16. Morning after.

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You woke up with the sun peaking through the window. You could have sworn you had for most real dream of your life.

You turned over, pulling the covers over you to drift back into sleep, when you felt something warm on your face. You opened your eyes to see a sleeping Adam, without any clothes on.

Your eyes widened. Last night wasn't a dream. You really slept with Adam driver. You couldn't even begin to fathom what had happened when you heard Adams deep raspy morning voice.

"Good morning angel"
You melted. He called you angel. He grabbed you by the hips and pulled you towards him. He kissed the top of your head and you giggled. You soon fell back into a deep sleep while Adam held you.

You woke up a few hours later, sitting up realizing Adam wasn't next to you. But the smell of pancakes filled your bedroom. You found Adams shirt and lazily put it on. It was a tent on you.

You walked out rubbing your eyes to see him in nothing but his boxers, making breakfast.

"Hey angel, you're up" he exclaimed, smiling at you. There was a cup of orange juice sitting waiting for you.

You sat at the island and drank it. "Good morning" you smiled. He flipped chocolate chip pancakes and had bacon and sausage frying at the same time. The view of his back muscles while he cooked sent your mind into thoughts of last night.

He turned to you with a plate of food, smiling ear to ear. He sat the plates down and stood next to you. He lightly grabbed your chin, pulling your face towards his, and kissed you softly. You melted like the butter on the pancakes. It felt so right.

"How did you sleep?" He asked sitting next to you. You smiled.

"I thought I was dreaming until I woke up and saw you. And to be completely honest, it was some of the best sleep I've ever had" you gushed, and he looked at you with his soft eyes, and a big smile.

"I Hope last night was as enjoyable for you as it was for me" he said taking a bite. You almost choked.

"Trust me, last night was nothing less of amazing" you said avoiding eye contact as you felt shy. He laughed at you before finishing up.

"You'll be getting a package around noon. And people will be coming by to get you ready" he said placing his dishes in the sink, right before leaving.

You were confused. "Ready for what" you said with a mouth full of food

He smirked, "that shirt looks good on you" he said before turning and walking out the door.


Hi guys! I just want to ask how y'all are liking the story! Is there anything I should improve on? I know this chapter is short but the next two are probably going to be over 2000 words haha, I also need to know, are y'all okay and comfortable with some 18+ content? I've written it before but not in this kind of a story, so please let me know if that's something y'all would like! -lovely ❤️

Love at the end of summer~ Adam driver X readerWhere stories live. Discover now