6. the past

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 - flashback, age 14-

You were sitting in the kitchen like you did almost every night before dinner. You had an essay due in two days and knew if you didn't get it done you weren't going to get it done anytime soon. You sat down with your laptop and got to figuring out how you were going to write this damn thing. You were supposed to go to BF/N house to work on it with her but she has a family emergency so you just went home right after school, except you forgot to tell your parents you hadn't gone to her house.

An hour or so had passed and you heard your parents walk through the door but before you could yell that you were in the kitchen, you heard them yelling, and the door slam.

"Do not bull that bullshit with me Mike. I know you're sleeping with your god damn assistant. Just be honest for the love of christ!" Your mother screamed and you felt your blood run cold.

Your father screamed. "For the love of god Catherine! Im not sleeping with anyone! Not even you!" He yelled back and as much as you wanted to run to the back yard and hide in a bush, your body was frozen in place.

"That's the problem, Mike! You don't sleep with me either! you wake up hours before you have to go to work, and leave! And when you come home you completely ignore the idea of being sweet to your wife! How is our daughter supposed to know what a happy healthy relationship is if she can't even see one in her own home!" Your mother yelled even louder and you heard her briefcase fall to the floor.

Your father scoffed loudly. "Please, she knows what love is. she's 14 she does not need to see her parents being constantly loving. Besides, Im not the one who comes home complaining about cases she's gotten like im supposed to do something about it! I didn't tell you to be a lawyer! And I sure as hell didn't tell you to be a lawyer to people who's names were constantly in the press! Im a goddamn chiropractor Catherine! I didnt sign up to deal with criminals! I crack bones for a living!" you felt the tension grow stronger and you still couldn't find the strength to move. tears started to roll down your cheeks without any hesitation. You had never heard your parents fight like this before and it was something you hardly ever had to experience.

You could hear them running up the stairs and slamming the closet doors and other things. You heard your father's feet coming into the kitchen and you wiped your face and tried to get back into writing your essay. 

"When did you get home, sweetie? I thought you were at BFF/N house?" He asked coming into the kitchen and looking for the chicken in the fridge.

You looked up to see his back and tried to sound as strong as possible. "Her mom had a family problem they had to take care of. I went to send a text to you guys but I don't think it sent" you said very clearly lying to him in hope it would dull blow that had happened in the last 5 minutes.

"Oh" he shrugged. "Well, I'm glad you're home safely, what do you think about chicken pot pies for dinner?" He said coming the fridge holding the ingredients, turning to smile at you.

You smiled back at him and agreed to the idea of chicken pot pies when your mother came in, about to yell at your father when she noticed you.

"Oh sweetie, when did you get home?" She asked, coming to give you a side hug and a kiss on the head. Before you could respond your father had answered for you. "She's been home since school ended, BFF/N had some family issues" he said and you nodded and you could sense your mom get tense.

"Ahh, well. I'll have to give her mother a call and make sure she's Okay after Dinner" she said grabbing a wine glass and the red wine. Drinking had always seemed to be what your mother used as some sort of an escape from everything.

- 3 months from that night-

You were in your bedroom, reading a book when you heard a glass fall to the floor downstairs. You snuck out of your room to the top of the stairs to try and hear what your mom and dad were saying.

"She's 28 Mike! She doesn't know shit! She's just another blonde bimbo you find attractive! She will offer you ABSOLUTELY nothing!" Your mother screamed and you heard another dish crash into the sink.

"Damn it Cathrine, she offers me more than you ever could! That's it! Im done!" He yelled and you heard your mother yell shortly after.

"Oh so you're just going to walk away from your family? Leave for some stupid bimbo!"

"Yes! Im done, Cathrine. Im packing my shit and I'm leaving, you will be getting the papers in the morning!" He yelled and started stopping towards the stairs. You ran to your room and shut the light off and closed the door. Jumping into a position on the bed to pretend to be asleep. You could hear him in there bedroom grabbing things when he stopped and walked to your door.

He slowly opened the door and walked in, leaning over you and giving you a kiss on your head before closing the door and getting back to what he was doing. You felt the tears swell in your eyes even harder then they were before. You felt like life was falling apart around you. 

You had tuned out the yelling and slamming of doors and found yourself drifting into a deep sleep. You had woken up to the sound of thunder outside, causing you to jump and look at the at the clock, it was 12:54 in the afternoon, meaning you had slept though alarms and school.

You walked downstairs and saw your mom on the couch, ready to give you the talk you had been anticipating 

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