chapter 11

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Sometime early in the following week, before the birds started humming their melodious songs, Edward had moved in.

Mia was oblivious to this because;
(1) she thought he was joking.
(2) she was engrossed in one of her favourite books.
(3) Edward had made no attempt of greeting her or mentioning the fact that he was moving into her home on this particular day, his explanation of 'next week' was very vague.

Mia reached across her side to grab her coffee cup that sat on her bedside table and attempted to drink the coffee only to find that there was no coffee in the cup. She placed her book down and took her coffee cup to be refilled. Even though the coffee tasted worse than it had before, Mia still wanted to continue some sort of routine for some normalcy.

She walked past her living room where Edward sat along the dark furniture and—


She walked back and took a double take only to see Edward staring blankly at her.

"Are you waiting for something?" He inquired, she was silent until she realised he was serious.

"Maybe a hello would be nice? You are in my house after all" she commented.

"Our house" he corrected.

She rolled her eyes, not having enough energy to argue with him. She walked past the living room and into the kitchen to set another pot of coffee to brew.

While it brewed Edward tried starting what Mia could only imagine to be conversation.

"What are you doing?" Edward asked.

"Making coffee" Mia spoke while pouring the freshly brewed coffee into her cup.

"Yes I can see that," he clicked his tongue.

"How observant of you"

"But why?" He said, choosing to ignore her comment.

"Why what?" Mia furrowed her brows, pouring the last few drops into her cup and turning to face a confused Edward.

He felt as though he was talking to a child, perhaps to him she was a child.

"Why are you making coffee? Vampires don't quite enjoy anything except blood."

"Yes, I have gathered that, Edward" she took a sip of her coffee and placed it down on the counter, "but I enjoy a routine. At least I have that" she finished off.

He made a grunt of acknowledgment.

Edward turned on his heel, planning to leave but Mia's voice stopped him, "see that wasn't so bad"

He turned around to find Mia tentatively sipping her coffee trying to hide her grin behind the coffee cup.

"What wasn't so bad?" he asked skeptically.

"This" she motioned between the two, "we can talk without arguing, perhaps we could even hang out?" She tested her luck.

He looked taken aback. No scratch that, he looked like he wanted to do some stunt rolls in a James Bond kind of way or seriously injure himself, but the little wheels in his mind started spinning and he abstained from hurling himself out of the nearest window. Instead he found the most Edward-like way to reply.

"I wouldn't take it that far" he sneered, "don't get used to this" and with that warning he left the kitchen.

"I think that went as well as it could, don't you Aries?" Mia asked her cat, taking another sip of coffee. Her cat innocently looked up at her and purred, nuzzling her owner's leg affectionately.


"Anddd done!" Mia said as she carefully placed the last card on her castle made from cards.

Mia had nothing but time on her hands since she was turned, this resulted in her partaking in useless time consuming activities. Today's activity was castle-card making. She had seen it once in a muggle movie and was keen to try it ever since.

She was quite proud of her creation and was just about to grab her camera to take a photo of her achievement when the front door slammed causing her card-castle to fall gracefully.

She made a sound of irritation just before going to see who caused this. Sure enough she found Edward furiously taking his coat off, his arm seeming to be covered in blood.

"Edward?" She tried, cautiously approaching him.

"What is it, Mia?" He said not facing her and instead throwing his coat on the coat rack.

"What's happened? Is everything okay?"

"Yes mother" he gave her a sharp look, "everything's fine, go back to knitting"

"That was actually yesterday's activity" she mused, "today I was working on my card-castle before you rudely—

Mia stopped when she noticed Edward glaring at her.

"Erm- you're right, not the point" she gave a breathy chuckle.

He rolled his eyes and walked past her.

"Where have you been? I didn't hear you leave earlier."

He didn't reply.

She followed him halfway up the stairs when he finally stopped and turned to face her.

"If I answer your question will you leave me alone?"

She nodded enthusiastically.

"Fine" he huffed, wiping his face with one hand, "We were holding a birthday party for Bella, this is her blood and—

"Oh my Godric!" Mia exclaimed, "you ate Bella?" She looked mortified.

"What? No we didn't eat Bella" He huffed in irritation.

"Oh" she chewed on her lip, "right, yes that's— okay"

"Is that all?" He tapped his foot impatiently

"Yes I suppose it is," Mia said after a moment of thought.

He turned around only to be stopped by Mia again.

"Yes?" He asked with a clenched jaw, still not facing her.

"You ruined my card castle" she mumbled.

"Your what?" He asked in disbelief, turning to find Mia's face full of pure disappointment. He would've found this amusing if not for his current situation.

"My card castle, when you slammed the door it fell" she wasn't sure why she was sharing this piece of information with him.

"To hell with your bloody card castle! I almost killed my girlfriend and you're worried about a card castle?" He turned around and muttered unintelligible things under his breath all the way up to his room until the shrill slam of yet another door echoed throughout the house.

"So much for progress" Mia rolled her eyes as she returned to packing up her card-castle.

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