chapter 10

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The promise was short lived.

It had been less than a week since Rosalie's promise to Mia and here she was looking at the walls that were supposed to have chipped wallpaper on them, fully intact taking on a shade of black.

"Rosalie!" Mia growled.

She made her way down the rest of the stairs and was shocked to find all her old furniture had been taken away.

"Surprise" Rosalie chirped, sneaking up on Mia from behind.

"My furniture!" Mia gasped sadly.

"Oh come now, no one will miss those beaten up ancient pieces of—

"I prefer the word antiques" Mia said through gritted teeth.

"Well whatever they were, you have these amazing new couches instead" Rosalie squeezed her shoulders.

Mia stood gaping at the black leather couches, there was a brown coffee table in the centre of the room and a large chandelier hanging from the ceiling. She noticed her tv appeared to be missing.

"Don't you think you're taking this whole vampire thing a little too seriously?" Mia questioned, "my house looks like the inside of a bloody coffin"

"A stylish coffin" Rosalie smirked.

Mia sighed rubbing the bridge of her nose "yes, fine" she sighed, "it looks just lovely"

"I knew you would love it!" Rosalie gave a girly squeal, "now lets talk about your kitchen because that thing is—

"No!" Mia blurted out to quickly, "I just meant" she dragged out the last word, trying to form some sort of excuse, "we need more options"


"Yes! You know me, options, options, options" she laughed nervously, "we cant just buy the first thing we see, we have to look at other furniture and make sure its exactly what we need"

"You're so right" Rosalie snapped her fingers.

"I am?" Mia asked, "I mean, yes. I am" she nodded.

"Now you go on, and I'll meet you this weekend, I have school this morning so sadly I can't today" Mia said as she led Rosalie out of the house.

"But me and Emmet are going to Africa this weekend, people think we're supposed to be going to college so—

"Even better! We will have more time therefore more options" Mia insisted, now standing on the porch with Rosalie.

"Alright, I suppose that works" she gave Mia a hug and Mia allowed herself to smile.

"I'll be back in a few months, call me if you need anything at all okay?" Rosalie gave her a smile.

"I will. Now go and pack" Mia chuckled.

With that Rosalie left and Mia raked her hands across her face realising today was Friday. She puffed out an angry breath and head back inside to get dressed.


School was somewhat bearable that day and Mia was finally returning back to her home. She was just about ready to sit and watch tv when she remembered that along with Rosalie's decorations, her tv had been taken elsewhere because it 'messed with the aesthetics' as Rosalie had said.

Mia leaned her head back onto the back of the couch and sighed for what felt like the 100th time today.

"Mia" a voice spoke from across her.

Mia jumped at the voice of her unwanted visitor and turned to find a rather confused Edward.

"What is it with you Cullens and showing up unannounced" Mia clutched her chest.

"It's a fun past-time we all enjoy" he dawdled.


"No, it was sarcasm" he rolled his eyes at her obliviousness.

"Sarcasm is the lowest form of wit Edward Cullen" she teased, he simply looked bored.

"Well then" she clasped her hands together, "get on with it, I'm sure you're not here to judge my intelligence"

"Actually that's exactly what I was here fo—

"Edward" Mia warned, giving him a sharp look.

"you really are no fun" he shook his head, "i have something to discuss with you, its about Victoria" all traces of humour left his face.

"Was she the American vampire? The one who's been obsessed with trying to kill Bella?" Mia recalled.

"Yes, her."

"Go on"

"With James dead and Laurent running shes alone. Her being alone means shes reckless, especially since shes seeking revenge, not just filling her thirst for blood."

"And what does this have to do with me?"

"Im getting to that—

"Yeah? Pausing for dramatic effect really isn't helping you get to—

"Mia, this is serious your life is at ris—

"And why do you care? You've made it pretty clear—

"Mia I'm not here to argue!" He shouted

The room fell silent and Mia swallowed.

"Since you have decided to be so difficult—

"I was only stating the fac—

"Im not going to give you a choice in the matter, expect me next week" Edward said walking away from the living room.

"For what exactly?" Mia was forced to get out of her seat and follow.

"I'll be moving in" Mia opened her mouth to reject this idea but he beat her to it, "before you get into one of your moods—

"Oh, I'm the one with the mood—

"I have already tried to convince everyone else to take my spot but they have rejected, your attempts at trying to fight this are fruitless."

"But I could—

"Don't flatter yourself Mia, you aren't that desirable amongst the Cullen family" he quiped, shutting the door on a rather angry Mia.

She took a deep breath and marched up her stairs into her room, she sat down on her bed and closed her eyes. Since her magic wasn't present and she couldn't occulude so, she did the next best thing. Meditation.

She thought of a lake with still waters, in that lake it was dark and filled with secrets. Her secrets. She decided to pluck out every single one of her memories of Edward Cullen, the most selfish and egotistical git she had every met, and shove them into the lake. Never to be seen again.

She opened her eyes to find that she was just as annoyed as she had been before.

Stupid fucking vampirism.

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