i → pilot.

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the 3 pm school bell rang simultaneously as my locker door slammed. i was never really able to grasp the idea of high school— to others it's a place to learn, talk about other people, and maybe make some new friends. to me, it was simply a place for young minds to rot. 

i looked to my right and saw  some of my old friends from elementary school talking and laughing. it'd be nice to have some new friends, but sometimes i don't know who to trust, and speaking from past experience, friends can get really into your face sometimes. i wasn't always like this, lifeless and negative. i used to make plans with friends, and ditch classes to go climb abandoned buildings and stuff like that. it was great, i guess. but it was only until eighth grade that they started to do things i definitely wasn't into. who am i kidding? i thought to myself, drugs. they do drugs. 

i zipped my backpack and threw it over my shoulders, snatching onto my hair and pulling it in the process, i winced at the sensation of my hair getting yanked out. i started towards the door and successfully made it through the school without getting noticed by somebody else. i hated that.

as i unlocked the door to my house, the aroma of y/f/f enveloped me.

"oh hi, y/n. how was your day?" my mother asked from the kitchen. my mother and i never really had a healthy relationship, but i still love her i guess. when i was very young, my dad left us. although, he was never really my dad. i think that's why my mom is this way.

"fine, i guess. nothing changes day-to-day,"

"which means?"

"i don't know," I mumbled as a reply.

i clambered up the stairs to my room, trying not to bump into the wall since my bag weighed a million pounds. i finally sat down at my desk and took out my phone. i had quite a few instagram followers. most of my notifications were just reminding me that the people i followed were going live. i went to my feed and scrolled down for a few moments until i saw something that caught my eye. two of my old friends with a tall boy. i don't know what it was, but something about him intrigued me. 

he had loose dark brown curls that fell just on the top of his eyebrows, dark brown eyes, and a few freckles on his nose and his cheeks. he was extremely good-looking— every one of his features fit him perfectly. I scrolled down to the caption. It read: "so happy i got to see my husband ❤️ love you bubba @finnwolfhardofficial"

ok, first of f what 16-year-old has a husband, and why does his username have an "official" in i clicked on his tag and saw an array of posts pop up on my screen. i saw his followers. 9.2 million. i almost choked. why am I surprised? i should have known he wasn't just a regular boy. he seemed different than the other guys. i unconsciously started to grin widely. what was i thinking, a celebrity? i dismissed the thought and put down my phone, starting to conquer my soon to be piles of homework, just after i clicked follow on his profile. just in case.


w/c: 776

okay soo hi if you actually read this because to be honest i have a feeling nobody is gonna read this but if you liked it and you want more chapters then i guess you can just leave a comment on this post (:

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