Act 34

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Third p.o.v.

On his way to the Hollows Nexus, Y/n decided to check how his little Ice Cream princess was doing.

Y/n: "Oh Neo, you alright? You've been quiet for quite a while."

He couldn't see it, but suddenly hearing his voice startled Neo at her current location in the lower levels of Mistral.

Neo: "Hi Y/n! I've been quiet because I didn't know if you were busy or not..."

The king shook his head with a smile on his face at her response.

Y/n: "Neo, you can always contact me or Myrrah, busy or not. We always got time to talk to the princess. I'm guessing you are still in Mistral "

Neo: " Yes, but I feel like no one has seen Cinder since the Fall... I almost feel like leaving here."

Y/n: "Oh don't worry sweetie, my gut is telling me you'll meet her soon enough. But hear out my plan please."

Neo: "I'm listening."

Y/n: " If you find her, just challenge her to a small fight. She still has these Maiden Powers. Instead, and I know it'll be difficult. Accompany her as an.... "Allie". Pretend like Ruby is the Real enemy. She will want to take back the Relic we secured from Haven. And knowing her, shell follow us to Argus and Atlas in the end. Just play Friendly with her for now. Can you do that princess?"

For a moment, there was silence. During that silence, Y/n stepped into the Elevator within the Nexus that will take him to the Royal quarters.

Neo: "Even if it goes against every fiber of my being, fine, I'll play friends with her for the time being...

Y/n: "That's my girl. I'm sure we'll meet in Atlas. Till then, I gotta check on Myrrah. When you need something, just ask. I love you."

Neo: "Alright, can't wait. Love you too."

After the conversation with Neo, Y/n entered the living room at the top of the Nexus to find Myrrah relaxing on the couch.

Y/n: "My Queen."

Myrrah's Head turned to see her husband and King standing in the Doorway, bowing to her. She shook her head, got up and walked towards him.

Myrrah: "My King. Finally found the time to speak with me?"

Y/n: "You know as well as I do that I prefer to talk to you in person right."

Myrrah: "I know. Come here you."

Once he stopped bowing, y/n and Myrrah soon held each other in a tight embrace and shared a few passionate kisses. Once they were done, they went to the couch together.

Myrrah: "I'm guessing you're going to bring me up to date on what went down in Mistral Dear?"

Y/n: " I will."

Meanwhile at the Train station in Mistral, RWBY along with JNR, Oscar and Qrow were waiting on the train towards Argus. Waiting with them, was the Armored Kantus Siviks. Who was drawing quite a lot of attention. Not fear after helping in Haven Academy, just a lot of attention.

Qrow: "I wonder if it's a good idea to bring him with us... With him we'll be the center of attention."

Siviks: "I must come with you. I can't disobey the King's orders."

Qrow: "Don't take it the Wrong Way, I....we are glad to have you with us. We can use all the help we can get."

Blake: "Qrow is right. Siviks helped in Menagerie to protect my parents. Even if it was a bit.....brutal."

Sitting on a bench next to Weiss, Yang rested her head in her prosthetic arm as she stared into the distance.

Yang: "I would have preferred if Y/n accompanied us..."

Weiss: "You totally do have the hots for the Guy!"

Yang: "Maybe you're right. Hopefully Myrrah doesn't mind if I become his second Wife."

Everyone stopped what they were doing and looked at Yang. Even Siviks under his Armored helmet was a bit perplexed.

Qrow: "Wife?! Aren't you a bit young for marriage?!"

Yang: "Not now. After this is all over."

Weiss: "You don't even know if he likes you! Not to mention if his Wife would mind!"

Yang: "alright Alright, would you all chill out? I was just joking okay?.......unless."

Qrow shook his head at his niece behavior, but was soon ripped out of his thoughts when the call for the train towards Argus  came trough. Everyone grabbed their luggage, and boarded the Train. People didn't push since they were trying to avoid pushing into Siviks Spikes.

Back in the Nexus, Y/n just finished giving Myrrah a run down of the Events in Mistral while she leaned her head against his shoulder.

Myrrah: "We should secure these Relics and bring them here to the Nexus."

Y/n: "Already a step ahead of you my love."

Myrrah: "How so?"

Y/n: "I don't believe Raven killed Cinder. Meaning she'll follow the group to Atlas, trying to secure the Relic there as well as the Lamp the Group is carrying. I ordered Neo to accompany her there. And knowing her, she'll send in Neo to get the lamp. But by then. The E-Hole to Atlas will be open already, and I'll send a Reaver to get our princess while she has the lamp, and bring her here to the Nexus."

Myrrah lifted herself of his shoulder and looked at him. Then she smiled.

Myrrah: "You're always a step ahead of everyone. It was the same on Sera."

Y/n: "You know I became a strategist under RAAM's guidance. He was a good mentor when it comes to that."

Myrrah: "That's why you keep his Dagger right?"

Y/n: "Part of it. He was a good general, a mentor and a friend. Keeping his Dagger is my way to honor him. Now then..."

Y/n got off the couch, and stretched before walking towards the door.

Y/n: "I'll be heading to Maxis and after I'll start to make my way towards the Argus E-Hole. The Corpser should be done by the time I catch up.

Myrrah: "You're not flying with Redrix?"

Y/n: "I am. But the boy doesn't need to fly. I think I ordered him to fly a bit to much during the exploration with Yang."

His Queen shook her head as he left the room. He sometimes takes better care of Redrix or shibboleth than of himself.

Once y/n reached Maxis Lab, he say the scientist working on another dust powered injection for the horde.

Y/n: "Hello Maxis. I'm just here to grab some elemental grenades I'll leave you to you're experiments."

Before he left however, Maxis shouted.

Maxis: "My Lord wait! I have something. Engineered personally for you!"

Y/n's interest was peeked. He turned to Maxis.

Y/n: "And what would that be?"



What could Maxis have for Y/n?

If you have an idea, leave a comment with it.
It can be a weapon, or an ability from dust. The one I like the most will be used in the next chapter! Other than that, see ya!

For my Queen (Gears of War Reader x RWBY)Where stories live. Discover now