8. The new client

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You woke up realizing you had fallen asleep on the couch. You haven't done something like that since you were 17. You looked at the clock and saw it was 11, you grabbed your phone and check your messages. You noticed your manager Joshua had sent you an email titled urgent. You opened the email and it said you had two potential clients. Both were well known and not on Instagram and he had felt you would bring them to the new age of social media.

You smiled at the email knowing this is what you ad wanted. You responded with a thank you and told him you would be getting a personal work phone so your personal phone wouldn't be blown up. You grabbed your laptop and went to your phone provider and check to see what work phones they had. You settled on a black iPhone and placed the order and sent Joshua your new work number. 

You felt like your body hasn't been worked out in weeks. You went to the closet and pulled out a pink sports bra and a matching pair of yoga pants and a pair of tennis shoes. You had seen an advertisement down block for a Pilates class for men and woman.

You grabbed your keys and went to the parking garage. While walking to your car you saw the same woman Adam had been fighting with the other day. You both made eye contact and you, being polite smiled at her and she gave you a small, half genuine smile. There was a vibe you got from her that felt unnatural, like she disliked you but for what reason. You brushed the thought and started your car to get to the class. The drive was about 20 minutes but you eventually found it. You went in and signed up for the class and found a spot next to a man with brown hair. You were stretching when the man decided to speak up.

"First time?" He asked you. You turned and smiled at him.

"Yeah, I felt like it was type I got back into working out" you responded stretching your legs.

"Nice nice, I'm Alec" he said turning and stretching his hand out to shake yours.

"Y/N" you responded and before you could respond to him the instructor came in and the glass began.

"5! 4! 3! 2! 1! And drop!" The woman said finishing the final part of class. You let out a deep sigh. Your body felt sore and tight.

"You did pretty good for a first class" Alex said turning to you, wiping the sweat off his forehead.

You laughed. "Hey it's been a couple of years since I've been to a class this intense. I'm not as good as I once was" you defended yourself jokingly.

He laughed and gathered his things and you walked out of the room. You both went your ways to the changing room but bumped into each other on the way out.

"Oh hey! Do you maybe wanna go to this juice bar next door? I'll pay since it was your first official class" Alex said holding his items. You thought about it for a second, wondering if you would ever get another opportunity like this.

"Sure why not"

"Great!" He responded and you walked Next door to the large colorful juice bar. You got in the very long line and both held a pretty fun conversation. You felt the like grow behind you and you heard your name.

"Y/N?" You and Alec both turned and saw Adam and the woman from this morning.

"Oh hey what's up!" You said being polite and he smiled.

"Oh we are just out and about and stopped to get some juice. Did you just get done with the workout class next door?" He asked and you noticed you were in your sweaty Gym clothes.

"Oh yes we were just over there! Oh and Adam this is Alec, Alec this is Adam" you said introducing the two.
"Oh yes hi it's nice to meet you! This is Monica" Adam said motioning to the woman. You smiled at her as friendly as you could.

"Hello, oh darling don't be so modest. We were out on a shopping date" she said gushing and you felt your heart fall.
"Oh I didn't know you were seeing someone! It's a pleasure to meet you!" You said feeling the tension in the room thicken.

You and Adam shared a glance and Alec and Monica began to talk. You all eventually got juices and found yourselves sitting at a table together just chatting.

"So how long have you guys been seeing each other" Alec asked Monica and Adam. You could see Adam get tense and Monica lit up. Something seemed off.

"We've been together for a year, isn't that right darling" Monica said and Adam looked scared.

"Haha yes we have" he said looking at you with a small smile. So that's why he sent the note and left so fast. He had a girlfriend.

You eventually wrapped everything up and went your separate ways. You had gotten Alecs number and exchanged social media's and began to drive home. The thought of Adam having a girlfriend rang through your head.

Love at the end of summer~ Adam driver X readerWhere stories live. Discover now