chapter 4

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The next week went by in a blur. Mia's days consisted of the same thing, sleep, eat, go to school, eat and right back to sleep. It was honestly becoming repetitive at this point.

Last week after her encounter with the pixie girl, who's name turned out to be Alice, none of the Cullens showed up to school again. Mia liked to believe she had imagined the whole ordeal but Bella's existence reminds her that it was, in fact, real. Mia was constantly thinking about excuses as to why the Cullens stared at her like she was a ghost and she has now come to the conclusion that they have some weird fetish for new girls.

It was a particularly cold morning, foggy and rainy, Mia grabbed her rain coat and threw it over top of her black long-sleeve shirt. She grabbed a granola bar and her bag, leaving her home. She sat in her car, for just a moment she breathed in the cold winter air and forgot. Forgot about Cedric, Fred, Sirius — just everything. That was until her hand accidentally hit the horn and she was broken out of her trance. She huffed out an angry breath and begun the journey to school.

Mia slipped into her normal seat in English, next to Jessica. Jessica continued on, giving Mia details on her and Mike's second kiss and Mia put oo's ahh's where they fit appropriately. The day went by fairly quickly, no sign of Bella or the Cullens through out the day, that was until lab.

For some reason Mia's maths class was now to filled and they had to put her into lab, something Mia never really enjoyed. She supposed if it was anything like potions she might do okay. She was pretty early and there were only 3 or 4 other students chatting amongst themselves when she entered the classroom. Mia found and empty seat at the front of the class and sat there. She rested her arms on the desk and hid her face in her arms. Before she could comprehend it she had drifted off into a deep sleep.

A male voice awoke her, her professor starting the class. She got up quickly and flattened her hair with her hands and wiped the sides of her mouth where it seemed she had drooled. It wasn't until her professor, or teacher as muggles like to call it, told them to partner up with the people they were next to, did she notice who exactly she was next to.

It was the same boy she had seen in the hallway, so she didn't imagine it? She was so busy staring at him in disbelief that she didn't catch what their instructions were. He looked up at her, nonchalantly, she couldn't read the expression on his face. He pushed the microscope towards her with unnecessary force.

"do you want to go first?" He said through his teeth, not looking at her.

She nodded not trusting her voice.

Mia and Edward worked quietly and well during the majority of the period. Only sometimes he caught her staring at him in awe and narrowed his eyes. He seemed to be less friendly than she had remembered, he was making sure to stay as far away from Mia as he possibly could on their small table, only looking at her if he needed the microscope. Mia had realised somewhere in the midst of all of this that Bella mentioned she was in lab once.

Mia spun around in her chair and waved at Bella. Bella simply pursed her lips. Mia sighed and turned her head and continued to work. The bell rang and she left the classroom, finally able to breathe, the upside of her hand was filled with tiny marks due too repeatedly pinching herself, not believing how identical Edward was to Cedric. Just as she was about to leave something caught her wrist in a firm grip. She turned around to see Edward staring down at their hands, he quickly dropped Mia's wrist and shoved his hand into his pocket.

"You dropped this" he said holding out her paper that I was working on in class

She gave him a stiff nod and grabbed the paper, shoving it into her pocket.

She noticed Bella was standing intently beside him and she tried her luck, she gave Bella another smile which she didn't return. Mia pursed her lips and turned around, pushing through students to leave the building.

That night Mia woke up in a cold sweat, she couldn't recall what her dream was, only that she was in a state of panic. Mia opened her drawer on the right side of her bed and found some dreamless sleep left over from last year. She quickly downed it and laid back in her bed. Mia couldn't help but feel like someone was watching her. She turned her head towards the window and surely enough she could see the figure of a person standing there, Mia grabbed her wand from under the pillow.

"Who's there" she breathed, training the wand at the figure.

"Lumos" she muttered, only to reveal her cat perched up on the side of her window. Mia clutched my chest and smiled.

"Come here pal" Mia motioned for her cat, Aries, to join herself on her bed. He happily obliged and laid himself down beside her. As she was drifting off to sleep she thought she saw Cedric in the corner of her room, she rubbed her eyes and looked again but he was gone. She wanted to believe it was a dream or that she was hallucinating but the bottle of dreamless sleep told her otherwise.

who are you? -- Cedric Diggory x Edward CullenWhere stories live. Discover now