22. The first night

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•your pov•

We had all piled into the cars. Adam, my mother and myself in one. And Kay and aria in the other. The 45 minute drive was filled with my mother and Adam talking about how amazing it is that we are in New York. How he's been thinking about getting an estate here and selling his home in California, and taking a break from the public eye. Which I agreed with. Between the amount of fans that the starwars movies brought, wanting to have a private life seemed hard enough. 

We eventually pulled up to the beautiful cabin. It was built before I was born, and has been in our family ever since the first piece of wood was placed. We brought our bags into the house and my mother addressed were we would all be sleeping.

"Well, darling since you and Adam are a couple, you can have the biggest room on the 3rd floor loft. Kay, aria you guys will be down the hall to the left from me. Y/Ns father may be attending, we are still deciding what we will be doing fully but for the time being let's get settled!" She said clapping her hands together motioning for us to rake our things to our rooms.

I left my purse on a chair. Grabbed my makeup bag and two suitcases and Adam had done the same. We reached the room and we still had two bags down stairs.

"I'll go get them" he said planting a kiss on my cheek.


I began to place things in the drawers of our very spacious loft/room area and I heard aria speak.

"So, you and Adam huh?" She asked. I couldn't quite read her tone.

"Yeah" I started turning towards her. "Quite a surprise huh"

She chuckled crossing her arms. "Well considering the first day you moved in you smacked into him and now you two are on a couples vacation. It's quite a dream if I do say so myself. Wasn't he dating that Monica woman?" She asked. And with that last sentence I could tell she was bitter about my relationship.

I crossed my arms as well. "For the public they were together yes. But we don't know the full aspect of there relationship. And if we are being frank, it's not your concern who he has dated in the past" I said standing my ground to her and she laughed.

"Please, Dont come back home pretending you're better than us. I know you. You don't speak like that. And you most definitely don't act like this either. Adams going to realize how much of a stupid bitch you are. And leave you for a real woman" She said through a smile. Right at the Last chunk of her sentience.

"Adam! It's so good to finally, properly meet you. I'm aria" she said smiling at him as he placed the last of the bags.

"Hi, I've heard lots about you" he smiled being polite. I could tell he felt the vibe was off in the room and he walked to my side. Not shaking her hand or anything. She smiled and so did we.

"Well I'm sure Kay has clothes everywhere in the room. I'll see you guys at dinner tonight?" She said going towards the stairs.

"Sounds great!" We said together as she left. I let out a deep breath and he looked at me worried. "What happened? Why was that interaction so odd" he said walking me over to the end of the bed. I couldn't help but cave.

"She's been acting off lately. It started when she texted me when she saw we were together. And now she's with Kay and it's gotten nothing but worse. She's trying to bring up the past and how I was in highschool saying I'm pretending to be someone I'm not and just causing more problems then needed." I rested my head on his shoulder and his arm wrapped around me.

"Well that's just a load of shit. If she can't be happy for us, and can't realize you changed then that's on her. Let's not let someone dwelling on the past affect our future okay?" He said lifting my face to look at him. Your eyes met and you couldn't help but smile.


About 3 hours had passed. Adam and myself had been placing things away and making it feel more comfortable for the next two weeks when my mother came up.

"Hey lovebirds. Just letting you know we are going out for dinner. We have a dress code. Casual but you must wear a white shirt and jeans. We will be taking a photo together and it's best if we all look the same, is that okay?" She asked double checking.

Adam smiled. "That's actually an amazing idea, i love the idea of matching outfits in any kind of photo" he said and you agreed.

"Perfect! Well I'm sure she has shown you where the shower is, but we will be leaving at 8!" She said before turning around and walking down the stairs. I giggled.

"Do you want to take a shower together, ya know to save water?" I asked. Placing my hands on his shoulders as his hands found my waist. "I thought you'd never ask" he responded and I couldn't help but laugh.

We walked into the bathroom and shit the door. There was a large tub and a large walk in shower. I quickly undressed and turned the water on and stepped in before Adam. I heard a thud, assuming it was his clothes hitting the floor, and the speaker turn on. Calming music began to play and you grabbed the Sponge and body wash.

Quickly two hands found there way around be and grabbed the sponge and soap. "Let me help you" Adam said, moving his hands away with the items. He put wash on the sponge and began to wash your back. It wasn't sexual, but it was sensual. It felt blissful to be there in the moment with him. I turned to face him, his hands still going over my body with soap. I smirked and took the sponge from him. Rinsing it and putting new soap. Cleaning his chest. I twirled my finger telling him to turn around so I could wash his back. Before he turned back around after I had washed his back. I grabbed the shampoo and began to wash his hair. While I was shorter then him, I was still able to reach. I could sense his body relax as his hair was being washed. We switched places so he could rinse it out. I made him turn back around for conditioner, repeating the same process.

I attempted to grab it for myself but he had stopped me. "Let me treat you like a princess, just like you treat me like a prince" he said in a calm voice. I couldn't help but smile at him. I turned and let his big hands massage the shampoo into my hair and conditioner. Everything was perfect.

The shower was an experience I will never forget. We were both in towels deciding on what to wear.

"What do you think about a plan basic tshirt?" He asked holding up a hanger with said shirt. "With those darkish blue jeans you put in the top drawer, and some white sneakers, you'd look amazing" I responded pulling out my outfit. He smiled.

"You have a good eye for outfits" he said as he placed the clothes on the bed. "What can I say, I have an eye for fashion" I smiled. (See outfit below for what you will be wearing)

 (See outfit below for what you will be wearing)

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I got dressed and so did Adam. I let my hair down in a twist to let it dry curly. Placing my earrings in my ears and putting on my bracelet.

"Wow, we match" he said standing next to me as we looked into the full length mirror. "We do, grab my phone this is the perfect time for a photo" I said and he did. I snapped a cute photo of us posed, and saved it for later. We laced up our shoes and I grabbed our bags and went downstairs to the hell hole that was about to be dinner.

Love at the end of summer~ Adam driver X readerWhere stories live. Discover now