26. unexpected turns

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I was sitting in the main room, when everyone came back. Aria followed by kay and her mother. They smiled and walked into the kitchen and I followed behind. They started pulling out bottles after bottle, and I looked at aria.

"Hey, can we talk? I have some stuff I wanna understand better and I figured you'd be the perfect person to talk to about this" I asked her, she looked confused but agreed.

"Yeah, why don't we go to the patio and talk privately" she said motioning to the sliding glass door. I nodded and followed her. I took a seat on the small chair and she curled on on the end of the couch.

"So, ask away. What would you like to know?" She said smiling. I smiled back before getting serious.

"What's the history between kay and Y/N" I asked and her face fell, only for a second before she took a deep breath and started talking.

"Well, we all met in 8th grade. We were like the best of friends. I can't lie I had a huge crush on kay, but we never really went anywhere with it due to the fact we were like 14. Y/N has always been the type of person who everyone we knew wanted, like every guy we were friends with was attracted to her. It was something that always bothered me. i believe in was the beginning of our sophomore year, her and kay I guess started going behind my back and secretly flirting and meeting up for these little dates. Eventually they had fully started dating, and I had the biggest grudge against them. I never told her that I was into him, which in all honesty is my own fault, I know for a fact if I had told her they wouldn't have dated, but I still hated that they did. They seemed happy for a while, until this one day she came to school with a busted lip, she swore it came from soccer practice, and I was dumb enough to believe her. they started to be distant from each other, over time they'd fight more and more in front of the friend group. We had gone to prom one night, and I walked into the locker room, and she was in tears, her cheek was really red. I didn't connect the dots, in fact I didn't connect any of the dots until tonight honestly. He was abusive to her, and I didn't even realize it. they broke up our senior year, he was extremely stalker like to her, she had to stop doing normal school and starting doing online. She eventually went to college and she never talked to him again up until we started dating and well now we're here" she finished and I looked at her in complete shock. I had absolutely no idea that was ever what their relationship entailed.

I thanked her and got up and walked into the house. I couldnt even begin to think of the pain she went through while dating him. I saw him in the den as I walked past and it took everything inside of me not to beat the shit out of that low life scum. I shook the thoughts out of my head and ran up the stairs into the guest bedroom she was staying in.

"Occupied' she said as I opened the door. Her back was towards the door, she was curled up in a ball on the edge. I didn't say anything, just walked in and shut the door. She didn't make a sound, and neither did I.

I picked up the covers and slid in next to her, wrapping my arms around her waist, pulling her close to my body. I could feel her sob, and heard the tears fall from her eyes. I put my lips to her head and kissed her softly, pulling her in tighter.

"I'm sorry my love, I'm so sorry" I said, holding her, letting her cry the pain out. We both eventually drifted into a deep sleep.

Next morning-

I woke up to the sun beaming in, and her beautiful face laying on my chest. Nothing in this world can compare to her beauty, nothing will ever come next to the way she smiles when I tell her I got her tacos. Everything about her, it was just heavenly.

I got up and slipped away and found my jacket in our real room, making sure the small velvet box was still hidden. I smiled to myself thinking of how perfect it will all be once I ask her.

I was going to turn around and take a shower, but her voice caught me dead in my tracks.

"Hello, Adam" said Monica.

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