3. unexpected

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You got your groceries and went to check out. You got enough for the next two weeks or so. You payed for everything you needed and walked home. You scanned the keycard to enter the building and saw Adam and the woman from before, arguing?

You didn't want to be in there business so you walked to the elevator not giving it a second thought, right before the doors closed you saw a hand come through to stop the doors from closing.

"Glad I caught ya, these things take ages to get down once they go up" Adam said smiling, now standing next to you.

You giggled. "Its true just yesterday I felt like it took 800 years to get down here" you said back and stood in a soft silence.

"So how have you been settling in Y/N?" he said with a smile as the elevator doors dinged on your floor.

You smiled at him as you walked to your doors.

"Honestly, its been pretty great but I ran out of wine so it is not a good time" you said jokingly as you opened the door and waved goodbye at each other.

You placed the bags down and started to put away all of the items you had purchased and left out the pizza you had planned to have for dinner when there was a knock at the door. You froze for a second as you didn't know who could possibly be at your door right now.

Sadly you didn't have a peep hole to look out of so you reluctantly opened the door to see Adam standing there with a bottle of wine and two wine glasses.

"I figured id welcome you to the building with a little wine, and maybe make it a good time?" He said with a smirk playing on his lips. You giggled.

"Well perfect, I was just about to put a pizza in the oven, please come in" you said opening the door and inviting him in. 

He walked into the apartment and you closed the door behind him and locked it. "You have amazing taste in design" he said and you smiled heading to the kitchen with him behind you.

"Thank you! I went to college for interior design and so id hope the money I put into that was worth it" you said smiling while unwrapping the pizza. Adam placed the wine down on the counter and sat on one of the bar stools next to your kitchen island.

"What college did you go to if you don't mind me asking" you smiled at him after preheating the oven.

"Oh I don't mind at all, I went to NYU for 6 years and got a doctorate in social networking and a masters in interior design" he looked at you impressed.

"Wow that's pretty good, can't believe I'm neighbors with someone with a doctorate degree" he said smiled and you scoffed at him.

"Excuse me, sir. Do you know how I feel? I live right across from The oh so famous Adam driver. THE kylo ren. How do you think I feel?" You said raising an eyebrow and finding the wine opener and handing it to him.

He laughed a deep laugh and took the opener and started to open the bottle while you put the pizza in the oven and set a timer.

"Okay okay fair point fair point" he said lifting his hands in defense "are you a big StarWars fan?" He said and your eyes lit up.

"Yes I am, I've loved starwars . My dad when I was a kid took me to a drive in marathon when I was about 9 to see them and I've loved them ever since" you gushed sitting next to him. He poured the glasses of wine and handed one to you.

"Oh so you were shown the movies at a young age" you nodded and took a sip of wine. "So are you and your dad close? Have you guys seen the new movies together?" He asked. 

"No sadly, my parents divorced when I was about 14 for another woman so we haven't been as close as we used to" I answered and his eyes went soft.

"Oh im so sorry to hear that Y/N" he said placing a hand on your shoulder and you smiled.

"Oh don't be its perfectly okay, shit happens" I said and raised a glass. "If that isn't the truest thing I've ever heard" he said back. You touched classes and drank.

You talked about life and soon after the pizza was done. You ate the food laughing and drinking and eventually found yourself migrating towards the couch with almost Half a bottle of wine gone between the two of you.

You sat close to Adam on the couch talking about everything and anything.

"So you're telling me you dumped him at prom?" He said laughing at the story you were telling and it sent you over the edge. You fell to his lap laughing hysterically at the fact you were a crazy teenager.

You lifted yourself from his lap trying to stop laughing. "Let me just make this very clear, he wasn't wearing anything to cover the nasty musk smell he had on him, he didn't brush his teeth AND he spilled punch on my dress, I felt it was right to dump him in that moment" you defended yourself and he started laughing even harder which sent you into yet again another laughing fit.

You opened your eyes to meet eyes with him. You slowly stopped laughing as the two of you kept eye contact. You could feel your heart beating like crazy, and soon saw his hand coming to cup the side of your face. You found your eyes and his shutting and your lips meeting in a soft bliss with the taste of wine lingering. Your lips moved in sync with each other, as if it was something you practiced for years. 

Love at the end of summer~ Adam driver X readerWhere stories live. Discover now