25. Start of a fight

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~ Adams POV ~

"What do you mean, got into a fight? Like physically?" I asked, trying to keep my eyes on the road, but wanting to be there for her at the same time.

She took a deep breath and leaned back into the seat. "No we didnt get into that kind of a fight but I put her in her place. She was trying to come at me sideways like she knew what my life was like after high school, and even how my relationship with kay was and she-" I cut off her sentence before she could speak. Something she had said didn't sit right with me.

"Relationship with kay? What do you mean?" I said looking at her right before turning down the last street before the cabin. I could tell she was confused about something.

"Didn't I tell you that me and kay dated?' She said looking me confused. I shook my head no and kept driving through the woods. She looked out the window.

"Yeah we dated in high school but that's not the point Adam, what im saying is we fought over that and then we fought over the fact that we are happy and she tried to accuse me of acting like a completely different person then I was in high school. And then it just got out of hand and im just over tonight honestly" she said closing her eyes. The tone in her voice was something I had never heard before. She never got an attitude, but it seems that me mentioning how she never told me about her relationship with kay, set her off.

I drove in silence and so did she. We eventually pulled up to the cabin, no one was home yet. They had said they wanted to go to the liquor store for some wine and other things for the mini get together that her mother was planning. Something didn't sit right with me that she hadn't told me she dated kay. I don't think its that big of a deal, but it definitely puts myself in a place I'm uncomfortable with. I parked the car and she grabbed her bag and went to open the cabin with the set of keys her mother gave her. I followed shortly behind her, going up the stairs into our bedroom.

"So why didn't you mention to me that you and him had a past relationship?" I asked taking off my shoes as she did as well. She scoffed and rolled her eyes.

"Adam I don't think it matters. We were in high school and frankly, I don't want to discuss my past relationships when they are no longer relevant, Adam. You don't see me asking about Monica and what went on between you two" she snapped. Something was wrong and I wasn't having it.

"Look, Y/N. I told you the truth of my relationship with Monica. I am an open book, I have absolutely nothing to hide. Now personally I think we should both mutely be on the same page. As much as I want you to know about my past I want to know the same about yours. I don't see any issue with that" I said raising my voice slightly higher. she threw her shoes into the corner and grabbed her clothes with anger.

"Adam, I understand you want to know absolutely everything, but frankly my past relationship with an ex high school lover does not matter at the moment. Now can we drop the subject?" She said turning into the bathroom pissed, which made me laugh.

"Come on! You have to be fucking kidding me right now! Of course it matters Y/N! Relationships from the past hold the keys to the future! Now can you stop acting like a fucking child and talk to me, for fucks sake Y/N we're adults" I shouted getting over worked on this stupid conversation. I took off my shirt and pants just standing in my boxers as she came out in a white satin nightgown.

"Don't you dare call me a fucking child, Adam! I'm simply not in the mood to talk about this right now! Why are you starting a fight in the middle of the damn night, when my mother and two others can walk in at any given moment. Now im going to sleep in the other guest room, because frankly I don't feel like sleeping next to someone who wants to start a fight over something small and inconvenient." She said turning on her heal and walking out. I heard the door slam shut and the lock turn, I ran my hands through my hair and let out a deep sigh. My intentions were not to start a fight, but deep down inside I had a hunch kay was up to something, and it didn't sit right with me. The way he looked at her, the way he constantly gave her the side eye. I had a hunch that something had gone down between them, and frankly I just wanted to know the truth, but now it seems I'm going to have to talk to Aria.

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