Act 9

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Sooo yeah, the poll on the end of the last chapter was a tie, so the first yes or no to this message will decide.
3th p.o.v

A few nights after Team RWBY had a sleepover in the locust Nexus, the Vytal Tournament's started. Ozpin was nice enough to provide seats for the King and Queen while the rest of the Army was in the Hollow watching on TVs provided by him as well as a sign that he doesn't seem a fight. Some of the Citizens were giving the Royal Family weirded looks since some of the king's Personal guards were present next to him equiped with weapons and Armor.

Soon the doubles Rounds came to a close while the king watched the last fight which was Coco and Yatsuhashi against two of the people on his to kill list. He noticed that they were using tactics like seperating the enemys from each other, Which works with a few enemy's at once, but not with a horde. Unknown to the Royal duo Emeralds Semblance was also useless useless USELESS... against their Hive mind. With the last fight over and done with, the King got a tap on the shoulder by one of his Theron guards."

Theron: "My Lord, this Ozpin seeks your presence in his tower."

Y/n: "Thank you, I'll be there shortly. I'll be back soon dear."

With a kiss on his queens cheek, the king rose from his seat and made his way to the elevator.

Inside of beacon tower, Pyrrah Nikos was getting a run down of the Maiden situation and given the choise to take half the fall maidens power. with Glynda, ironwood and Qrow present. That was until the elevator made a ding sound and opened to reveal the Locust king himself with one of his trusted Guards.

Ozpin: "Ah, Y/n, glad you could join us."

Ironwood: "Oz you can't be serious!"

Ozpin: "I am James. He also deserves to know what's going on."

Y/n: "What are you talking about ozpin?"

The Theron in the background was gripping his torque bow tightly his King noticed that and waved his hand to relax.

Ozpin: "why don't we discuss that on the way down."

(I'm gonna skip the maiden talk because everyone and their mother heard of it.)

After they ended their talk, the stepped out of the elevator at the bottom of a long corridor. Soon they started to follow it.

Y/n: "Magic you say...that may pose a Problem."

Ozpin: "You don't seam overwhelmed."

Y/n: "Being honest, magic or not, the locust are ready for everything."

Ironwood was silently grumbling to himself at the displeasure of the locust king who now has the information of what's truly going down.

At the end of the corridor, they saw a stasis pod which had a young woman inside it. The current fall maiden, Amber.

After ironwood explained that when she passes, the half of her power most likely seeks the other half, pyrrah, who was with the group, stepped forward and put her hand on the glass of the stasis pod.

Pyrrah: "If all this is true, why keep it secre?! If this girl is really so important, if we truly are at the brink of war, why not tell everyone?!"

Glynda: "from what we know, it used to be common knowledge."

Pyrrah: "excuse me?"

Qrow: "How do ya think legends and fairy tails  get started? Even the craziest ones come from somewhere. "

Glynda: "Our group was founded to both protect mankind and the maidens. Those hungry for power hunted them down in the hopes to inherite their powers."

Qrow: "And as you can imagine those who succeed aren't the kind of people you want to have unbelievable power."

Soon their heard footsteps behind them, and as they turned around they saw the king and his guard leaving.

Ozpin: "Y/n? Why are you leaving?"

Y/n: "This is getting a little boring. In all honesty, I do not care for why this is hidden. All I care for it the safety of my race, and the safety of those who I see as worth protection like the innocent civilians of this city."

Ironwood: "And how are you planing on doing so if one of your enemy's used this power?"

Y/n: "General, let me remind you, I have an army on my side with beasts you that make your Grimm look like cute little pets. And also, nothing and no one is unkillable. This magic using maiden may be tough to kill like myself. But she is killable. So I'm done her gentlemen. Pyrrah, you are always under my protection. That goes for Beacon and Vale. Now then, I'll be watching the 1v1 rounds if you don't mind."

Ozpin: "I'm sorry to inform you, but they only start tomorrow."

Y/n: " hm...what a shame..."

And with that, the king stepped into the elevator and made his way back up.

Theron: "what is it your planing my Lord?"

Y/n: "Well Cayde, I feel like this Ozpin is hiding more shit than he's worth. He's losing my trust. Vale and his students are still under locust protection but he.... He's on thin ice."

Cayde: "the queen informed she and Ryuk were invited to the dorm of the RWBY girls."

The king let out a soft chuckle as the two stepped out of the elevator and walked towards the location where he sensed his queen.

Y/n: "These girls...they almost make up for everything that happened on Sera."

Cayde: "if I may my Lord."

Y/n: "You know your free to speak your mind."

Cayde: "You have changed a lot since you've met these 4. You seem way more relaxed and not as vicious anymore."

Y/n: "Haha, just wait till we have to fight again my friend, then the good old king and general Y/n will be back on the battlefield."

Cause: "I'm looking forward to it my Lord."

As their talk was coming to an end they soon noticed the second guard, Ryuk, in front of a room, which had to be that of team RWBY.

Y/n: "Ryuk, I'm guessing Myrrah is in there?"

Ryuk: "Yes my Lord, they are awaiting you."

With a knock, the king opened a door and immediately his jaw dropped in surprise.

Y/n: "Myrrah?? What are you wearing?"

Myrrah: "It's cute right? The girls have it to me."

Myrrah was currently wearing a Pyjama with bunny's scattered all over it, which was also showing of her slim waist.
(If you know the pyjama, your a man of culture)

Y/n: "Well yes it is. "

Myrrah: "Their allowed me to keep it if you like it."

Yang: "Wellfrom the look on his face it's a keeper."

Ruby: "I knew he'd like the cute little bunnys."

Y/n: "Aaaanyway, so girls, who will fight in the 1v1 round?"

Yang: "That would be me! I hope you'll be watching."

Y/n: "We will, don't worry. But remember, keep a cool head."

Yang: "What?! I'm always chill, wright guys?.....guys?"

Blake: "..."

Ruby: "...."

Weiss: "No, no your not."

After the group had a small laugh at the expense of a pouty yang, the king smiled watching his queen getting to know the team he's taking a liking on better.

Y/n: "Yes, these girls is what we I needed, but didn't deserve."


Yes a bit of a boring chapter but hey, take it or leave it. Guess that's all for that today, see ya guys!

Well...looking through headers I have saved in my RWBY folder, I notice..  I have a shit ton of bmblb on my phone.... Esh deal with it

For my Queen (Gears of War Reader x RWBY)Where stories live. Discover now