19. Its out

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You woke up next to Adam, tangled in the sheets with the sun pouring in the window. You looked over to see his back up and down slowly as he breathed. You smiled lightly to yourself, knowing that everything that happened last night was real.

You had finally decided it was time to look at your phone. You went and snuck into the bathroom doing your business and grabbing your clutch and resorting back to bed. Turning your phone on you gave it a minute for all the notifications to hit.

Just like you have suspected your phone was blowing up. All of your Twitter mentions all had something to do with Adam. People you never even knew followed you on Instagram. Your DM's were flooded with about 400 teenage girls ready to either rip you apart or bless you on how cute you and Adam look together.  None of that mattered to you though because at the end of the day you knew this is what you were getting into. You opened your normal text messages to see a couple of numbers you did not recognize. A text from your best friend who at least you thought was your best friend considering she hadn't reached out to you despite you reaching out to her since the incident. next to hers was an unknown number but from the beginning of the text you could tell that was your father. Under that was your mother half confused half upset. Do you need how to explain it at one point or another, The 8 AM was not the time to do so.  The next message I made your stomach hit floor.  you didn't need to read the number or the message to know it was from Kay. Knowing him he's probably so hooked on you although you haven't heard from him since the first time he texted you. You didn't dare up at any of the messages.

Are you placed your phone down on the bed and run your fingers through your Hair. You don't know how to feel a lot of the reactions you have skimmed through we're happy for you a lot of them upset that you didn't tell them although you couldn't bring yourself to open the messages from your mother your father your best friend and Kay. You snuggled back into the shits and place your hand on Adams back. This movement must've cost some thing and had to wake up because before you knew it has beautiful brown eyes were looking at you.

"Goodmorning angel" he said wrapping his arm around you and pulling you close. You giggled.

"Goodmorning love"

He let out a deep sigh. "how did you sleep?" He asked into the nape of your neck.

You took in a deep inhale of air before answering. "It was some of the best sleep I've had"

You heard him chuckle and could feel him smiling. He sat up in bed pulling out his phone and texting real quick. You would soon come to realize it was just Adam ordering food from a local shop for the two of you.

"Well, the fans seem to be taking it better then I would have thought" he said turning his phone to me and showing the trending #adamandY/N on Twitter.

You laughed also sitting up next to him. "It's better then I thought too. I might as well check my actual messages and face the music before my mother hunts me down" you said pulling your phone as opening hers first.

Mom: honey, all I have to say is wow. Just wow. I always knew you would grow to be an amazing woman and do amazing things. But landing Adam driver as your boyfriend? I honestly couldn't believe it! Not like that's a bad thing of course no but wow! Please come up to New York and stay at the cabin for a week. We will invite B/F/F/N and yourself and Adam and a few of the other family members. I'm even thinking about reaching out to your father. But that's something to tell you when I see you. Lots of love, mom❤️

You giggled at how she signed off the bottom of the text. Adam had gotten up and gotten the order from his door. He handed you a ice coffee, two muffins and a bowl of fruit with a kiss on the head.

"Thank you love" you stated as he sat next to you. He smiled.

"Anytime" we both went back to reading our messages and eating. This time you opened your best friends.

Bestie: wow. I don't even know what to say. I know I've lowkey been ignoring you over the last couple of weeks because I don't know how to handle things and tell you what I need to tell you. But having to find out that your dating Adam fucking driver through Twitter? That's a fucking low blow Y/N. I cannot believe out of all the things you could not tell me, this is one of them? Fucking wonderful. Ya know I was going to tell you when I had the actual courage. But since you seem to not give a fuck here it goes. Me and Kay are together and happy. He doesn't care about you anymore. He told me the truth. He never did half of the shit you told me he did. So why don't you stop lying. Be an actual adult and tell the truth.

You swiped quickly out of the messages. A mix of anger and sadness found its way to your heart. You pushed past the thought not wanting Adam to see you in such a state.

You checked your fathers massages.

Unknown: hey goose. I'm sorry about everything that's happened. And not being transparent with you. I'm happy to see you and Adam living such a happy life together. Me and Mia want to be apart of your life if you'll let us. I know the kids would love to meet you. I miss you goose.

You swiped out and locked your phone. Right now hearing what your dad had to say didn't feel right. You turned towards Adam.

"How do you feel about taking a week vacation to a cabin in New York?" You asked.

He smiled. "That sounds like a wonderful idea."

Love at the end of summer~ Adam driver X readerWhere stories live. Discover now