18. The faithful night before it all fell apart

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You walked hand in hand up the carpet together. You knew the news had broke due to the phone in your clutch going off like no tomorrow. Every vibration reminded you just how real this was.

You smiled and posed for pictures. Feeling the eyes on you and the flashing lights of cameras. People screaming out asking who you were. Where was Monica. How long we have been together. Adam could sense how you were feeling. His large hand held on tighter to your hip and waist, making you feel safer than before.

You walked up the steps where you were asked your name, seeing that your name was on the list somehow.

Had Adam known you were going to say yes?

You walked in the beautifully decorated large space and found your seats. Third row from the front, Adam on the outside seat, yourself on the inside. He placed his hand on your thigh, squeezing slightly.

"I'm so honored to be here with you, Y/N" he stated looking at you with a loving smile. You couldn't help but lean in to kiss him, right as the camera passed by you. You had no idea until later that the event was being televised.

You sat and watched as everything happened. Names being called. And shortly after It was Adams turn. He got up as the crowed cheered, and so did you.

He walked up waving to the audience as violins played. He reached the podium before speaking.

"Ahh. Where do I even begin?" He laughed. "You know, I had no idea that after my first time being rejected from Juilliard, that I would be standing here years later. I'm so honored to be here. To be acting. To be living my dream out like I tried to the first time" he chucked and we all did. Everyone was familiar with the first time Adam came to LA. "I've had a lot of help along the way. Not only from family and friends, producers I've met and worked with. And not only with Disney for really launching my career" he laughed. "But for everyone who had an impact. So to my mom, my family and friends. And the oh so loving Y/N. This is for you" he said before turning off stage. Your heart had fallen to the floor. He mentioned you in his speech. You felt tears forming in your eyes.


The event was soon over and you were escorted back stage to Adam. He pulled you in and hugged you. Planting a soft kiss on the top of your head.

"So how did I do" he asked smiling, looking down at you.

You smiled even bigger. "better then everyone. Frankly your speech was the highlight of the night" you said smirking and you saw a glow in his eyes.

"Hopefully that wasn't the only highlight of tonight" he smirked before you began to walk away. Did he mean what you thought he meant? You were walked back into a large soft lit room with everyone who had received and or given a speech tonight. Alcohol and champagne everywhere. People mingling. Adam had took a scotch and a champagne and handed you the champagne.

"Cheers, to a wonderful event, and even better evening" he said lifting his glass to yours. "Cheers" you smiled.

You had found yourself drinking 4 glasses of champagne and feeling yourself be free.

Adam whispered in your ear. "Let's go back to my house. It's about time you see we're I mainly live when I'm not at the apartment"

You nodded slightly confused. House? Did he have a house and a apartment?

You left the building a completely different way than you had arrived. And instead of a limo, there was a red Lexus waiting. He pulled the keys out, unlocking the car and opening the door.

"My lady" he said ushering you into the passenger seat.
"Thank you" you said stepping in and getting positioned. He shut the door and Made his way to the drivers side. Stepping in and starting the car. You had been in nice cars before. But nothing like the newest model of a car that costed more than your rent for a year. The car had red detailing. Not a lot to throw off the black Italian leather, but enough to still be tasteful. He placed his hand on your thigh, but this time much closer to your heat. You felt your breathe hitch. You haven't had someone be that close to a part of your body In ages.

Love at the end of summer~ Adam driver X readerWhere stories live. Discover now