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look, i didn't want to have to do this,
but there's been some recent activity
on here that i do not appreciate!!

as much as this is an entirely public book available to anyone who wishes to read it, it's still my book and therefore my responsibility to monitor its activity. with that i mind, i ask you to be mindful as you engage with this community.

this includes, but is not limited to:
1. using appropriate language.
i'm not saying you can't swear (you can totally
swear) but i will absolutely not tolerate ANY
slurs or derogatory terms. it's not okay in
any other part of the world, including the 
internet, so why would it be okay here? 

2. being kind to others.
do i really have to explain this? please just...
don't be mean. it's not cute. it only makes
people feel like shit and really, it makes me feel
like shit having to get in the middle of an
internet fight. if someone has brought up
or shared a sensitive topic, assume it's
something they don't want to be penalized
. it's not your place to undermine anyone's
feelings, especially on a finn wolfhard fan fic. 

. . .

i know that 99% of you can act responsibly and i thank you for that. but i had to say this for the 1% that can't. if you can't follow simple etiquette, and let's be real, if you can't act like a decent human, this is not the space for you. and if you notice someone who has acted indecently in the comments and i have not taken it down yet, PLEASE (!!) either mention it under the comment or message me privately.

thank you (^з^)

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