chapter 5

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3:15 am, is what Mia's clock read. She got up, still in a sleepy state. The first thing she did was rush to the bathroom and throw up her granola bar from yesterday. She felt sick. She evaluated herself in the mirror and splashed her face with cold water, deciding she wasn't sleepy anymore. She got her toothbrush and aggressively brushed her tongue to try and get the throw up taste out of her mouth. Once she was happy with what she had achieved she headed down stairs and started to heat up some left over lasagna from merlin knows when. A sudden ringing began in her ears, a sound she has come to know as her door bell. Muggles make the worst contraptions. She was just about to twist her door handle when she realised, it was 3 am. She stood very still for what felt like hours until she heard a soft voice cast 'Alohamora'. The door squeaked open and the moon light peaked through the tiny gap.

"Mia?" A voice whispered

She then swung open the door to reveal one of her favourite red heads.

"Georgie!" She squealed throwing her arms around the Weasley, he stepped back with her still attached to his neck and steadied himself.

"Hello, Orion" he spoke into her hair

She realised now that they were standing on her porch in the early hours of the morning so she unwrapped herself from him and gave him a smile. Seeing him reminded me of Fred, he too looked ill, she frowned at that. Mia invited him inside and he sat himself down on her couch, his face now serious. Mia sat herself across from him, when it he looked up she could see tears rolling down his face. Mia moved as close as she could and let him cry into her shoulder.

Mia rubbed comforting circles on his back, repeating 'I'm so sorry'.

The rest of the weekend was spent trying to occupy their minds, Mia had dyed his hair a nice shade of brown and wrecked her bathroom doing so. Soon the weekend had come to an end and George, who seemingly forgot to bring a portkey had to be driven to the airport.

It was 4:30 am on a Monday morning when they reached the airport that was an hours drive from forks. They had said their goodbyes and promised to see each other as much as they could and soon enough, Mia was alone again. She entered her car, the nostalgic smell of the airport was comforting. She glanced at the clock which now read 5:00 am and stared her journey back to her home. She didn't get much sleep during the weekend which caused her to feel a bit drowsy, the fog that usually sat during that hour was thicker than usual, causing her to only be able to see blurs of cars that passed by. Mia turned on the radio and started humming along to the songs that played.

About 20 minutes went by before she heard the screech of car tires stopping and the air was sucked right out of her lungs. It wasn't in slow motion like it happened in the movies, it all went so fast. Pieces of glass grazed her skin and she was being tossed around in the air. She felt her legs crush followed by a warm liquid oozing down the top of her head. The liquid tangled itself into Mia's hair. Slowly she stared losing consciousness, she felt like she was underwater. She was floating somewhere, feeling euphoric.

"Mia" a voice growled

The voice snapped her back from her euphoric state, it was Cedric. Was she finally in heaven?

"Don't go, j-just breathe okay?" his voice was shaky

She tried responding but no words came out.

"We have to take her to the hospital" he sucked in a breath and spoke as calmly as he could.

"There's not enough time for that!" a feminine voice argued.

"Carlisle, do something!"

"You're not going to like this" another voice interjected.

"You cant, there has to be something else" he pleaded.

This couldn't be heaven, too much pain for that. Suddenly she felt a burn in her neck. Was this hell? Her own personal hell.

"She's going to be fine, just get her out of here before someone sees" the voice Mia believed to be Carlisle spoke.

Mia opened her eyes, squinting, her vision still blurry. She could see Cedric's face full of disgust. They were running incredibly fast, everything around them moved in a blur. Suddenly she drifted again, back to the water.

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