Act 20

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Happy lil Ice Cream ....
To much ice cream? Nahhh!
Third p.o.v.

Currently exploring with a Reaver named Redrix were the Locust king Y/n himself, and Yang from Team RWBY, trying to find Yang's Mother. However this proved to be more difficult than expected.
The three currently were on the ground, investigating the last location where Tai knew Yang would find Raven and her Tribe was completely empty. No tents, a while ago extinguished Fireplaces, and no tribe.
The tracers were even to old for Redrix to detect any scent to follow.

Y/n: "Well, that makes things more complicated for us."

Yang: "Dad could have told me that it was ages ago since Mom told him about the location...sorry for that Y/n.

The leader put a hand on Yang's shoulder.

Y/n: "Don't worry about it, We'll find her eventually. We just gotta be on the look out for any bandits that might be associated with your mother's tribe."

The frowning Yang looked up at him and grew a small smile.

Yang: "Yeah, your right, and with Redrix we probably find someone fast."

Redrix was currently laying and sleeping in the shadow of a large tree.

Y/n: "Indeed, but I think we'll let Redrix rest for today, let's stay here for now."

Yang: "Alright, sounds like a plan."

Yang soon had collected a few sticks and branches to light a fire with a fire dust crystal, while Y/n hunted a few animals for food. Killing and skinning them out of sigh of Yang.

With a fire lit, the rest of the meat close to the fire on a stick and nightfall slowly drawing closer, the two huddled up against Redrix side with their backs, Y/n closer to his head.

That's when Y/n got a report from Ryuk.
(the one in chapter 19)

Y/n: "Hey Yang, if it calms you down, Blake is doing fine so far.

Yang completely perplexed from that statement looked at him.

Yang: "How do you know that?"

Y/n: "I have Ryuk tailing Blake, and Varix tailing Ruby to make sure they are well."

Yang: "Wait really? Why?"

Y/n: "Like I said, to make sure they are alright. And support them in they need help. I simply care fore you lot."

He proceeded to pull Yang closer, hugging her into his side. Yang accepted, and snuggles into his side.

Yang: "That why you came with me?"

Y/n: "Of course. Plus I wanted to meet your mother."

Yang: "If you didn't meet her, you wouldn't miss out on much..."

Y/n chuckled and noticed Yang getting more and more sleepy.  He and she stayed next to Redrix since his body, despite a lot of Armor, was still very warm.

After some time, he noticed Yang was sound asleep on his side. Rather than moving, he let her sleep in peace like that. To his surprise, someone wanted to talk to him though.

Neo: "Hi Y/n!"

Y/n: "If it isn't my sweet little ice cream princess. How are things on your end?"

Neo: "Doing well so far. Still on my way to Mistral though. No trouble yet."

Y/n: "That's great but Remember sweety, your Kryll are near by. If you are in trouble, just snip."

Neo: "I know I know, what are you up to anyway?"

Y/n: "Finding Yangs mom with her. You know, like I let Ryuk and Varix watch over the others."

Neo: "They mean a lot to you don't they?..."

He could hear what sounded like a hint of jealousy from Neo's End, making him chuckle.

Y/n: "Yes, I care for them a lot. However, my little princess is still my number one priority along with Myrrah."

Neo: "Thank you Y/n. I've continuing my way. Love you!"

Y/n: "I love you to neo, stay save."

Neo: "Kay!"

With that, he couldn't hear her anymore in his head. Slowly, he decided to shut his eyes as well, and let sleep embrace him.

Timeskip brought by Chibi Neo petting a chibi Kryll

Yang and Y/n packed up their things on the next morning early on to make as much as possible out of their day.
Soon they once again took flight with Redrix, who was making happy noises while flying. They weren't flying full speed however. To not exhaust the Reaver to fast since there was no clear path to take.

Yang: "Why is he making these weird noises?"

Y/n: "Well, dogs wag their tails, Redrix makes noises when happy. Right big guy?!"

I small hiss of agreement escaped the Reavers mouth.

Yang: " so...he's your dog?"

Y/n: " well...he behaves like one. He was abandoned by his pack because he broke two of his legs. So, when I found him and nursed him back to health, he became my mount just like the deformed Corpser Shibboleth."

Yang: "That spider thing?"

Y/n: "Yes Yang, that spider thing."

While flying however, Y/n soon realized something. Now would be the best time for any of it.

Y/n: "Grax, are you busy?"

Grax: "No my Lord, what is it you need?"

Y/n: "initiate both Operation: Outside Emergance, as well as Operation: king of the Seas."

Grax: "my Lord? Are you certain?"

Y/n: " Just prepear outside Emergance, but do not breach yet. King of the sea is a go. They need to grow."

Grax: "Yes my Lord."

Operation: Outside Emergance....

Digging Tunnels to each major kingdom via mountain Glenn's Hollow, and station Squads at each potential E-Hole.

Operation: King of the Seas....

Release Baby Leviathans who were brought in from Sera into Remnants oceans.
Let them feed and let them grow to have aquatic support if needed.

Y/n: " Everything is set in motion... The locust are prepared for you and your Grimm Salem...


You just gotta love how confusing Volume 4 was set up with all the cuts between RNJR, Yang, Weiss and Blake.

Like...when Yang reached Raven, Qrow and the others were already set up in the house in Haven... This'll be confusing to write.

I might have to wait a bit with the next part for Yang and Y/n till Qrow and the others reach Haven... Ah fuck me

Anyway, hope you enjoyed so far and I see you in the next one!

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