chapter 8

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Edward left his home just as the young Malfoy heir had arrived. He had been walking through the forest, unsure where he was headed. He hadn't had a moment to himself, with him awkwardly running into Mia but also Bella, following him around like a lost dog.

Edwards' thoughts were loud, consuming his every sense. He stopped and found himself in a place that was only his and hers. The meadow.

The sun was shining down on it and the flowers had grown in. There were vibrant purple petunias covering the entirety of the field. The grass was un-cut and wild, reaching above his knees.

Edward walked into the field and he could see his skin glowing from the corner of his eye. He stepped further into the field, with each step the grass and flowers sinking, he laid down and the surrounding grass covered his shimmering self. He closed his eyes and let the sun seep into his skin.

"Catching a tan?" Bella chuckled, awkwardly shoving her hands in her pocket.

"Hm" he replied to Bella, not acknowledging her.

Edward could feel the grass next to him sinking indicating that Bella was sitting next to him. He peered through hooded eyes to see what she was doing, she was staring down at him, smiling. He couldn't help but smile back. This was good, he needed a distraction.

Edward lifted his hand to her cheek, using the back of it to trace her cheekbone, Bella took this as an invitation to press her lips onto his. The kiss was deep, full of longing. Before Edward could comprehend it, Bella was moving her mouth to his neck, latching herself on like a leech.

"Bella" he choked out, uncomfortable with the unusual interaction between the two.

Bella continued, unwavered by his hesitance.

"Bella" he tried.

She wouldn't stop, the blood lust got too much for him and he shoved her until she hit the ground with a smack.

He was shocked with himself, he scrambled off of the floor and moved towards Bella's limp body, but she stood up and took a step back from him, almost as if she was afraid. He wished he could just hear what she was thinking, it would be so much easier. 

"Bella I—

"No" she blurted out, holding her hands in front of herself, "Sorry I— it's my fault, really," she said, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear.

It was, though Edward was too polite to say it. Instead he just stood there, silently observing Bella.

Bella pursed her lips numerous times, a trait Edward learnt she did when she was thinking.

"What are you thinking about?" he studied her closely.

"I should be getting back" she gave him a tight mouthed smile and avoided the question.

"Here" he held his hand out to her, "I can walk you?"

"No" She paused and took in his offended expression, she sighed and continued, "I just mean I'll be okay on my own, I'll see you soon?"

He nodded as she left him alone. Again.

Edward ran his hands through his hair and a throaty growl came out of his throat.

"Fuck" he hissed at the air.

Seeing as he was fed up with nature, he began his journey home.

The journey was supposed to be a small one, he wasn't expecting any distractions making his reflexes work faster when one did arrive. Edward was by the lake, just west of his house when he heard leaves crinkle behind him. He snapped his arm out and found that a certain vampire had interrupted his peaceful walk.
Mia was struggling to breathe. She was gasping out for air and Edward made no move to indicate that he would be letting go of her throat anytime soon. She was perhaps a foot above ground. Mia slapped his arms until he finally dropped her, she messaged her throat and heaved for air.

"Don't be so dramatic, vampires don't need to breathe you know" Edward commented, irked.

"Sorry Mr. Know-it-all I'm not quite used to the idea of zero oxygen just yet" Mia challenged.

He sighed and reached out a hand towards her, she reluctantly took it and without looking at her he lifted her up quickly and ripped his hand out of her grasp. They stood there for a few minutes listening to the water rush down the nearby lake and the birds singing in the distance until Edward broke the silence.

"Were you stalking me?"

"Was I  stalk— Merlin, you have a big ego" Mia scoffed.

Edward simply shrugged his shoulders, still not meeting her eyes.

In a moment of boldness Edward asked, "Who's Cedric?"

The question caught Mia off guard and she gaped at him, "What?"

"Cedric? You called me by that name twice" he mumbled.

"He's no one" she tried to sound as nonchalant as possible, her eyes drifting away from him, remembering a time with quidditch and butterbeer.

"Really? He didn't seem like no one—

"Will you just drop it? It's going to be near to impossible living with you" she huffed.

"No one asked you to," he replied, his tone set in stone.

"Esme did—

"Only because she had to, you know how she is," he grumbled.

Mia felt quite guilty, that did sound much like Esme.

"Well" she paused not knowing what to say next, "I have my own home, it's not like I'm homeless, you know. I could always live there" she wasn't sure what she was trying to prove to him.

"Great" he breathed, his jaw clenched, "go on and do it, you would be doing all of us a favour"

She was completely baffled at his hostility, "you know what? I bloody will" she walked off with purpose.

He allowed himself a small smirk of victory for his plan actually working. This was however, short-lived when his foul mood returned and he kicked a rock. He made his way back home awaiting the earful from Esme about this.

who are you? -- Cedric Diggory x Edward CullenWhere stories live. Discover now