10. Meetings

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-your POV-

The time was about 12:45 when your phone dinged. You looked over at it to see a message from your boss Joshua. It was telling you to come to his office as he had found a client that had requested you. Who requested me? You thought to yourself before getting up and taking a quick shower. You got out and put on a black pantsuit and a soft pink blouse under. You grabbed your bag and your keys and decided to take the stairs to the parking garage.

You got into your car and drove to the building, blasting your favorite songs along the way. You pulled in and showed the man working the parking garage your new ID card. It gave you access to almost everything but the 18th floor. The 18th floor was private offices for people about Joshua. You had a hope of one day getting your office on that floor.

You locked your car and swiped your access card and opened the side door to the elevators. You pressed the button and in a matter of seconds the door opened. You stepped in and clicked the 15th floor where Joshua was located. You made it to the 15th floor and pasted Sasha, his secretary. She smiled nodding that you were able to go through so you knocking lightly and walked in.

You saw Joshua and a man in a suit that was sitting in the chair. Joshua greeted you and as you got closer you saw who it was. Adam.

"Y/N! I'm so glad you could make it! This is Adam" he said as you walked closer. Adam had a smile on his face and held out his hand.

"The pleasure is all mine" he said to you and you smiled and said hello, holding back giggles. You sat in the seat and felt like a schoolgirl with a secret.

"So as you know, mr. driver has asked for you personally" he said and you agreed looking at him, he side eyed you but looked at Joshua fully.

"Now this may seem weird and all considering you are only managing a small twitter account for Marco at the moment" he continued and he looked at Adam to finish.

He cleared his throat before speaking. "I've talked to my personal manager and he felt I should explore new platforms to Reach my fans, and considering my  fanbase is around the age of 15-25 I should be on some sort of social media platform. So I did some searching and found this agency, asked for a list of potential people and there qualifications. I found your name and saw your history, and despite being given other offers I decided I wanted to give you a try" he finished looking fully at you. You smiled at his response.

"Well, I appreciate you choosing me. Did your manager have a platform you wanted to start on?" You started and turned to Joshua "and do we have the paperwork for everything to be set up today?" You sounded professional and put together. You could sense Adam was looking at you.

Joshua spoke first "yes we have everything ready and we have reached out to twitter and Instagram for his verification and it's all set once Adam decides what he would like to have access to first" Adam nodded and looked at you.

"I feel Instagram is the best place to start first" he began "I have photos in an office waiting and we have the setup ready in the office on the 18th floor with some photos and ideas, we can sign the paperwork and begin today if you're willing" he said with a look of focus and seriousness on his face. You smiled.

"That is a wonderful idea. I am more than willing to start this today and get your first post out there and get you some attention" you said smiling. He clapped his hands together before standing up and shaking Joshuas hand. He reached for yours to help you up.

"Well, miss. Y/L/N, shall we?" He asked.

"Yes, we shall" you said taking Adams hand and standing.

Love at the end of summer~ Adam driver X readerWhere stories live. Discover now