xxv → oh, silly goose!

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𝖈𝖔𝖚𝖑𝖉 𝖎𝖙 𝖇𝖊 𝖙𝖍𝖆𝖙 𝖘𝖍𝖊 𝖜𝖆𝖘 𝖗𝖎𝖌𝖍𝖙 𝖓𝖊𝖝𝖙 𝖙𝖔 𝖒𝖊.




I THOUGHT IT WOULD BE EASY TO SLEEP TONIGHT, but apparently after all this time, the fact that I'm running away with my boyfriend and his brother has just reached me. i've felt guilty ever since we left vancouver, mostly because i've made finn and nick leave their lives behind, but also because i've left my life behind. my mom, i can't imagine how she must feel. worried? angry? or maybe she doesn't feel anything at all. 

i wasn't supposed to be born, after all. i'm just lucky she didn't get an abortion. 

"you're not awake, are you?" i whisper in hopes that finn is still awake, but also in hope that he's having a better night's sleep than i am. there is no answer, and i sigh and stare at the ceiling.

"i'm awake," he answers and i get startled, "actually i haven't fallen asleep yet, but you dozed off for a bit so i was quiet," he says looking at my startled face, "oh i scared you, i'm sorry."

"no no, you didn't. i'm okay," i reply, "what keeps you up at this time of night--er, morning?" i correct myself when i see the clock reads 2:55am.

"do you want the truth or what you want to hear?"

"that's a stupid question, i want the truth always."

he sighs, "okay, well," he starts, "i'm really worried about you. you haven't really said much since we've got here. and i'm scared that the happy, smiley y/n is somewhere i can't get to."

i look at him, "she's still in there. this is just a lot for me to smile off right now. how do you do it?" i ask.

he looks confused, "how do i do what?"

"stay calm. like, i found a fucking handgun in that drawer which is now 6 feet away from us."

"i'm just thinking about how things could've been worse, i guess," he says, "not everything needs to be a negative, yunno?"

"no, i don't," i remark, "and i know i sound all sad and depressed but really, i don't know."

he chuckles, "we could use that gun."

"what?" i say, in even more shock than before, "you wanna fucking use the gun? on who?"

"haven't thought about that part yet, it's not like we're carrying it around or anything."

"you have a wild mind, huckleberry. sometimes i wonder what's going on in there." i mess up his already-messed-up hair.

"lots of things, y/n, lots of things." he jokes.

or at least i think he was joking.

i bury my head in his chest and decide that i probably should go to sleep now, and that finn probably should too.

"you guys done talking? cause it's fucking 3am and i want some sleep!" nick yells from the other bed, and finn and i share a laugh.

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