29. what happens next pt 1

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~ Your pov ~

My phone had been ringing off the hook. I couldn't stand it. I shut it off completely and started to pack my things. I didn't want to me in New York anymore. Aria and myself had a moment, that came with a lot of tears, and laughter, something I hadn't shared with her in a while. While my phone may have been off, it has been hours since Adam left, and yet still had not texted me. Part of me knew I should walk away, the other part of me wanted to take my time and make everything work.

"Hey, maybe at the end of the day, it was simply just a love at the end of the summer. You can always move onto bigger and better things" aria said hoisting my things into the trunk of my car. I looked at her with a stern, 'too soon' face and she gave me the ' im sorry' eyes.

I ran inside and hugged my mom, telling her how much I love her, and how she should consider getting an. Apartment closer to me. I smiled and waved at everyone, except I hadn't seen kay in what felt like ages. I got into the car and turned on music, and my thoughts overcame everything.

-Flashback -

"Oh my god, aria, just ask jack already!" Kay screamed while laughing. We were all at the beach, toes and ass in the sand, nothing seemed wrong in the world. Aria smacked kay in the arm and I snuggled closer to him. We were all surrounded by a bonfire.

"Yeah come on ri, why haven't you asked him? He's been eyeing you this ENTIRE trip to the beach." I said taking a quick glance over in his direction, his eyes still glued to her. I raised my eyebrows and she rolled her eyes.

"Oh god. I want HIM to ask me you fucking idiots" she growled, getting annoyed. The rest of the night past in a blur, she got the balls to go talk to jack and they hit it off right away, so myself and kay drove home alone. Something was definitely wrong, as his hand was holding a death grip on my thigh.

"Whats wrong? Why are you gripping my thigh so hard?" I asked and he grabbed harder, I felt the pain shoot through me and I started to cry. " what the fuck let go of me!" I screamed, he lifted his hand, making direct contact with my face. My hand touched my cheek and I moved my body as far away from him as I could.

"Why did you keep looking at jack, huh? You want him don't you. Don't fucking lie to me god damn it!" He punched my arm, I knew it would leave a bruise.

I tuned out his screaming. I was in nothing but pain. He was going 102 on the highway, screaming and hitting me the entire time. i wanted so badly to jump out of the car, the short term pain from the impact would feel so much better than the long term impact this relationship is taking on me.

-Sudden end of flashback -

I wiped the tears from under my eyes, I didn't even realize what was happening. The next thing I knew, I was looking over right as a semi hit the side of the car, and I blacked out.

-Adams pov -

I wasn't answering any calls on my phone, until arias name popped up on my phone. Shit.

"Aria?" I asked picking up the phone. I was currently driving back home, I needed to talk to Y/N.

"A-adam! You need to get to saint James hospital right now!" She screamed, before I could question it, she spoke for me. "Y/N was hit by a semi driving to the airport" she said and my phone hit the floor, and my foot hit the gas pedal. It didn't matter the laws I was breaking, it didn't matter how badly I would pay for this. She is all that mattered in this moment.

= at the hospital=

I ran in, frantically, finding aria and Y/Ns mom. They were both holding each other. I ran up to them, they both stood to there feet and I engulfed them in a large hug, tears running down my face.

"Are you guys here for Y/N?" The doctor asked coming up to us.

"Uh yes, how is she doing? Is she okay?" I asked, seeing as both women were hysterical.

The doctor nodded and then shook his head. "She has suffered a lot of bruises and cuts, she will need to be monitored for brain damage over the next few nights, but we have some bad news"

I braced myself for the worst, memory loss, loss of speach, anything at this point.

"How bad is it? is she gonna be able to recover?" Her mom asked and the doctor nodded.

"Yes she is fine, but, I take it from how you're reacting you don't know" he started, before we could ask any questions he continued. "She was 7 weeks pregnant, she lost the child" he finished and I almost fell, and so did they.

"Sh-she was pregnant?" I somehow managed to get out. Tears filling my eyes.

"Yes, we did some bloodwork, and the tests were as clear as day, she was pregnant, im sorry for your loss, you can go back and see her now if you'd like" he said before turning around.

Aria and her mother were looking at me. Tears streaming down their faces, tears streaming down mine too. Nothing about this day seemed to get better.

"You need to go see her" aria said and her mother agreed. My hand met my mouth and I nodded. I walked down the long hallways to her room. She looked like hell, wires and IVs hooked up to every inch of her. A neck brace, head bandages, everything.

I took her hand in mine, sitting in the chair next to you.

"I vow to protect you, love you, be there for you. I vow to never leave your side, to be the man you need me to be, the man you don't ever have to question. Im sorry my love" I whispered to her. She didn't move, but right before I let go, I felt her finger twitch, and to me, that felt like she was telling me she loved me.

Love at the end of summer~ Adam driver X readerWhere stories live. Discover now