Big event pt. 2

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"Y/N" Adam said starring into my eyes. I smiled and extended my hand.

"It's wonderful to see you" I said smiling and being as fake as I possibly could. He looked taken back, but kissed my hand and smiled.

"Wonderful to see you too getting along!" Sophia said, sensing the tension. Music started to pay and we were ushered to sit down. I did, finding myself  placed right next to Adam. My heart skipped a beat. Everything leading up to this seemed like nothing. But now I'm  here. Next to the person I love with my entire heart. I kept my eyes straight. Smiling as the first few speakers walked up. They talked about how much the foundation has helped so many and how thankful they are to be apart of it. Sooner Than I wanted it was my turn. I walked up the stage and to the podium. Ready to speak from the heart.

"Well, you all look even better up here than down there" I said laughing and so did the room. "Now you've heard it all, so I won't touch as much as the others did. But I want to share a story. My mother and father, have known bill and Melinda for years. I first met then when I was 7. I was young and didn't know what they were talking about. My first encounter with the organization was when I was 13. I walked up to my father who was looking at photos. It was photos of young children from Malaysia. Photos of before and after. A girl had a clef lip in one, and in the other she had a perfect smile. Another was of students in a classroom learning. I was confused and asked him 'what are you looking at?' He smiled and told me that himself, my mother and the wonderful bill and Melinda had been helping these children. He told me how they brought medical and education to there country.  They were in a below poverty part of Malaysia.  He explained to me how they were able to teach them and help them grow. And help them thrive, when there own country couldn't. I was curious now about this foundation. fast forward to the age of 15. I take my First trip to Malaysia. I see what they've done. I've seen the work they've put In. And I fully understand what they were working toward. Now over 10 years later. I am so blessed and honored to know that the foundation is growing stronger, and helping so many more than when I was a child. Tonight we are here to notice the hard work, and dedication that is put into helping these 3rd world country's have access to the things most Americans take advantage of. Tonight, let's remember why we are here, and honor bill and Melinda for the outstanding work they do. Thank you" I said as I smiled and walked off stage. The room was full of clapping, cheers and excitement. As I sat down again, Adam leaned over.

"That was beautiful"

I blushed "thank you. I was afraid of bombing it" I said back smiling facing him.

He looked deep into my eyes and for a split second I felt like leaning in and kissing him again. But he snapped me out of my thoughts.

"May I see you when we are told to mingle? Outside in the garden?" He asked. I looked at him a little confused. Thinking for a moment.


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 24, 2021 ⏰

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