chapter 13

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Mia had arrived at Forks high school in one of her foul moods.

Edward wasn't speaking to Bella or going anywhere near her for that matter meaning that he was easily irritated.

She was quite glad that Edward decided to 'fuck all' and discontinue his normal life. He had stopped coming to school and for 6 hours a day Mia was rid of him. Although he continued to mope around the house like a hormonal teenager.

Mia had found Edward eating her ice cream that morning, inevitably leading to their 5th and final argument of that morning.

"Edward have you seen my—

She stopped as she found Edward pausing halfway through his bite of her ice cream. Her sweet, delicious ice cream.

"What are you doing?" She dropped her arms lamely to her sides.

"Eating" he shrugged, shoving a spoonful into his mouth.

"Careful you might get—

"Ow fuck!" Edward said, holding his head.

"A brain freeze" she sighed.

"And you didn't tell me that before?"

"I was trying to warn you but you couldn't just wait, no. You had to eat right away—

"Are you calling me fat? Because honestly if anyone is gaining a few pounds its yo—

"Me? Well excuse me for being busy babysitting a man child—

"Babysitting? I'm perfectly capable of taking care of myself you little—

"Enough!" Mia spat.

Edward fell silent but continued to feed himself spoonfuls of ice cream until she sighed.

"Look," she clicked her tongue, "I'm going to school and you," she made a point of snatching the ice cream tub from his hands, he narrowed his eyes at her, "are going to go out, get a new ice cream tub — which you wont eat, and then you will fix your bloody attitude"

"Okay mother" he mumbled with a mouthful of ice cream.

She huffed and left the house.

One upside (if you could even call it that) of the Cullens discontinuing school was that Jessica and her cult had decided to re-take notice in Mia.

This is why Mia was now sitting down during lunch listening Jessica compare her two recent dates.

"...But his hairit's so soft, you know? God it's so hard to choose" Jessica ran her hands through her perfect hair.

Her friends gave her supporting pats and murmurs of her being too good for either of them, Mia simply sat there.

"You okay Mia? You look a little pale." Jessica commented, bringing her hand to Mia's forehead.

"Yeah, I'm fine" Mia brushed her hand off and Jessica shrugged.

"She could pass off as a Cullen" Lauren snickered.

"So not funny" Jessica commented rolling her eyes at Lauren and giving Mia a tight mouthed smile.

The rest of the day continued much like that and Mia felt like taking a brick and repeatedly smashing her head into it every time she heard Jessicas' voice, needless to say she was grateful when the last bell indicated that it was time for her to return home.

Just as she reached her car a small hand gripped Mia's wrist and she turned around to see none other than Bella. Mia looked down at her wrist as Bella let go, giving Mia a small smile as an apology.

"Bella" Mia nodded.

"Mia" she tried imitating Mia's nod but it was considerably more awkward.

"How have you been?" Bella pursed her lips.

"Fine" she said flatly, "you?"

"Been better" Bella gave a false chuckle.

"Right" Mia nodded, wanting nothing more than to slip into her car and drive home.

"You were turned?"

Mia paused and considered, "yes" she finally said as she shoved her hands into her pocket.

"Edward wouldn't turn me" she mumbled.

"It's not a matter of choice, Bella."

"So I've been told"

"Is there a point to this interaction?" Mia drawled.

"No- I mean yes but—

"Get on with it, one would think we were past formalities"

Bella was silently considering.

"Have you seen Edward?"


Edward had, in fact, gone out to get more ice cream. Not for Mia but for himself. He had finished his tub of ice cream and wanted another, it tasted putrid but the numbing pain of a so called brain freeze distracted him from Bella. Mia had been naive to think that he wouldn't also eat this tub of ice cream.

He had also decided to get more coffee, again, not for Mia but because he wanted to try it. He noticed they were running low on it.

Once he finished his shopping he got into his car. His mood had considerably improved as he had been out of that godforsaken house for the first time in what felt like months.

He had just got done putting the groceries in their rightful place when an angry Mia burst through the door. Usually it was him who did that.

He did not want to be on the receiving end today so he made an attempt to escape but his efforts were proven futile when on the way up the stairs he bumped into Mia who whirled around to face him with narrowed eyes.

"You!" She poked his chest causing him to sway a little, "you ruin everything" she annunciated each word.

"You have made it a routine to tell me, yes." He rolled his eyes and took on a bored tone.

"I mean,"

She continued her rant not paying his words any mind.

"Seriously! I can't even get rid of you at school—

"I don't go to school anymore—

"That's exactly the problem! Your little girlfriend wouldn't stop asking me questions—

"Who? Bella?" He asked with urgency.

"Yes, Bella! How many sodding girlfriends do you hav—

"What did she say?" he grabbed her shoulders.

"Something along the lines of—

"No, what are the exact words she said" Mia took a moment to pause and think, "come on Mia" he shook her shoulders, "think"

"That's not the point! The point is—

The creaking of the front door opening caught both of their attention. Mia narrowed her eyes into slits.

"You got lucky this time, Edward" she whispered harshly as she turned on her heel to march up the rest of the stairs.

Edward sighed and made his way downstairs to find an uninvited visitor.

who are you? -- Cedric Diggory x Edward CullenWhere stories live. Discover now