ii → the plan.

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i banged my head on my bed frame as i turned off my way-to-early alarm. saying i'm not a morning person would be an understatement. i rubbed my eyes, removing the crumbs in them while slowly gaining consciousness. i got out of bed slowly, making sure i wouldn't trip over the junk on my floor. i hadn't got to bed too early yesterday, and waking up before sunrise sure wasn't helping the situation. i got ready in 10 minutes and headed downstairs to see my brother, nick. i entered the kitchen, not watching where i was stepping, and stubbed my toe on the bottom of the counter.

"SHIT SHIT SHIT SHITTT," i screeched.

"good morning to you too, finn." my brother said sarcastically. I hopped on one foot to my brother and picked up a piece of toast.

"we have four hours," i said out of nowhere.

"excuse me?" my brother said with his eyebrows raised.

"the flight. it's at 9, don't you remember?"

"oh yeah, i forgot about that," he said, "it's gonna be nice to be back in canada, even if it's not vancouver," my brother said smiling me and messing up my hair.

"i guess i'm kinda homesick." i said.

"c'mon, kiddo. let's go," my brother said before heading towards the front hall.

·゚: *

a text popped up on my phone. woah, someone actually texted me. i picked up my phone and saw that it was one of my old friends that i lost connection with, evie.

hi y/n we haven't talked in a while

uh ya how are u?

i'm good. why did we stop talking again?

something about your boyfriend

oh ya, brandon. that jerk! i broke up with him. i have a new crush now ;)

some things never change, i thought to myself.


finn wolfhard <333

wait finn wolfhard?

ya u know, stranger things?

oh ya, i know him

great, actually i have some passes to comic con. u wanna come with?

I had nothing else to do, I don't think my mom would mind.


i'll pick you up at 2:30, be ready

i have never been to a comic con, and evie is not the kind of person that just goes to comic cons for the sake of it. why would she want to go? i came to a moment of realization, finn. he was gonna be there, wasn't he? 

·゚: *

"once again ladies and gentlemen air canada flight 1017 to toronto is continuing to board at gate 49," the lady on the speaker exclaimed. i had been on a lot of flights, which means a lot of airport visits. which also means a lot of fans. i had been followed by 6 camera crews until security, and been stopped twice by so-called 'fans'. i really do appreciate them, but sometimes they don't understand that 1, I want a private life, 2, my job isn't to stop and take a picture with you, and  3, my brother isn't a professional iphone photographer, either. 

"you okay?" my brother asked me with worry in his eyes.

"yeah I'm okay," i lied. i lie to myself all the time, it's an easy way to get out of feelings you don't want to admit to yourself, or in this case, my brother, nick. the truth is, i get some anxiety. i like fans and comic cons and all that stuff, but I don't like the cameras and all of the eyes on me. for once, i would like the eyes to be on someone else. but i don't think that will ever be the case.

i stepped into the large tunnel that connects the plane to the airport. i was immediately surrounded by people and suitcases. with my brother following me, i boarded the plane and found my seat. to my brother's surprise, i managed to lift my carry-on into the cabinet above me. it was a 4 hour flight, which was okay since i don't like long flights at all. i took a seat and buckled my seatbelt, mentally preparing myself for comic con. it's not that i felt nervous; actually, i wasn't anxious— it was the sensation of adventure, and it tingled down my spine. 


seven hundred twenty-nine words


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