Act 36

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Third p.o.v.

Team RWBY was currently trying to gather their belongings from the wreckage of the Train, while Yang was going on a rant trying to free her Bike from the Snow.

Yang: "Great! This is just Great! We are stranded! We lost 1/3 of our party! And we've gained! A defenceless old Lady!"

After finally freeing her bike from the snow, Yang fell backwards into the Snow with her bike falling over once again.

Maria: " My Name is Maria Calvers! And I am not defenceless. I'm just a little hard of hearing....and blind without my eyes....that are in desperate need of repair.........okay I see your point."

Siviks: "It would be wise to try and not let anger take over. Even if the lamp attracts Grimm, we would invite even more towards us with negative emotion."

Yang: "Speaking of the Lamp, what happened to no more lies and half truths?"

Oscar turned to the group agreeing with Yang it was time for explainations. His Eyes once again glowed for a second indicating Ozpin is in control now.

Ozpin: " I did not lie to you."

Weiss: "Well you certainly didn't tell us everything about the Relic."

Ozpin: "Please, now is not the Time..."

Yang: "No we're past that. I wanna know why you still aren't telling us everything."

From behind the two girls, The Armored Kantus stepped into the picture. His hands behind his back with a stern look on his face, unable to be seen by the armor plating covering it.

Siviks: " Mr Ozpin. It would be advised to say the truth. The King is already very sceptical about you and your... Motives. With more lies you become even more unfaithful in his eyes than you already are, causing his help and the help of the Horde to be pulled back into the Hollows below Mountain Glenn."

A few eyes widened across the various people present, mainly the Huntresses in training.

Ruby: "What?"

Yang: "Y/n wouldn't just abandon us would he?"

Blake: "I-"

Siviks: "He probably wouldn't knowing his majesty. But Ozpin wouldn't be giving the orders anymore. Y/n would take the lead to what is best for you, the innocent, and the horde. Now then. Ozpin. Your explaination."

With a sigh, Ozpin started his explainations for his actions while the group started to walk into the snowy woods.

Ozpin: " It's true that the Grimm are attracted to the Relic. It's faint but undeniable. I believe it has to do with their origin. But I'm not entirely sure. I fears that telling you would only add anxiety and negativity. It seemed like the safest option.

Siviks: "Not really. The safest option would have been to tell us about it. Wait for an mostly empty train to bring us to Argus, and mask the emotions with the help of Ren for as much protection from the Grimm as possible. If we would have done that, we might be in Argus by now."

With another deep sigh, Ozpin continued and gave the same explainations why he lied to Mistral about Lionhearts involvement with what happened at Haven Academy. Yang butted in telling him he can trust the group, but he mentioned Lionheart wasn't the first to backstab him.

Ozpin: "I'm sorry, but you have to understand that my actions are backed by experience. I'm not saying I have reasons to think that you'll betray me. I'm saying I have reasons for the things that I do, the secrets I keep. The reason i-"

Siviks: "Basically saying he has even more secrets."

Ozpin: "- where's...the Relic?"

Everyone looked around for a second until Ruby revealed she has it.

Ruby: "It got scattered in the crash."

Ozpin: "Please...hand it over."

Ruby: "So all those times you said you had faith in humanity... That was just for everyone else?"

Ozpin: "That is not what I aimed to suggest. Miss Rose, the Relic is a powerful object and I feel as though it is my burden to bear."

Ruby: "But... You said it couldn't do anything right now."

Blake: "Why does it matter who's holding it?"

Siviks: "It doesn't. Unless he lied about it being currently useless."

Ozpin was trying to walk towards Ruby to grab the Relic, however so invisible force was holding him in place.

Qrow: "Oz?.."

Oscar: "Hurry...He's...trying to stop you."

Yang: "Stop her from what?"

Oscar: "He's... afraid. You'll find out...what he's...hiding.".

Shortly after, the now in control Oscar fell to his knees trying to suppress Ozpin from gaining control again.

Oscar: "Her Name...Is Jinn. Say her name to summon her."

Ruby: "Her Name?.....Jinn?"

Everything around the group looked like it froze. Time itself seemed to have slowed down or stopped. The lamp in Ruby's hand started to float to the Side and grew back to its original size as a blue mist began to emit from it. When finally a large blue woman revealed herself from within the Lamp as she started at the group.

Jinn: "Tell me, which knowledge so you seek?"

Siviks: "By the King...."

Jinn: "I am Jinn. A being created by the God of light to aid Humanity in its pursuit of knowledge. I've been graced with the Ability to answer 3 questions every 100 years. You're in luck as I'm still able to answer-"

Ozpin: "That's enough!"

Jinn: "-2 questions this era."

Siviks: "Lied to again... Oh Ozpin you're not making yourself look good for the King and his queen."

Jinn: "Aha. It's a pleasure to see you again old man."

Ozpin: "Ruby. Please. Don't."

Qrow: "Hey-"

Qrow however was cut off by Ruby's team pointing their weapons at him as he tried to move. He quickly raised his hands.

Qrow: " Do whatever you think is Right kiddo."

Ruby appeared to have had enough and turned to Jinn with a face of determination."

Ruby: "Jinn....what is Ozpin hiding from us?"

Ozpin: "Noooooo!"

As Siviks tried to move into his way to stop Ozpin, the moment the two collided, Siviks found himself in a completely white space, completely alone.

Siviks: "What by the 3 Worms- where am I?... Hello?! Ruby?! Yang?! Anyone!!"

His words fell onto deaf ears. Soon enough however the white changed into a normal landscape, with a big kingdom as he heard Jinns Voice echo through the space.

Jinn: "Once upon a time, there stood a lonely tower, that sheltered a lonely Girl..."

With a fist of wind the scenery changed, and Siviks found himself inside said tower, where a blond woman sat in front of a mirror table.

Jinn: "Named....Salem."



And that's where we're ending this Part for today! Hope you enjoyed it.
Also in the next part I WONT cover Ozpins and Salem's story, check out v6 Ch3 if you still don't know or don't remember.  A small hint what the next chapter might have some of though...look at the header. Anyway, see you then and remember! Wear your damn masks ya nerds!

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