Chapter 19

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After the group of vampires had left all those weeks ago, Edward had returned to his previous disinterested in Mia.

She wondered if she missed the way he had acted on that night. Shaking her head she tucked away that silly notion and decided she preferred an Edward who wasn't as irritating as usual.

Since then, Edward would disappear at random times without mention and return in a foul mood, muttering things to himself, twitching violently, starting arguments with inanimate objects that had gotten in his way, it was all rather bizarre.

Mia was trying to read a book at the dining table but his incessant foot tapping was rather distracting.

She had peered over her book just in time to see him reach for something across from him, but instead coming into contact with a ketchup bottle that proceeded to fall over.

"Stupid fucking—

Mia slammed her book onto the table and closed her eyes, exhaling loudly.

When she finally re-opened her eyes she found Edward studying his nails then buffing them, in a bored manner, on his coat.

"Edward" she had caught his attention.

A look passed his face, probably shock due to the fact that she was directly addressing him in private, before he sneered at her.

"What?" The tapping restarted.

"What the bloody hell has gotten into you?" She narrowed her eyes at him.

"Excuse me?" He seethed, "what gives you the right to—

"I don't have time for your mind games Edward, you will tell me and you will do it now" she raised a brow, crossing her arms and leaning back in her seat.

Edward clicked his tongue, remembering how Adrien had said something similar.

"In order to play these... 'mind games' I would actually have to spend time with you, which, believe it or not, is something i would rather not waste my time with" he drawled.

"Edward I will ask you one more time," she leaned forward in her seat, he swallowed, "what is going on?"

He sighed, figuring he could not escape this he decided to give her a small peak into the situation.

Not large enough to make it personal, but large enough so that she would be satisfied and finally leave him alone about the situation, which she had done very well with up until now.

Edward had been going to see Bella these past few weeks, he was a little on edge because of some 'personal issues' they were having.

"What personal issues might they be?"

"I don't know—just random stuff, i suppose" he wasn't fooling Mia, nor was he fooling himself, for that matter.

"Do you want my whole life story?" He sarcastically questioned when she stared at him, unblinking.

She was rather open to a discussion about what had gone so wrong in Edward childhood that made him so— cold. She assumed it was minor father issues for a while but quickly realised Carlisle seems to be a rather perfect father figure.

She simply waited for him to continue.

He sighed and rubbed the bridge of his nose, "I don't believe i feel the— same, you could say" was all he said.

Mia furrowed her brows, "your feelings towards Bella?"

He simply nodded in shame. Now it was his turn to wonder what had gone so wrong in his life that led him to this exact moment.

"Thats... a big 'personal issue'" she blew out a breath, "I hadn't known you two had um—gotten back together" she pursed her lips.

"Mhm" he offered.

"Well, I suppose you could talk to her?" She supplied.

"What are you really thinking, Orion" he raised a bored brow knowingly, he prepared himself for a full fledged discussion on his relationship with Bella.

Mia considered for a moment before clicking her tongue and clasping her arms in front of herself.

"All I will say is this; you can barley stand to be in a room with her without having the urge to kill her and you brought Victoria into her life. With that being said you are a danger to her— not just for those reasons, no. But for many other reasons that I wont dive into. You leaving her life will throw Victoria off of her track and allow her to move on to live a normal human life. Am i correct to say that your initial love towards her was the reasoning for you not harming her purposefully?"

He blinked away his shock and nodded slowly.

"Well, if you do not feel the same how will you control your blood lust? Especially with a scent that strong? I suppose these aren't the only reasons, you should also consider the fact that she believes you are in love with her, the further you draw out the relationship, the more it will hurt" She finished off with a sigh.

Edward considered her reasons as he traced the outline of wood on the table with his eyes. He was silent for an unnerving amount of time, Mia reached her hand out towards his but he snatched his back unintentionally. She curled her hand into a fist and pulled it back, dropping it at her side.

"Just consider it" she breathed in a small voice, exiting the tiny kitchen.

Instead of considering Bella he sat and considered Mia.

She was getting rather comfortable and was breaking the routine Edward has set up to ensure this wouldn't occur.

Yes, he would have to tell her soon.


Edward had eventually considered Mia's words about Bella and he had gone on to then end the relationship between him and his human lover.

He had felt a bile in his throat before he got the words out but after he finished speaking it felt as though a weight had lifted off of his shoulders.

Edward had explained how he was scared of hurting her, this time he was honest.

She was rather understanding and Edward suspected that she believed he would eventually return.

His suspicion disappeared when he left her home and smelt wet dog.

Jacob Black.

Jacob lifted his shoulders trying to seem superior towards Edward.

He never would be. His height deluded him into somehow believing he was stronger than Edward. Better.

"Cullen" Jacob had spat.

"Black" Edward nodded.

"Hows Bella? I bet I could—

"She's all yours" Edward said as though he had gotten rid of a trinket that was of no use to him any longer.

Giving Jacob a pat as he walked past, he studied his hand and wondered wether or not a hand was really necessary.

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