chapter 3

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Mia didn't want to blink, she couldn't. Sadly her human instincts failed her and she blinked, just for half a second and then the dashing 'Edward Cullen' was gone. She shook her head. Where did he go? Merlin, she thought forks was driving her crazy to the point of hallucinations. Schizophrenia is now another thing to add to her long list of mental issues. Mia reached into her pocket to grab her phone (a useless muggle contraption) to check the time. Shit. she realised she only had 20 minutes left of the lunch hour. Mia quickly grabbed her things from the floor and shoved them into a nearby classroom, one perk of being a witch? She can just make them re-appear. She sped down the hallway and out of the building, she looked around and found a small hut which read 'cafeteria'. She sighed a sigh of relief and entered the building. It was an assault to her ears, chatter here and there and not to mention the blinding light. Mia squinted her eyes and made her way past students to the actual food part of the cafeteria.

"The food here looks...appetising" she mumbled to herself while twisting her face in disgust

"Tell me about it" a feminine voice whispered

Mia jerked her head to the side to reveal a pale girl, she was awkwardly small and had brown hair that reached down to her waist, she was wearing a brown leather jacket, turtle neck and jeans. Her jacket smelt of some type of cologne and she scrunched her nose at that.

"Bella" the girl awkwardly smiled.

Ah yes, so they meet.

"Mia" she grinned introducing herself.

At this Bella smiled back and Mia picked up the most appetising thing she could see, a green apple. When Mia turned her head she could see Jessica grinning ear to ear and earnestly waving her down. Mia menuvered her way through the sea of students and sat herself in an empty seat between Jessica and a boy who had hair sticking up in all the wrong places.

"Mike" he smiled and wiped his hand on his pant leg before putting it out to Mia

"Mia" she gave him a close mouth smile and held her hand out elegantly.

She had forgotten she didn't need her pureblood etiquette classes to help her here so she quickly took his hand and gave him a firm shake.

He held on for longer than necessary and once finally out of his grip Mia wiped her hand down on a napkin. Jessica then continued to introduce Mia to her friends, Angela, Eric, Tyler, Mike — who she had already met, and Lauren. They all gave Mia polite smiles and murmurs of greeting, she smiled awkwardly back. Mia felt so out of place. While they were talking about the latest gossip Mia was sitting there picking at her apple.

"Your not anorexic are you? cause that would be like a problem" Jessica said sticking her nose in the air

"No" Mia spoke in a calm manner, she crossed her legs and sat tall raising a brow at Jessica.

Her mother used this trick on her when she used to misbehave in her youth and apparently it worked because Jessicas stuttered a sorry and went back to her conversation.

A few moments later Bella joined them and Mia perked her head up giving her a smile, Bella seemed to be the only normal person in this school.

"Too good for Cullen today?" Lauren sneered

Bella mumbled something incoherent and went back to sloshing food around in her tray. Mia tapped her with her elbow and gave the girl a small smile, one Bella was grateful for.

While the group sat and ate they failed to notice Edward Cullen walking in, keeping his eyes locked on Mia. Edward heard Mia laugh and he shook his head and looked straight ahead to the table where another four pasty people sat.

"I- im gonna go, okay?" Bella pursed her lips and gave Mias arm a squeeze, Mia smiled and nodded.

Mia turned her head in the direction Bella walked towards. On that table sat four pasty people, they all looked like they had been carved from gods. One in particular caught her eyes. She had pixie like hair and pointed ears, she was absolutely beautiful but that isn't why she caught Mia's eye. She was staring at Mia wide eyed and they locked eyes. The girl quickly averted her gaze and moved her mouth so quickly Mia almost thought she imagined it. As soon as her mouth stopped moving the rest of the Cullens turned their gaze towards Mia briefly and then in a swift motion got up and left.

The rest of Mia's day was boring to say the least, no bumping into dead-ex-boyfriend look alike's and no pixie like girls staring at her. Finally the day came to an end and Mia sat in her car and let out a breath she didn't know she was holding. She turned on her car and exited out of the parking lot. When she finally reached home she landed face first in her bed. Turning on some music she drifted off to sleep, her head clouded with thoughts of a certain Hufflepuff.

who are you? -- Cedric Diggory x Edward CullenWhere stories live. Discover now