n: "Suit yourself. The E-Hole is in the center of Vale, it leads directly to the locust hollow. It's save there. I'll be checking The city for any strugglers. Tempest!"

The mount landed on the ground, waiting till it's master jumped on it's back. With him on board, Tempest the immediately jumped up, becoming airborne again.

Y/n: "Good luck everyone."

And thus, he was gone, along with the Locust squads who were taking the gas Barges.

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