Chapter 1

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3 years since she had lost Cedric.

2 years since she had lost Sirius.

1 month since she had lost Remus, Tonks, Snape and Fred.

Mia orion was only 17, she shouldn't have to go through this. No one should. She felt as if she was living the same day over again. She almost felt like she was drowning. People told her that she was fine, though, she came to realise people don't know all that much.

Mia reminisces about her past beauty, she had a light in her eyes and bounce in her step. The person who is looking back at her in the mirror today looks ill. Her skin clings to her bones, her pale face barely shows sign of life, her eyes are now a dark shade of brown and purple bags surround the frame of her eyes. Her lips are a pale shade of pink and a small piercing covers the right side of her button shaped nose. She uses her boney, fragile fingers to trace her face. This can't be her, she refuses to believe it. She runs her fingers through her black silky hair, it looks just as lifeless as the rest of her does. She grips the ends of the sink with her left hand and turns the faucet on with her right.

She splashes the icy water onto her face and wipes it off with a towel. She slowly grabs her tooth brush and brushes her teeth, even that feels like a chore. She leaves the bathroom and returns to the isolation of her room.

Mia had been in forks for a week and the only thing that peaked her interest was the rain. She believed it reflected her new self, in a way. Always cold and alone she supposed.

She slumped down in her seat and turned the car on. Instant warmth filled the car.


She can check freezing to death out of her many ways die before reaching school.

The drive to forks high school is long and slow, She realised that she was exceptionally early when she noticed that the parking lot was almost completely empty except a black Volvo in the corner of the lot. Is everyones car here that flashy? she hoped not. You see, Mia Orion had the same shitty green jeep since her sixteenth birthday. It wasn't a major issue when she was in the wizarding work because driving wasn't a main form of transportation, but she supposed it might matter here in the muggle world. She started fidgeting and picking at her horribly polished nails. Half scraped black polish now covered them. She fiddled with the rings on her fingers and her hair tie loosely hanging from her wrist. She spared a glanced at the clock in her car and only 2 minutes had passed, she still had 28 minutes to go until it was an acceptable time for her to exit the car. she chanced a looked under the seat of her car - satisfied that she stashed a copy of wuthering heights under the seat.

"Whatever our souls are made of his and mine are the same"

She quickly put the copy down, seeing a crinkled smile and Hufflepuff robes behind her eyes. She didn't realise how long she was staring at those 12 words until she heard chatter, she looked outside her car windows to see that cars had parked either side of her, pleased by, this she grabbed her bag and swiftly exited the car. She didn't know the procedure for muggle schools so she assumed she had to go to an office to get her timetables and the sort. She walked aimlessly around the outskirts of the school until she found a sign that read 'head office'. Convenient. She walked inside and was appalled at the amount of yellow that covered the walls of the office. She narrowed her eyes and surveyed the rest of the room, there was a desk in the centre of the room with a pointed lady behind it.

"Excuse me?" She hesitated, placing her hands on the desk and pulling them off, continuing this until the rather plump lady looked at her.

she settled on resting her hands on the desk, one atop the other.

The office lady pushed her glasses down to the tip of her nose and eyed Mia, in a quick move she smiled flashing her bright teeth.

"Yes, hello darling" she said in one of those overly nice voices.

"Erm - yes hello" Mia shuffled closer to the desk keeping her gaze on a point above the women's shoulder, she mustered up up the most believable smile.

"My name is Mia, I'm new I suppose, yes new." She mumbled, "What is the procedure for this? See I'm from—

"Ah yes London!" The plump lady finished off cheerily in a fake British accent. Mia rolled her eyes finding this happened more than you would think, "My, we have had 2 new students this month, one from Phoenix just came in a few weeks ago and now look, here we have one from London!" she mused. "Well, here's your timetable and a map of the school" she said handing Mia two bright yellow pieces of paper so bright in fact she had to squint to read them.

She wondered if she would be suffocated by the cheeriness of it all.

She sincerely hoped Mia would have a good day and then motioned for Mia to leave because classes were starting.

who are you? -- Cedric Diggory x Edward CullenWhere stories live. Discover now