12. The fight

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You had been enjoying every aspect of your life in California. Working with Adam was easy, his page was booming and the fan interaction was better than ever. You had been keeping in contact with friends back in New York but due to what time of the year it was, they were all still dealing with school. Your main focus had been working with the few clients you had and Adam.

You were writing an email to a new potential client when you heard a knock at the door. You were slightly confused but the person at the door knocked again. You got up and shut off the tv and closed your laptop and made your way to the door. You opened it and saw your mother.

"What are you doing here?" You asked, she leaned in for a hug and you complied. She had suitcases with her. Why did she have suitcases with her?

"Well I haven't heard from you in what feels like ages! You've been here for what, a month at this point? I haven't heard from you so I decided to come down!" She said grabbing her stuff and coming inside. You opened the door and stood to the side confused as hell as to what was happening.

"Yeah well I've been busy with work and stuff. You should have called I would have been more prepared" you said still confused. You shut the door and locked it turning to grab the wine from the cabinet. You were going to need a lot of wine while she was here. You got a class for you and her as she sat on your couch looking around. You didn't realize you had 5 files on the table of photos and captions for different posts. One of them being Adams.

She was looking it over and she had the most confused look on her face. "What is all of this? Why do you have photos of people, and why are one of these people Adam driver?" She asked as you handed her the wine and you sat down. You knew what you were about to say would piss her off.

"It's my job. I manage social media accounts for celebrities and boost there fan engagement. Adam is a client" you said taking a long drink of wine and you could see the steam from your mothers ears.

"So instead of doing what me or your father did, or becoming an designer. You're posting Instagram photos for celebrities? Honey that's a waste of schooling! I knew this whole coming to California would be a fail" she said with anger in her voice. You rolled your eyes.

"Mom, I've told you before. I came here for my own reasons. I don't want to be attached to our last name just being known as your daughter! I'm sorry but I'm actually making amazing money doing something I really like and I am happier than I ever was in New York" you snapped back rolling your eyes. She scoffed at your comment.

"Please, you could be making more than I do in a year if you actually tried. You know what, I knew this would happen. I even told Mona that this would happen and she agreed!" She snapped and you lost it.

"Stop telling your sister what I'm doing with my life. Mona and I have not spoken in almost two years. If she wants to hear from me, and know about what I'm doing. She can ask me personally. You do not need to keep telling everyone what I'm doing."

Your mother looked at you with anger and disrespect. "Do not speak about your aunt that way. Your aunt has a very busy life. She does not need to constantly ask you how you are doing. And as she is my own sister I am obligated to tell her what's going on in my family's life" she said and you bursted out laughing.

"Oh is that so? Does she also know dad and Mia are having a 4th baby? Do either of you know he has 3 kids on top of that? Two girls and a boy. And she's having another boy! But did you also know he's living his best life in Calabasas? You probably didn't! Cause I didn't until I got onto an email! Mona doesn't need to know everything. If someone doesn't tell her, or if someone doesn't tell you to tell her, why must she know!" You screamed. The anger you had inside was so deep. You and your aunt Mona had never gotten along. She always gave off snobby rich vibes, and because of how your dad raised you, to hated people who were snobby.

Your mother looked at you with tears in her eyes. You had clearly hit some sort of nerve. Knowing what you knew, your mom never knew about the kids he had. And the live he was living.

"Well, I did not know that. I'm sorry I have hurt your feelings. And I apologize that I have told Mona things you did not want her to know." You cupped your face as you knew you had fucked up. You were trying to compose yourself but you saw your mom grab her suitcase and begin to leave.

"Mom what are you doing?" You asked.

"I'm going to go to my hotel. This is all a lot for me to handle right now. I will come by tomorrow" she said in response.

You stood up and hugged her, telling her how sorry you were. Fighting with your mom was something that happened more than you'd like to admit but it's never been in this level. No amount of trying could get her to stay. She left and you knew you had to find a way to make it upto her tomorrow. So you have to go to the store.

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