xii → royals.

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(i mention barfing in this but like not detailed but still, i guess i should give you a fair warning 🤷‍♀️)

·゚: *

I woke briskly in an environment that smelt of blood and latex gloves. Then, everything came to a quick stop, causing vomit to crawl up my throat and expel through my mouth onto what I now knew was on the floor of an ambulance. From what I could tell, a paramedic hovered over me and took off my oxygen mask.

"Finn? Can you hear me?" she asked in a sweet tone.

"Yeah." I coughed and looked down at the floor, "Sorry about your floor,"

"That's alright," she chuckled, "that's the least of our worries right now,"

"Then what is?" I stupidly asked, she must have put some anesthetic on me. Or, I'm just stupid.

"You were hit by a car, Mr. Wolfhard," she looked at her clipboard, "minor injuries to your spinal cord and your right hip," she looked back at me, "I'm expecting speedy recovery from you, Finn. You'll probably be out of the hospital in about 3 or 4 days at the most,"

"My brother-" I began.

"your brother knows about everything that's happened, and he's meeting you at the hospital," she said, then smiled. "So is your girlfriend."

I looked to my other side, "well I wouldn't really call her my girlfriend-" but now the nurse was at the front of the ambulance, obviously leaving me to think about y/n, so I did. 3 or 4 days at the most? I need to leave to Vancouver in two days. That would mean-

I get to stay here a little bit longer,

that is, as long as I don't recover in the next 2 days.

2 days isn't that hard.

"she isn't my girlfriend, yet." I finished my sentence quietly and then grinned to myself.

·゚: *

"Is Finn Wolfhard here yet?" I jumped up out of my chair and asked the hospital secretary for the fourth time, "spelt f-i-n—"

"No, miss. When he's here and settled in, I will invite you into the room," she verified.

"Oh ok, I'll-"

"That is, if he actually knows you. We'll have to ask him if he wants to see you first, darling."

"What? But I-"

"It's just the way it works, sweetie." she finished. A small red button lit up and buzzed before she got up and walked down a very long hall. My leg started to tap when I started to think about what could have happened if I didn't ditch class. Would I ever see him again? That is, before he leaves back home. Wait, he needs to leave back home soon. When did he say again? Did he tell me?  My head perked up when I saw the secretary come back from the very long hallway.

"Follow me, he wants to see you." she said briefly. So I followed her, down the very long hallway, looking in the open doors of other patients. Some hooked up to machines, others in hospital gowns, and one, with a familiarly sweet smile painted on his face when I did make eye contact with him. He was all hooked up like the others, he was all dressed in the pale blue hospital attire, but one thing- no, two things were different;

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