chapter 12

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Mia had spent the entire night in her room, afraid she would run into Edward and spark yet another useless argument between the two. She wasn't in the mood for that.

It was a slow Saturday morning. This was the one time she wished school would arrive sooner.

Mia knew she couldn't stay locked up in her room all morning, so she decided she would finally head out. To do what? That she did not know yet.

She threw on the first clean pair of clothes she could see and sped to the front door. She might have missed it if she hadn't forgotten her purse, but when she turned around to retrieve it, it was then that she saw it.

Her card-castle. Sitting there, tall and undisturbed, as if the events of yesterday had never occurred.

She couldn't stop the grin that took over her face, just like she couldn't stop her feet from leading her to Edwards' room.

She knocked three times before she came face to face with an irritated Edward who was contemplating if shutting the door on her face would be beneficial or not.

"Hello," she beamed.

"Yes, hi" he shook his head and sighed, massaging the bridge of his nose.

"Is there a reason you felt the need to interru—

Edward's sentence was cut short as gentle arms wrapped themselves around him, engulfing him in warmth.

Edward instantly stiffened and leaned his head back from the bird's nest that Mia referred to as her hair. He wasn't sure what to do with his arms, so he let them hang awkwardly at his sides.

"Mia" he started cautiously, "what's.. this" he scrunched his nose in distaste.

"A hug" she mumbled into his chest.

"Yes, I know, but what for?" He wanted nothing more than to burn the clothes he was wearing after this rather sudden affectionate interaction.

"To show my gratitude"

"You know" he slowly peeled her off of himself and held her arms between his index finger and thumb, "usually, when people want to show their gratitude, a simple thank you always suffices."

"Right, yes. Thank you," she pursed her lips, "for the cards"

"I know what for" he rolled his eyes.

"Is that all?" He arched a brow, impatiently sighing.

She nodded.

He gave her a parting nod and shut the door.


The Cullen's home was quiet, but Alice's head was not.

Alice had dropped her plate as a vision swarmed her mind.

Alice found herself in a small kitchen, staring at a certain brunette.

"Fuck" Mia hisses as she drops a pan.

"What?" Edward storms into the kitchen, he looks around the small area in alarm until his eyes land on Mia.

Alice thought this was a look she often saw him giving Bella but she couldn't be sure because as soon as Mia turned to him his face moulded into one of irritation.

"Did you burn yourself?" Edward scoffed.

"What does it look like?" She narrowed her eyes at him.

"How did you even—

He gasped as a realisation hit him.

"What?" She asked. He didn't answer. "What?" She probed, holding a spatula threateningly to his face.

"You can't cook," he snickered.

"I can cook bloody well—

"You" he poked the spatula teasingly, "cannot cook"

She smacked his chest lightly with the utensil and huffed. It was then they both realised how close they were.

They seemed to be edging closer to one another—

Alice couldn't be certain now would happen next. Her vision ended.

She needed to get to Mia's home.

Alice walked past the forgotten broken dish and stumbled out of the home. It was still too bright to be able to run all the way there. She picked the car closest to her and sat in it. Driving at a rather unsafe speed.

The ride was longer than she had anticipated, and she feared she wouldn't make it in time. As much as she loved Mia, that chapter of Edwards' life was supposed to be over. He had promised.

Alice paused in front of the home. Listening for anything at all.

"Fuck" she heard Mia hiss.

Alice hurriedly ran through the house and into the kitchen.

Another vision seeped into Alice's mind. This time, however, Edward and Mia were arguing,
Alice had changed the future. She was pleased with herself.

"What?" Edward stormed into the kitchen looking rather alarmed.

His gaze fixated on Alice and he composed himself.

"Alice" he greeted.

"Hello, Edward" she gave him a curt nod.

"Mia" he nodded in her direction, "you okay?"

"Yes," she looked between the two Cullen siblings, "I'm fine, I just burnt myself" she shook her hand in the air.

"Here let me—

"No!" Alice interrupted him, creating some distance between the two.

Edward stopped abruptly. He furrowed his brows at her.

"I'll get it, since I'm here" she guided Mia out of the kitchen, her hand placed on her lower back.

"Alice" Mia greeted, finally taking notice in Alices' urgent state.

"Hello" Alice said, sparing her a glance.

"Was there something you needed?"

"No" Alice shrugged nonchalantly.

Although Mia's interactions with Alice had been nothing short of amazing, she still didn't feel as comfortable around Alice as she did with the rest of the Cullens.

"Is there a reason you came here?"

"No" Alice shook her head while guiding Mia into a seat, "I was just passing by and decided to see how things were going" she said as she bent down and took Mia's hand in hers, applying a bandage atop her burnt finger.

Mia scoffed, and Alice raised a brow, encouraging Mia to further elaborate.

"It's been horrible, if I'm being honest" Mia gave a breathy chuckle.

Alice nodded, suppressing a grin.

who are you? -- Cedric Diggory x Edward CullenWhere stories live. Discover now